Author's Note: So I've started reading The Lost Hero (I know most of you are probably like 'why are you only reading it now?') and I had an idea of starting a Jeo (Jason/Leo) fanfic. I looked for Jason/Leo stories and I noticed that this pairing isn't really that popular, so to speak. So just please take notice that this story doesn't have anything to do with demigods, gods, monsters, et cetera. I'm placing this in a normal academy-high-school life where the characters of PJATO and TLH are included. No one is dead, everyone is alive, and yes. The story will mainly focus on Jason & Leo but there are other side pairings too like Percy/Annabeth, Silena/Beckendorf, Travis/Drew, and others I am too lazy to mention.

Sorry that this author's note is so long, I just wanted to explain what I am going to alter for my story!

Disclaimer: I do not own the PJATO series nor the Heroes Of Olympus series. If I did, you should all bow down to me for writing such an incredible series.

Chapter One – Meeting One Another

Jason hated transferring, especially when it involved moving to another campus. Because of his father's company, they had to relocate to Long Island, New York for his father, Zeus (heaven forbid, who knows what went through his grandmother's mind that talked her into naming her son Zeus), was the CEO of Voltage, Inc. And you wouldn't say "voltage" as you would normally say it. It was formally and publicly pronounced as vol-TAJ. Why his father decided to changed this enunciation is beyond Jason. But he didn't care about that right now.

Jason hated the fact that he could never have any real friends because of all the moving they had to do. This was the fourth time his father's company's headquarters shifted across the country. At first, its original headquarters was somewhere north of Wisconsin. Then transferred to San Diego, California. Then again moved to Houston, Texas. And now it has moved to Long Island, New York.

Considering it was weird that it moved in all directions of the compass, it irritated his father as much as it irritated his son. The company had became a booming success, and because of the increase in sales and revenue, the company had to locate to a bigger building than just an office space. What the company specialized in was providing the public with the latest in digital technology, and also specialized in providing the most efficient ways to save energy, like providing solar panels and windmills to other large corporations and some local neighborhoods.

Back to the Jason problem. Because of the move, he felt upset that he had to leave his girlfriend, Piper McLean. The two have been lovebirds for over four months now, and before their relationship sparked, he had just moved into Texas a month before he met Piper. As for some of his friends, he didn't care for as much. He never really got to know them anyway, so that was a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders.

His father hoped that this would be the last time they'd have to move because he knew that it had affected his son painfully that he had to leave his first girlfriend just as things started to get serious between them. Guess that wasn't going to happen, and even Jason was expecting that they would never hit it off without an obstacle being in the way.

The tall boy packed the last of his clothing into the last available box that was in his room. He had spent the whole day in his room getting everything packed for two reasons: one, he wanted to get everything over with and two, he needed to be alone. Looking at his father right now was just like looking at the reason of why they had to move. It's not his dad's fault, it's just that the company suggested that it would be great if they expanded it locations, and moving the headquarters to New York gave the company an advantage for all four sections of the country.

As he packed the last of his sweaters, a knock on the door startled him. It practically broke off his concentration. He became a little frustrated as to why he would have to be bothered in a time like this one. He walked towards the door and opened it, beholding his father right on the other side of the door frame.

"I thought I said that I wanted to be alone," Jason bluntly said. He felt guilty for the way that he had been acting towards his father for the past few days ever since he received the notice about the move. It was as if a parade passed by his face holding a banner that said, Hey, you're life's about to be ruined yet again because you're moving to another home and you'll have to leave you girlfriend behind. Happy day! Yeah, he was definitely not in the mood today.

"I know," Zeus began. "I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to check on you to see if you were okay. I haven't heard any noise from up her since last night."

"I just wanted some peace and quiet for me to think clearly about some things," he blandly replied, his voice trailing off after finishing the last two words.

All Zeus could respond with was an awkward nod as he watched and stood there as he watched Jason seal the box, taping the creases together.

"Well, I'll just be downstairs if you need anything. The movers should be here in about half an hour, and there's some snacks in the fridge in case you're hungry." Zeus made his way towards the doorway.

Jason was thankful that he didn't bring up Piper, because if he did, Jason wouldn't even know how to respond, leaving them in awkward silence which would make it more annoying for him to know that he didn't have the words to reply to things that involved his personal life.

"You know," Zeus started as he turned around on his heal. "Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. This new academy that you're going to has great qualities and opportunities for you."

"Oh really," Jason said, "like what?"

"Well, for one thing, the Greek and Roman architecture is absolutely marvelous. Even the pictures on the brochure make me excited for our tour once we get there."

"Fascinating," Jason sarcastically said.

"You should be excited, Jase. This school isn't like any other academy I've ever seen. They even teach classes that I didn't even know existed. There's a weapons-making course, a combat training class, the art of Greek theatre and comedy-"

"What's with all this Greek and Rome stuff? Where are heading to, ancient times?"

"Come on, Jason. Just give it a chance. Maybe you'll make some friends there, friends that will probably stick with you for the rest of your days."

"Yeah, you said that when we moved to San Diego. Look where that got me." Jason pulled up his right long sleeve and revealed the 8-inch scar he had gotten when he had a sparring with a school bully that happened to have a sharp piece of glass sticking out of his backpack and "accidentally" swung it to Jason, which made Jason have no choice but to block using his arm, hence the slicing of his flawless skin. Yeah, it will stick with me alright, Jason thought.

"I have a feeling that this school might be… different. Like something's waiting for you."

"Yeah, for once, I just hope you're positive this time."

The next morning was orientation day and the day that the students had to be moved into their new dorms, and despite the noisy alarm going off, Jason was up fifteen minutes before it rang. It read 6:00 in bold red numbers. The blond laid his casual school clothes for the orientation; a black hoodie with a matching skin tight v-neck, going with his khaki shorts and black DC shoes. His father basically wore his grey suit with matching slacks, black and white striped tie, and black work shoes.

When they both stepped out of their new house, or mini mansion if you would call it, Jason saw his father's fiancé, Hera. Jason didn't know what was going on with his life. It was as if someone just dropped a huge box in front of him and said, Greek is the new lifestyle. Deal with it, and you'll be fine. Hera and his dad had been dating for quite some time. It started back when they still lived in Wisconsin. They met at a local restaurant when his dad was on lunch break.

Jason didn't like her, but he certainly didn't hate her. Part of his liked her because she was what made his father happy since his mother died. Part of him hated her because he felt that she was going to take place of his birth mother, which he happened to have no memory of. Still, it bugged him and he didn't like it. But Hera understood where he was coming from and respected that.

The three got into the car, drove out of the driveway of their new home, and headed to what was known was the Neptune Coast Academy for the Gifted. Jason didn't know what was so gifted about himself, so he ignored the idea.

Unfortunately for the Grace's, they had arrived when all the parking spots had been taken, which made Jason nervous. He knew that filled parking slots means that a whole shitload of people will be inside with piercing eyes to greet them once they entered the stadium's doors.

After a few minutes of dining a spot to park, Jason and his dad made their way towards the entrance of the stadium. Hera went to go and look for the nearest restroom.

When they opened the stadium doors, they were surprised that the presentation and orientation had not even started yet. Apparently the Headmaster of the academy was running late which bought Jason time to go and find a last minute seat before it started. Luckily, there was a row with almost all vacant seats, except for a teenage boy and his mom sitting a few seats from the right side of the room.

As soon as they sat down, the lights dimmed, the microphone sounded, and up came what Jason guessed to be the Headmaster of the campus. He was standing tall and wearing a full black suit and a white tie that stood out instantaneously.

"Good morning, parents and incoming students, new and transfers. Welcome to the Neptune Coast Academy for the Gifted. I am the Headmaster of this fine establishment. You may address me as Dean Chiron. I'm sorry that I've came late, due to the fact that there was a mishap in the staff lounge with the coffee machine. So excuse me if I fall asleep."

One cue, the audience gave out a laugh that subsided instantly. Dean Chiron then signaled us to rise since we are to commence the tour of the campus.

The campus was unexpectedly huge. You could practically get lost the whole day, letting first year and transfer students miss their first day of classes and also getting them lost. Luckily for Jason and all the other students, the academy provided a campus map for guidance.

The architecture was breath-taking. Jason himself couldn't help but gaze upon the stature or the white columns holding up the roof of the campus library, which looked like a miniature replica of the Parthenon. The amphitheater was designed and built to look like the Colosseum, only this one had its full build all around its rim. Aside from the marvelous structures and exteriors of most buildings on campus, there are some that had modern day features like head to floor glass windows to let in all the natural light and all the white. Everything was just pure white, which made everything natural stand out. Smart landscaping feature.

The tour took them almost three hours. They passed by a giant pool know to be as "The Public Bathe". Fountains were located at every sitting area, lounging area, and just about every other building they passed by had a fountain.

As they walked, the Dean explained about some of the classes the academy had to offer. Latin, Greek, and French were some of the required courses students had to take, and it was taught all year round. There was a class where you'd picture a modern day woodworking class jammed with a medieval forgery and blacksmith and you've got yourself metalworking class, and when they say metalworking, they mean dealing with actual metal and making things like swords and what not. But that class was strictly under the carefully watch of some of the strongest men they've ever seen.

Jason was only able to take up so much of this that he needed to sit down on a bench. Luckily they were just about to pass one. He tugged on his dad's suit which alarmed him to look back.

"Dad, I'm gonna sit here for a while, take in some air. The school's just too much right now that I need to take a breather."

Zeus nodded. "Alright, will you be okay?"

Jason waved the campus map. "Don't worry, I can find the entrance."

His dad nodded and continued following the larger group of people. Finally, Jason thought. He had some peace and quiet. Some alone time. All he could hear were the soothing sounds of the water falling into a nearby fountain and the calm breeze rustling against the trees. Well, all was well until he heard running and gasping coming towards him.

He tried not to act too alarm about it, but once he felt hands shaking his left shoulder, it caused the blond to turn his head over and see who was bothering him.

The boy he was looking at was a light brown caramel complexion with a bit of Latino thrown in there. Jason guessed that he was indeed Latino just by the facial features and build of his body. Jason described him as a "Latino Santa's elf" which made Jason chuckle, before he was snapped back to reality where he was being shaken.

"Is there a reason why you're violently shaking me?" Jason asked in a calm voice. The boy retracted his hand and shrugged his backpack onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I was just wondering if you've seen a huge group of people pass by here?"

"You just missed them. I was part of that group. They just passed by that building over there." Jason pointed north of where he was facing, which was where the library stood. He glanced back at the boy, who looked troubled, maybe lost?

"Okay, thank you. And again, I'm sorry if I've invaded you uh, personal space. I'm just lost and this is just such a huge campus and-"

"Here," Jason said as he held out the park map in his hand. "Take this, you look like you need it more than I do."

The raven didn't hesitate to take the map. He gave Jason a cheerful, relieving smile and thanked him.

"Thanks, bro. Are you sure you're not going to be needing this?"

Jason nodded. "Nah, you go on ahead. They're probably just about wrapping up the tour by now."

The boy nodded and started tracking the big group, but paused in place and walked back to Jason. He stood in front o f him and extended a hand, gesturing him the he was about to introduce himself. Jason set his bag aside and stood parallel of him.

"Jason Grace," he introduced. Jason grabbed his hand and gave the boy a firm shake.

"Leo Valdez," the boy replied, shaking Jason's hand for a good three seconds before thanking him once again and running off in the distance.

Jason sat back down and leaned back against the bench, finally being able to hopefully relax until the time passes where he'd have to go and find out where his father was. Jason then thought about the boy. Who knows, maybe he's made a new friend, or just another person who he'd soon let go of in later life. Maybe, just maybe, he was wrong.

Author's Note: I hope I established a good introduction. More to come soon!