AN: This idea just kept popping into my head, it is! enjoy!


Harry winced as his uncle's voice cut through his ears, honestly, you'd think that after seven years the man might have gotten the clue that Harry lived about ten feet from the kitchen and there was really no need to scream whenever he wanted him. Shrugging it off as just another one of his uncle's strange points such as being afraid of street magicians ("Stay away from my family you freak!"), the panic when a family had come to the door on Halloween dressed as matching Merlins, including an adorable little baby with a beard longer than it's body ("Get out! Get out and don't ever contact us again!"), and his inability to recognize Harry's existence when they were in a public place such as the mall ("No, not ours, he's been following us around the entire day, not quite sure where he came from."). So he simply exited the cupboard and walked into the kitchen to see what his uncle needed now.

"Yes Uncle Vernon?"

The man jumped in surprise to see him standing there and glowered, "Your aunt needs you to do the shopping for her, she's too busy planning Dudley's birthday and I don't have the time to drive you to the market so you'll have to walk. Here's the list."

Harry barely managed to stop himself from groaning, the list was extensive and would be incredibly difficult to carry home on his own especially given the bruises on his hands from where he had landed on the school roof yesterday. Although his uncle hadn't seem to have bought his story about how the wind had picked him up and dropped him up there Harry thought it was a perfectly reasonable solution. Of course there was the small problem that Dudley hadn't been lifted up as well but that could be chalked up to the fact that Dudley was quite a bit heavier than Harry and the wind simply couldn't lift him.

"Is that going to be a problem boy?" Uncle Vernon growled with a viscous grin on his face, Harry shook his head quickly; he had a bad habit of getting lost in his thoughts at the most inconvenient of times, usually when he was talking to his uncle or right in the middle of being chased by Dudley's gang. He was relatively sure that it came from being bored- Dudley's gang always did the same thing and Uncle Vernon's anger came in the same stages (annoyed, confused, rage, face color, more rage, calm, drinking). If there was just something interesting that happened he was sure that his mind wouldn't keep wandering. Unfortunately, interesting things only happened around him when his surroundings changed a bit. Horrid sweater- wow, is that thing shrinking? Piers Polkiss found pepper spray in his mothers bag? Look I'm on the roof! Mrs. O'Malley talking about his parents? Her wig really did look nicer in that vibrant electric blue.


Harry shook his head again, "Sorry Uncle Vernon. I'll just get going then?"

The large man just heaved a long suffering sigh, "There's twenty five pounds on the counter, I want all of it accounted for when you get back."

Harry nodded and raced out the door, shoving the money in his pocket as he went, Uncle Vernon had been surprisingly patient this time but that newly found virtue probably wouldn't last if Harry spaced out yet again.

An hour later Harry was walking very slowly back to the Dursley's house. He stopped for a moment and thought absently that perhaps he should call it his house as well, he did live there after all.


Of course, the Dursleys did like to pretend that he didn't live there, thus the cupboard and the lack of pictures.


But on the other hand, he had lived there for most of his eight years of life so by right, it was his house too.

Suddenly there was a bright blue light shining in his eyes and he reeled back in shock.


A strange man in a pin striped suit grinned back at him, "Sorry bout that, you weren't answering, had to make sure you weren't plastic, nasty stuff that living plastic, had to deal with it a few years back. Would you believe-"

"Wait living plastic?" Harry asked, confused beyond belief by the strange man who was now holding the metal tube that had blinded him with the blue light up to his eyes and examining it.

"That's not supposed to happen." The man muttered, pulling out a pair of glasses from his pocket and slipping them on, looking between Harry and the tube in bemusement.

"Excuse me, but um, what's not supposed to happen?"

"You shouldn't have this many lleps particles around you, it's almost like...but that's impossible."

The man had now started lifting Harry's hair up, pushing him at arm's length away from him, measuring his height and for some strange reason pointing the tube thing at his chest.

"What's your name?" The strange man asked, focusing the tube on Harry's eyes again but this time without the light being quite as blinding as before.

"Harry Potter, but what-" The man had started walking briskly away, motioning for Harry to follow him.

"How old are you Harry?" He was now having to jog to keep up with the taller man.

"Eight, who are you?" Harry finally managed to get out.

The man reached down and took his hand, continuing at a slower pace, "I'm the Doctor. And you, Harry Potter, should not exist."