Art created by the ever wonderful Bernice Gordon. (tarkheki on devaintart.)
Hey, it's me, and I'm alive! Anyway, here's the last chapter. Enjoy! (Oh, and to whomever it was that reviewed as Guest, and asked for me to email them about Ten Days In Her Word; I don't know your email address. So... if you would like me to talk to you leave a way to contact you in your next review or PM me. ~smiles brightly~ Thanks!)
Shippo's head snapped up from where he was laying in the grass just outside the well. He smiled. "Kagome's back!"
"Kagome?" Sango and Miroku said in union.
Sang looked up at the man confused. "It hasn't been twenty four hours..."
"What if it's a youkai trying to trick us into letting our guard down?" Miroku asked, though he doubted it. All the same, he turned and grabbed the kitsune, who looked like he had been about to take off. "Don't go yet Shippo, it could be-"
The kit's face scrunched up, and he rubbed his nose. "What the..."
"What is it?" Sango asked. Maybe it really was a youkai.
"Kagome... and Inuyasha... they both smell like each other."
"What do you mean?"
"They usually smell like each other and all... but right now it's really strong. And-" He sniffed the air again. "They smell like my mom and pa after their alone time."
Sango turned a shade of red, and Miroku started up a coughing fit that sounded suspiciously like laughter. "They do?"
He nodded. "Yeah..." Suddenly perking up, he smiled. "Let's go get them!"
The fox kit ran off ahead and to the well, the taiji and monk right behind him. They came into the clearing to see Inuyasha carefully helping Kagome out of the well, a small smile on his face as his eye roamed over her. His expression was soft at peace...
Until Shippo crashed his strangely easy going mood.
"Hey! Inuyasha! Kagome!" They both turned, just as the kitsune crashed into them both. He held on to Kagome, ignoring Inuyasha's swearing, and loudly asked, "Why do you smell like Inuyasha?"
The hanyou and miko both looked at each other, turned a bright red, and then looked away. "Well, uh, you see, uh..." Kagome started.
"It's none of your goddamned business, that's what." Inuyasha finished.
"Well, it seems you're back to normal." Miroku stated dryly.
"And how lousy is that!" A voice came from the trees. Everyone turned to see the dark miko from before step out of the shadows. "I mean, really, I put a spell on you for entertainment and you suddenly disapear. Man!" She shook her head, but then lifted her nose to sniff. She blinked, and then grinned. "Though it looks like you and your miko weren't anywhere short of entertainment."
Kagome's face went as red as Inuyasha's robes. Inuyasha turned the same shade, but he covered it up with a growl. "What the hell do you want?"
She sighed. "I wanted to see you all madly scrambling around to fix the spell, that's what. And now it's ruined, everyone is too happy, and I still didn't get a show." She sighed. "Life it cruel. On top of that, you made me fail my test."
"Well, I guess I might as well tell you since your nose seems to not be working against me. At least one of my spells worked." A sudden plume of smoke went up, and when it was gone, a female kitsune was left in the place of the dark miko from before.
Shippo gasped. "You're a kitsune!"
She rolled her eyes. "For one of our kind, you're not to sharp, are you?"
"Nevermind. Well, I'll just be going then. Enjoy your day." She suddenly perked. "Hey, maybe next time I come around I'll hook you two up!" She said, pointing at Sango and Miroku. "Might as well have two pairs of mates, right?"
Both Sango and Miroku stuttered, blushing furiously.
"Well," she said, "I have to be off now! Bye!"
And then she was gone.
"What... what just happened?" Inuyasha asked.
"Apparently," Miroku said, "you two just 'hooked up' as she said."
Inuyasha and Kagome both groaned. "We're never going to hear the end of this, are we?" She asked.
Miroku grinned. "Nope!"
"Hey, leave my mate alone, letch!"
Miroku grinned. "Oh, this is going to be great.."
The hanyou growled, and then launched after the monk, who ran away surprisingly fast for a human.
Kagome went over to Sango with a smile. "Well... it looks like things are back to normal... or as normal as they can be."
"I don't know Kagome," Sango said, watching as Inuyasha and Miroku ran around the well. Shippo said something about the two of them being idiots, and then the kit was the one being chased. "With you... erm, mating Inuyasha... well, things just might get a little different."
She smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right... But I'm glad."
Sango smiled. "Yeah, me too."
Kagome looked at her questioningly. "Huh?"
Sango looked over at the hanyou, and smiled again. "You're good for him, I think."
"Yeah," Kagome said, looking at Inuyasha as well. "We're good for each other."
And so the story is over. Sorry for the rushed end, but Colorado is kind of burning up over here, so I'm really busy and have almost no time for writing fanfiction. Oh well. That and I'm working more on my original stuff than I previously was. Anywho, I hope you all liked it. Please feel free to leave comments, I love them a lot more than is probably healthy. :) Thanks again!