The Prince of Atlantis

prologue: little bro

Percy was running through the streets of manhattan tears streaming down his face and the screams of his mothre in his ears when he ran into some one

"hey there little guy you ok"

Percy looked at this stranger and rembered his moms word "never talk to stangers"

"My mommoy told me not talk to strangers 2 percy said through his tears

"well your mommys a smart lady, Hmm my names triton whats yours little guy"

percy didnt like being called little so he said "firts off im not little im 5 and the tallest in my class and my name is percy"

triton laughed at this he liked this kid he had a lot of attitude he reminded him of some one but he couldnt quite place it

"so what you doing out here in the middle of the night buddy"

Percy then rembered why he was in the middle of the street in the freezing cold and started to tear up triton but he gathered his courage and wispered the reason in tritons ear.

AN: (ha you thought i was gona tell you what happened to sally lol suckas)

"that bastard !" triton shouted causing a small earthquaqe

i wonder if he is one of dads demigods, well the only way to find out will be to take him to olympus and see the council triton thought

"say perce would you like to come with me and meet my family"

for some reason percy felt safe around triton so he said "yes i would Mr triton2

"hahaha ha ha just call me triton kid2 and with that he to percys hand and they set of for the empire state building.

1 hour later

triton and percy stoped outside the thrown room (though it was the size of grand central i think( im british so ya no)

"percy i woant you to let me do the talking ok, and rember boe to lord Zues first then the others ok"

"ok" percy replied nervously

triton then pushed the trown room door open.

every one of the olympians were plus lord hades and lady hestia

Percy aproched Zueses thrown and bowed

2triton what is the meaning of this" Zeus bellowed

2 i found him roaming the streets crying his eys out, i believe he is a halfblood"

2what were you doing out at this time of night Child" zues asked Kindly which shocked every one"

"well as you all know today is August 18th my birthday, my mom and me were celabrating the usual way with blue cake and blue Dr pepper, when my Stepdad Smelly Gabe came home Drunk as usual, my mom went to speak to him after a little while they started arguing about somthing and then my mom hit him" at this poit percy was trying not cry as her rembered what happens next

"after my mom hit him he beat her up raly badly so that she couldnt walk, the h-he came into the kitchin and started to hit me, after alittle while he stop and started to look through tears and posiedon was furious

"when i went into the living room i saw gabe tortuing my mom wi-with the knife slowly cuttin bit of her, after hours of this hi c-cu-cut her throat at this point i ran out the door and kept running thats when i ran int mr triton" when he finshed every god inth room including the big three and ares were fueming and every godess in the room had tears in there eyes then somthing hapened that shocked every one posieden shrank down to human size and picked the boy up in a tight embrace

"brother is ther some thing you want to tell us2 Zues asked

at that everyones eys were on posiedan

"he`s my son, and i want him to cum and live with me in atlantis.

to be continued

AN: so what do you think should i continue or not if yes the next chapter will be the council and Tritons reaction Please Please review cos if you dont il sen mrs oleary to get you Bye!.