Well, it really has been a long time since I've updated. Almost a year I believe. I'm really sorry for that. I started university and I was in a different country, so it took a while to get used to. Then my laptop crashed and I had to get a new one.

Oh well. Such are the woes of life.

Anyway, I'd like to thank ichigirl21, AizenLover529, Jazzy-Monster-5955, Ghostpainter, Silver Wolf, Caitriona695, Riena, clarit and bchiles for reviewing. They mean a lot to me, you have no idea. Thank you to everyone who Alerted and Favourite-d this story.

This is one of my 'technical' chapters. Not much action but a shit load of talking involved. I figured that is was a good place to do what this chapter does, you'll see why. (Plus I owe you people)

Warning: Strong language, some OOCness, violence/gore, sexual content.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. I'm a poor student with fantasies.


Aizen watched silently as his men brought out body after body. He should have seen it coming. He should have known that Xcution would have been killed off. Yet a part of him believed that he would finally get the upper hand on Grimmjow and get his revenge on the man for all those years ago. From just glancing at the bodies, he could tell that no mercy was shown. But what could one expect from the man whom commanded some of the most dangerous people in the world.

The people Aizen was supposed to control.

"Aizen-sama, if you keep standing there, the blood with ruin your new shoes."

"I thank you for your concern Gin but that is the least of my worries at the moment."

The fox-faced male strolled up beside him, cradling a pack of jelly babies in one hand. "From what I can tell, some of the bodies were hard to identify but the numbers match up so I'm guessing that all of them were killed. Only that old dude was done in first. Found his heart in a potted plant in the hallway. There were two sets of tyre tracks but they disappeared somewhere in the forest so I can't trace where they go to."

The Las Noches leader said nothing. Not only did he have no hope of finding the Espada again, he had just painted a large target on himself. Aizen was, for the first time in a decade, was unprepared for an attack and had no idea how to even go about it.


Ichigo was slightly annoyed with the amount of time he'd spent in a vehicle over the last twenty-four hours. The drive to the Espada base took them over five hours to get to, only due to the fact that Nel and Tia felt the need to constantly race each other from one side of the town to another. It didn't help that they were being encouraged by Nnoitra and Yammy.

When they finally arrived, the oranget had to admit that he was surprised by the sight. The place wasn't hidden away in a forest like the Xcution headquarters nor was it underground. Instead, it sat on the edge of a cliff, overlooking Las Noches Bay. A majority of the building was glass which Ichigo would've of found slightly unnerving if not for the high white walls that surrounded the house.

As they drove through the gate and up to the garage next to the entrance of the house, there stood a man with pink coloured hair in a lab coat. His arms were tucked behind his back and he was motionless even as the wind filtered through his hair. Once they had parked, he strode up to Grimmjow's side of the car and opened the door.

"I've missed you Grimm-kitty", he purred as he latched himself onto the shut-call's arm.

Ichigo taken back by the action and threw Grimmjow startled look. While he wasn't the type of person to be jealous over a man he wasn't even with, he wondered if this pink haired male was the shut-call's usual bedding partner. Despite the fact that they were sort of together(ish), it was only common courtesy to inform someone if they already had another.

Grimmjow barely spared the scientist a glance as he began walking into the house. "Szayel, is my bath ready?"

Szayel cuddled in closer, one of his hands trailing up and down Grimmjow's back. "Yes; and I've laid out your favourite food. Shawlong is here as well."

As they both got closer to the entrance of the house, more people filed out, each branching off to various Espada members. But not before bows their heads respectfully to Grimmjow as he sauntered through them. Ichigo stood, bewildered at was happening. In the span of a few seconds, these people went from the most dangerous in the world to a bunch of spoilt brats. They each had no less than two servants on each arm, leading them into the house.

"Kurosaki-sama?" The oranget glanced up at his name to see a tall, young man with blond hair bowing before him. "My name is Yylfordt and I have been assigned to be your attendant during your stay with us. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your room."

Nodding, Ichigo trailed after the man silently, wondering why on earth the Espada had servants or attendants or whatever they were called. Why would anyone want to serve a bunch of murderers? Were they being threatened to be there? Judging by how delighted some of them seemed when they went to their respected Espada member, he guessed not. A part of him felt lonely at the thought. These people were feared across the world and yet they still had individuals who cared for them. They had a place to come back to at the end of the day while the oranget couldn't stay the same place two nights in a row. Anger replaced the loneliness. They weren't supposed to be living a life of luxury. They were supposed to suffer as he was.

"We're here", the blond said as he gestured to the door. "Kurosaki-sama, I have been instructed by Jaegerjaquez-sama to bring you to him room in two and a half hours. Please be ready by then."


With that the Yylfordt bowed once more and continued down the hallway. Ichigo stared after the man before entering the room, looking forward to a much needed bath.


Time passed quickly and the next thing Ichigo knew, Yylfordt was knocking on the door. The walk to Grimmjow's room was longer than he expected. Unlike the Xcution mansion, there were a limited number of doors and large gaps between them. It was impossible for him to tell what was behind each door or whose room is was, aside from Nnoitra's because he heard the man grunting and shouting explicit words from the other side. The orange haired male wasn't surprised in the slightest the quinto Espada was extremely loud when having sex.

"This door leads up to Jaegerjaquez-sama's room. Have a good day", with that Yylfordt gave another bow and left.

Ichigo watched the man again before pushing the door open. Instead of walking straight into a bedroom like he expected, there was a wide spiral staircase. Hesitantly, he ascended them, carefully taking each step more slowly than needed. A nervous chill thumbed through his body. He wasn't entirely sure as to why. There was no reason to be nervous are the Espada leader, especially after what they had been through over last few hours.

Maybe it was the fact that he was now on Grimmjow's turf. In Fornicarás, Ichigo had no one but himself to rely on. If things turned sour, he was outnumbered. But something like that was never really an issue.

"I see you took your time getting here, Kurosaki."

Ichigo head snapped up. It wasn't Grimmjow's voice that caught him, no, it was the use of his other name that did.

"If I remember correctly, you promised me a fuck when we broke out. This might not be a hotel but it is the closest that we're going to get."

Moving more in the large room, the oranget took a moment to survey the floor. The whole left side of the room looked out over the bay was glass, allowing the mid-afternoon sun to glare inside. Besides that, the walls were white, no pictures or paintings. The bed, or rather what was just a massive mattress was pushed up against the far side of the room, had one pillow and a light blue duvet. While the floor was tiled, there was a fluffy carpet at the foot of the bed.

Ichigo frowned. The room was so bare. It wasn't what he expected. Then again, he never knew what to expect with the Espada leader.

As for Grimmjow, he was seated at the edge of the bed, legs crossed. His hair was wet and tied back. It was strange seeing the man in nothing but boxers, especially after seeing him either fully clothed or naked.

"Is this the part where I run up to you and profess my love?"

The blue haired man threw his head back and laughed. "I'd fucking kill you if that happened."

Some of the tension in the air cracked. "Then are we going to fuck? Or would you prefer if I just stood here?"

"You see Ichi, there will be fucking but that will come later. Much later if this takes too long."

The orange haired male stretched quickly before sitting down on the carpet. "So what is so much more important than a fuck?"

The small smirk that weaved its way onto Grimmjow's face filled Ichigo with terror. The face he was staring at was that of Pantera, the Sexta Espada. As cliché as it sounded, the Grimmjow he was so used to looking at was nowhere to be seen in that expression.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't care how long this takes. We're going to put all our cards on the table right now. You try to back out, lie to me even, you'll never make it pass the stairs if you do."

"Oh?" Ichigo knew this conversation had been coming from that night in the showers.

Ichigo ran his fingers through the carpet as he stared at Grimmjow. During his time in Las Noches, he had gained a small portions of the blue haired male's trust. But this time it was different. Now was the time to see if Grimmjow was really worth the risk.

"Fine then. Where shall we start?" Ichigo inquired as he lowered his guard.

Grimmjow had to stop the victorious grin from taking over his face at the oranget's words. He didn't think that the man who readily agree to talk. Instead, the blue haired male assumed that he might have to torture the kid for information. The thought of Ichigo and torture sent a thrill of pleasure through him. He could vividly remember what they did to that Xcution member. Grimmjow had never seen a sexier sight than Ichigo covered in blood while his face was twisted in bliss.

"Where to start?" The Espada leader muttered as he drummed his fingers on the mattress. "Well, the most obvious question is, what do you want?"

The orange haired male frowned. "I can only answer that when you answer my question."

"You always have to do things the hard way. Fine. Ask your question."

"What is your relationship with Baraggan Lousienbarin?"

Ichigo flinched as Grimmjow released a loud, emotionless laugh. "Baraggan Lousienbarin huh? That's a name I haven't heard in while." He paused and looked out the window for a moment. "He was a guardian slash mentor of sorts."

"A guardian slash mentor?" The oranget's questioned.

The Espada leader kept his eyes trained on the outside as he spoke. "Since we're being honest, I'll tell you. My parents weren't bad people, they got just mixed up in the wrong crowd. Baraggan's crowd. They borrowed money from him and couldn't pay it back after a while. Baraggan is like every crime lord out there. You don't pay the money, you pay with your life. He sent some men to kill my parents. That was when I first used… my 'abilities'. I killed the men and we ran.

"But somehow, every time they found us. Soon, I'd grown so use to killing that it became a game to me. My parents didn't mind obviously because they got to keep their lives. About a month after everything started, Baraggan himself showed up at our shithole of an apartment and offered my parents a deal. In exchange for their lives and protection, he got me. My mother resisted, but I agreed to go under the condition that he'd give me people to kill. That wasn't a very hard requirement for him. He practically had herds of people to kill."

Grimmjow paused as his memories of that day came to the front of his mind. He could barely remember what his parents looked like but he knew that his mother had blue eyes. They were puffy and full of tears as she begged him not to go. Maybe back then, he felt guilty when he left but now, he couldn't feel a thing towards those two people.

"Anyway", he continued. "Once I was under Baraggan's care, you could say that my life had changed quite a bit. For a while, I lived a comfortable life. I saw Baraggan on a daily basis and he took an avid interest in the things I did. He made his men train me in the beginning. Hand-to-hand combat then knives then guns. I did this kind of training every day for a year and half. When I turned eleven, I started having to earn my keep with Baraggan. If I wanted to eat, I had to kill. If I wanted to shower, I had to kill. You get the idea.

"It used to be one person that came at me. Then one day, there were 30 of them. I couldn't beat them all with just hand-to-hand, so I used my abilities and killed them. After that, I only used my abilities. Baraggan preferred it that way. When I trained, it was with Baraggan and his inner circle. They explored every inch of what I could do until they discovered my weakness. My only weakness."

Ichigo leaned forward at the admission. "Your weakness? You actually have one?"

The Espada leader gave him a grin. "Of course I have one. Nobody is invincible. Don't bother asking me what it is because I'll never tell you."

The oranget nodded slowly. "Okay. Tell about your connection with Aizen."

Grimmjow scratched the scar on his chest lightly. "I met Aizen when I was around 14. He was still with the Gotei 13 and was trying to take over Las Noches. Baraggan asked me to try and get information from the man, so I spent a couple weeks in his company. Aizen is a very hard man to get a read on if he knows you're looking. He saw me use my abilities one time when it was time to eat and he became fixated with me. It wasn't long before he made his move. He asked me to join him. He was starting up a group called the Espada and he already had a list of potential candidates to join. He said they were just like me."

"Hold on, Aizen started the Espada?" Ichigo asked, a frown worrying his face.

"Technically yes and every member of the current Espada were on that list. He told me that his plan was that once he had me, we'd track down the others and then take over Las Noches. If you think about it, the plan would have worked. Baraggan is only human and so is his inner circle. There would be nothing he could do against the Espada. I agreed to work with Aizen and he gave me the list. I told him that in a few months I would leave Baraggan and come to him. He believe me and left Las Noches alone until I was on his side.

"In the following months, I took on some assassination jobs to get some cash. Big cash. Baraggan didn't suspected what I was up to until it was the afternoon I left. What made me leave was one of the sex rings he ran. I couldn't care less about what went on in them but he took me with him once. I walked around the place and discovered my mother there, naked and hooked on all kinds of drugs with come leaking out of all her holes. I hadn't thought of her at all since I left. She stared up at me with wide eyes and didn't recognize me. Then she spread her legs and asked me to fuck her."

The blue haired male's lips curled into a snarl as he remembered.

"One of the enforcer saw me looking at her and told me that she ran up a debt to one of the guys in the inner circle and couldn't pay. So they took her and made her a sex slave. All I felt was disgust looking at her. Not because she was my mother, because of how low human would go. So, I decided to do her and every other human in building a favor and killed them. When Baraggan asked me why, I told him I was bored and I was. Aizen gave me an out and I took it."

Ichigo swallowed the lump in his throat. He couldn't imagine what was going on through Grimmjow's head. The man was very passive as he spoke, as if he were talking about a work of fiction. A part of him always knew that the Espada leader didn't live a life like he did but he never would have guessed the extent of it. He never would have believed that Grimmjow had chosen that life willingly.

"When I left, I put Baraggan and a three of his inner circle in hospital. Aizen welcomed me with open arms and while Baraggan was out of commission for a while, Aizen took over Las Noches fairly quick. Then I disappeared, tracking down the Espada while making a name for myself. When I showed up in Aizen's house with the Espada, he assumed I brought them for him. When he realized that wasn't the case, well, let's just say he wasn't pleased.

"So there you have it Ichigo."

Ichigo had pulled himself up into a sitting position half through Grimmjow's story. He was completely overwhelmed by everything he'd just learnt about the man. What the media said about the man was nothing compared to what he actually dealt with. Somewhere in his head, he thought he should pity the Espada leader but he couldn't there was absolutely nothing to pity. He had killed his own mother, not to save her but because he was disgusted with what she was.

A human.

It was then that the oranget realized how different they really were. Despite all his abilities, Ichigo always considered himself a human. Even with all the people he had killed over the years, he was still able to possess a sliver of humanity. Without his humanity, he would have forgotten the reason he became what he was.

But Grimmjow possessed no humanity. He killed when it suited him because it was like a child's game to him. He believed that he was superior to humans. He believed that he was a King.

"Now that you know of my connections to both Aizen and Baraggan, it's time you told me what you want."

Sucking in a deep breath, Ichigo wiped his thoughts as decided to tell the man the truth. "Baraggan Lousienbarin raped and killed my mother."

Grimmjow let out a low whistle at the blunt tone. "You know, out of everything I thought you were going to say, that wasn't it. How do you know it was him?"

"The day my mother was kidnapped, I was with her. The black van pulled up beside us and they yanked her in. There was nothing I could do, I didn't have any of my abilities or Shiro. At the Gotei 13, I gave them all the information I had. The detectives in charge of the case told my father that a lot of women and men across the city were going missing and everyone believed that it was linked to Baraggan but they had no hard evidence to get him.

"Once I'd gotten my abilities, I broke into the station and hacked their computers and printed a list of all of Baraggan's known associates. I hunted each and every one of them down until they could answer my questions. I was 40 names down the list and the Gotei 13 hadn't found any of the bodies which meant that someone was disposing of them for me. But at that point I didn't care and I still don't carry if I leave the bodies lying around."

Ichigo may have had some humanity intact for his goal but not towards these men and women he killed. They could've been innocent to what he accused them of but it was the fact that they had dealings with Baraggan, they didn't deserve to live.

"I'd been hunting down these people for a little over a year when I made a breakthrough. I recognized one of the men, Rudbornn Chelute from the kidnapping and he remember me too, even though it had been a number of years. I took my time with him, testing out my power on various parts of his body until he told me everything. That he worked for Baraggan, bringing in 'merchandise' for him in exchange for getting money and being the one to break them in.

"He began to tell me about my mother. How he fucked her as she screamed for help. How she fought for six months before stopping. He told me how she became unresponsive and all she did was mutter a set of names over and over. Baraggan intervened because he couldn't have 'faulty merchandise' shown to his customers. So he took her and fucked her in front of inner circle. He slit her throat when he came. Baraggan gave her corpse to Chelute who fucked and mutilated her body further before dumping her in the Forest of Menos.

"Chelute shouldn't have told me what they did to her. I made sure that his death was as painful as possible. He begged and apologized for what he did to her but he wasn't really especially after he gloated about it. It's taken me all these years but I've finally found her body and it can be buried at my family's grave."

Grimmjow stared at the orange haired male. "I understand where you're coming from. I guess that if I was as close to my mother as you were to yours, I might have done the same. What I don't understand is, why do you need me?"

"I'm going to kill Baraggan."

A smirk twisted on Grimmjow's lips. Yes, that was the response he wanted to here. If the kid had said, he wanted the Espada leader to kill the old guy, Grimmjow would have killed the oranget. He knew that the difference between him and Ichigo was their humanity. Despite how hard the kid tried to conceal it, the blue haired male saw it when he interacted with his family all those months ago.

"And you need to the Espada to kill him?"

"In essence, yes. Baraggan and his men may be human but he has hundreds of them. I need the Espada to be my distraction so I can get inside and kill him."

"And if I say no?" Grimmjow taunted.

"Do you really think I'd ask for something like that with giving something in return?" The oranget moved forward until he was in between the blue haired male's legs. "I assume you know who Urahara Kisuke is?" The large male gave a curt nod. "I work part-time for him and his lover Shihoin Yoruichi. They both want Aizen and inner circle dead. They've been working on it for years but can't seem to get close. A couple years ago, Tosen Kaname gain some sort control over Yoruichi and she's now his slave. I don't know exactly why Urahara wants Aizen gone but I know some of it has to do with Yoruichi."

"So you're giving me Aizen and his band of pussies?"

"I'm giving you Aizen and Tosen."

"What about Ichimaru?"

"Do you really want to kill the man who's handing you Aizen on a silver platter?"

Humming, the Espada leader tilted his head back. "I guess not, only because he could come in useful in the future."

Ichigo smirked as he watch the other male agree with him. "Now that all over cards are on the table, are we going to fuck now?"

Grimmjow gripped the back of the oranget's neck and dragged him forward into a heated kiss. They nipped at each other's lips, drawing blood and sucking it. Ichigo crawled onto the larger male's lap, grinding his ass down on the large erection beneath him. He'd waited too long for this. The orange haired male wanted to feel that cock pulsing inside him, painting him with come and blood. He wanted to run his teeth along the veins of the Espada leader's cock, sucking him dry with fingering himself.

Ichigo wanted to devour and be devoured.

Drawing back from the kiss, the blue haired male settled his hands on the oranget's hips. "Not yet."

A groan of frustration ripped from Ichigo's throat. "What else could you possibly want to know?"

Chuckling breathlessly, Grimmjow lay back. "Tell me about Shirosaki."

Sighing, the oranget settled himself comfortably on the other man's chest, leaning back on his raised legs. "If I'm being honest, I don't know exactly what Shiro is. He's a part of me but he's his own person at the same time. He 'came' to me not long after my mother was taken. As a child, I didn't understand him. He was everywhere but nowhere at the same time. It took us a while to actually work together. We hated each other at the start but Zangetsu made us get along. I guess that he regrets that now."

"Zangetsu? Isn't that part of your name?"

"Yes but Zangetsu is actually the other source of my abilities."

Grimmjow frowned. "So you have both Shiro and this Zangetsu guy?"

The oranget nodded. "They are two people but they're the same. Think of it like a coin. Shiro is tails while Zangetsu is the head. When together, they're more powerful because they create a new entity. The person they create is Tensa Zangetsu", Ichigo had to suppress a shudder as an image of the man flickered through his mind.

"Tensa Zangetsu isn't only your name but your power as well. Does that mean that you've only been using Shiro and Zangetsu's individually? Why not together?"

"In actuality, they shouldn't be separate. The two of them should always remain as one but they don't. I only use Shiro's half of the power because Zangetsu wouldn't allow me to use his. We have a few domestic issues. I've only met Tensa Zangetsu twice. He doesn't come out very often because he's too powerful. I can't control his power very well. I always feel his presence inside me but that's it."

The Espada leader gazed up at the ceiling running over what Ichigo said. "If Shiro can control your body, can the others do so as well?"

"No, only Shiro can. The reason Shiro calls me King is because I'm the one in charge. I'm the one with a physical body while they are all just extension of me. The first time he took control of my body was an accident. I'd physically and mentally exhausted myself. Not sleeping or eating and using too much of my power. I collapsed and Shiro had to break part of his bond with me to take control. After that, I gave him control more often, so I could spend time trying to work my issues with Zangetsu.

"After Shiro and I made our plan to kill Baraggan, we decided that Aizen was our best chance of getting to him. I found out that he was had links to the Xcution. I made contact with Ginjō and to gain his trust, I told him a bit about Shiro and that I needed him to look after my body for a couple hours on some days."

The orange haired male stopped himself from saying anything else, he didn't want to talk about the incident with Shiro and the Xcution. However, if he wanted Grimmjow to understand him better, didn't have a choice but to speak about.

"When Shiro is in control, he changes parts of my appearance. My skin gets paler along with my hair. My tongue and eyes change colour. I can take my body back from him whenever I want when he's in control but it's very tiring to do so. When I'm in control, Shiro is just a voice in my mind. He feels nothing I feel and I can't feel what he feels when he's in control. It is possible for us to feel what the other is feeling by opening a link of sorts. For example, if I'm having sex, I can make Shiro feel it as well. Combining both our sensations intensify everything as a whole.

"While it might seem like a good thing, it has its down sides. When the Xcution tied down my body, neither Shiro or I had been in it for almost three days which meant that it was practically useless. Shiro chose to be in control and see what was going on. Due our weaken state, he couldn't fight them off. He also closed our link so I couldn't feel or know what was going on. He stayed in control throughout everything and once they untied my body, Shiro used all the strength he had and got us far away from the Xcution mansion. He refused to talk about what happened and disappeared for a while. It was Zangetsu who told me what they did because he and Shiro share part of the same consciousness."

A silence settled between them. Grimmjow tried to imagine what it was like having another person living inside him, even if they were just a part of who he was. When he first met Shiro, he believed that Ichigo had dissociative identity disorder. From what he knew of it, he didn't think that it was possible for another 'personality' to change physical aspects of the body. When the oranget told him about his mother, he believed that Shiro was a coping mechanism, which is why he wanted to know more about Shiro.

After learning more about the yellow eyed bastard, Grimmjow was sure that Shiro was in his own way, a person yet at the same time a 'personality' of Ichigo's. If he had more time, the Espada leader would have wanted to study Ichigo and learn more about him. He'd never met such a fascinating person before.

The oranget shifted on the larger man's lap, laying down on his chest with a heavy sigh. The sun had lowered in the sky, casting a reddish-purple light into the room. Grimmjow thread his fingers lightly in the Ichigo's hair, breathing in his natural scent.

Grimmjow felt a throb in his chest as he realised that as nice as it was being around the kid, he'd have to kill him. Ichigo possessed knowledge about him that only Baraggan and his inner circle knew. Once those ones were dead, the Espada leader needed to kill the oranget to protect himself. It wasn't that he didn't trust the kid not to tell anyone, he couldn't risk being vulnerable with that kind of information floating about.

Ichigo reached up, weaving his own fingers in Grimmjow's long mane and he dragged himself upwards to give the man a searing kiss. It was the slowest they'd ever kissed. Tasting each other, exploring every inch. Grimmjow slide his hands down, gripping those lithe hips that twisted against his own teasingly.

To outsiders, the kiss would have looked loving but it was further from that emotion than anyone would have thought. It was an apology, almost regretful of what they would have to do to one another when the time came. This was their only chance to repent and feel nothing when the time came.


Okay then. I hope that this answers a lot of the questions that have been building up in the previous chapters. If there is anything that you don't understand, feel to PM me or whatever.

All I can say about the next chapter is: sex.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!

Until next time! (^-^*)