Two Of A Kind

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Summary: Conner was not the only clone to be made at the laboratory, he had a 'sibling' of sorts. Made with the DNA of Superman And Wonder Woman. Yet with an attitude much like Batman, how will the team handle the new addition?

AN: Here's to hoping it doesn't get taken down, if it does I have it posted on the other two sites I have joined, which will have ALL my work in all its glory. The stuff posted here has been GREATLY edited and even some chapters and fics will not be uploaded here due to the TOS. :(


Conner moved in his sleep, a light sheen of sweat dusting his brow as he tangled himself up in his sheets. A familiar dream playing out behind his eyes.

He was groggy, only days old, yet a full formed teenager. He heard light talking as he floated in the cool liquid, a mask over his face pumping air into his lungs. His vision was blurred by the green-tinted water. He was alone and scared. He thrashed about lightly, but finally calmed as something touched him.

It felt familiar, comforting even. He stilled his body curling toward the other person who was in the large tank with him. A sea of black silk clouded his vision as he was pulled closer to a smaller body. He curled around it, pale skin flashing through the curtain of inky black hair.

He caught sight of bright blue orbs boring into his own.

He was safe.


He jumped as he woke up, a loud curse escaping him as his alarm went off. He groggily sat up, smashing the alarm clock and grumbled, "Crap, not another one." Every time he woke up from that odd dream – nightmare – whatever it was, he had a hard time controlling his strength and was usually grumpy all day long.

Hopefully, Kid Flash wasn't going to be too much of a pain in the ass today – though he knew it was unlikely, but he could still hope. With a low grumble, he kicked off his sheets and got up, dressed in nothing but a pair of dark blue boxers and a black sleeping t-shirt and shuffled his way into his bathroom.

He did his usual routine of showering and brushing his teeth. He moved back into his room and pulled on his usual clothes, black t-shirt with the Superman symbol – the closest he would get to his 'father', seeing as the man hated him – and a pair or blue jeans. He ran a hand through his short, still semi-wet black hair and exited his room.

With slow lazy steps, he entered the living room and sat on the couch, ignoring the way M'gaan prattled on and on about something since she was always talking. Yet, he had given up getting too annoyed by it since it only just wasted energy. Instead, he turned her out and glanced at the huge blank screen that was their TV.

He didn't know how much time passed by, but he was pulled out of his thoughts of black inky hair and sky-blue eyes when Robin entered the room looking flustered and upset. He turned slowly to the older boy – technically, he was only two months old – and watched as he tried to gather everyone's attention.

He had no idea when everyone had gathered in the living room, though he simply pushed the thought away as Robin turned to look at them, "We just got a lead on another facility like the one we found Conner in," He paused lightly to let it sink in and braced himself as he uttered his next sentence, "They have another clone, and she has Superman's and Wonder Woman's DNA." He winced as the uproar began.

M'gann gasped and began asking him question after question, none of which he could answer. Wally let out a low whistle imagining how a female Conner would look and then cringed.

Aqualad merely kept to himself, trying to plan out the next course of action.

Conner stilled, a flash of a pale feminine face and bright blue eyes running through his mind's eye. He clenched his fist, not caring he had broken the couch. Everyone turned to him and winced at the fury in his eyes.

"We're going to get her. Now."