The next morning the gang is at the park hanging out.

"Go Tommy," Kim cheers as he steals the ball from Jason.

Kat looks at Kim then at Tommy. I think that maybe I should finish my school year in Australia.

Trini laughs at Jason's face before putting on a blank expression when he turns around.

Aisha is putting her hair into a ponytail when the rubber band snaps. "Ouch; Kim I need to go to the store and get a pack of rubber bands."

Tommy makes the three pointer and walks over to where the girls are sitting. "Next time you girls are playing with us." Tommy happily accepts his water bottle from Kim. "Thanks Beautiful; let us guys relax for a while before you make us go shopping." Tommy lies down on Kim's and his blanket. "I need a massage."

"Uh Tommy is right I am beat," Adam sits down next to Aisha on their blanket.

Tanya rolls her eyes. "Boys tire too easily."

Kim laughs as Rocky pretends to be hurt. "We know you boys cannot last long."

"I for one am shocked that Kim is talking in such a manner besides I definitely do not hear you complaining when we…"

"Gross do not continue," Zack shakes his head.

Jason agrees with Zack. "That is too much…"

Before Jason can finish his sentence, the rangers and ex-rangers feel rain pouring down on them.

"This precipitation is peculiar for today," Billy manages to say before the gang falls asleep.

Kim opens her eyes. When did I come to the park? She tries to rise but sees that her arm is pinned beneath a stranger. Who is he and why is his arm around me? Although he is good looking, he is still someone I do not know. Kim tries to shake her arm free.

Tommy slowly opens up his eyes and sees a pretty girl trying to move his arm. "Uh could you stop that please?" He looks into her eyes. She has gorgeous eyes.

Jason's eyes pop open. Who just said that? He sees Trini lying next to him. "Um Trini why are you on my blanket?" Before Trini could open her eyes or answer, Jason spots Kim and Tommy. "Get the hell of off my little sister!" "We are only thirteen."

That makes everyone open his or her eyes and Tommy stares at Jason. "I have no idea who your sister or you are; all I know is that I woke up here." Tommy looks around. "Where am I?"

Kim gives Tommy a shy smile. "We are in Angel Grove."

"Angel Grove but that is not in Australia," Kat stands up. "Who are you people?"

Tommy stands up. "I have no idea who anyone is either."

Zack sits up and points to everyone he knows. "I know Kim who you were snuggling with, Jason who screamed at you for snuggling with our sister, Billy wiping his glasses, and Trini snuggling next to Jason." "Huh Jason what gives?"

Aisha shakes her head. "Well I know Adam, Rocky, and Tanya." She points them out. "I have never been here before either and neither have my friends or cousin."

"I need to understand why we all were sleeping and why some of you do not know where you are." Billy rubs his chin. "I highly doubt that your parents would let roam around."