AN: Another moment to play around in the sand box. Rated M for mature for possible violence, but mostly snuggling. Coverart for this story can be found on my DA account or tumblr

As always, Shadowblitz is my own personal creation, but the other Transformers belong to Hasbro.

The activity of the Nemisis changed drastically over the course of a few days. Not from the promise of finding old Iacon relics, but from the addition of Insecticons. With so much distracting the crew, none knew of a monster hidden in the medical bay.

Shadow, fixed of superficial injuries and more or less restored to his former self, was resting peacefully in a corner while the day to day activity continued unhindered. He scarcely moved from his spot and kept himself tightly curled in a corner behind one of the medical tables. With his ability to cloak himself activated, few knew he resided on the ship, much less that little corner.

Of course, Knockout knew exactly where he was. From time to time, when the medic got a moment to rest, he'd look over in the corner and prod a curious digit in the general area. Every time his efforts were met with a presence and it was enough to confirm the spook still existed.

But after a full day of this repetition, Knockout started to wonder if Shadow was still living. He tried several times to coax the beast from his corner, never once receiving any sort of response. The medic eventually just relied on the scanner, and it was enough to inform him the creature was still alive.

But after nearly 5 solar cycles, Knockout had taken all he could of the continued unresponsiveness.

"Shadow, Hey!" Knockout coaxed. He had the free time to finally just sit and relax and he didn't want to miss the opportunity. "Come on, you haven't had a taste of Energon since you got here." Though it made Knockout ponder if the spook was able to even find sustenance while on his own.

Of course there was no response from the larger mech; to be expected. However, Knockout only grew more irritated now knowing he was being ignored. "Look, I know I could have killed you, but would you really want me to have? To know I was the one to bring you down?"

Finally a response. Shadow deactivated his cloaking systems, bringing his head up from the floor and pointing it towards the red and white medic. The hollowed out eye sockets stared at him, but there was still plenty of expression to interpret. The shape of the black sockets matched the thinly drawn mouth and receptor locations. It didn't take a psychological expert to see that Shadow was miserable. Of course the Energon stained tear streaks didn't help with deducing that either.

"I don't understand why you are so sad. I've seen you bounce back from far worse physical injuries." The medic comforted, placing a servo on the bestial mech's broad shoulder plating. "So what if you don't have optics, I'm sure your receptors are strong enough to get you around."

Then he received a comlink request. Knockout grinned as he realized he got through to the beast.

"I'm not worried about my optics." The message blatantly informed. There was a hint of anger in the echoing voice within Knockout's processors. It bothered him just enough to raise an eyebrow.

But it didn't take long for him to guess what exactly was being stated. "You mean your brother?"

Shadow nodded slowly. Knockout drew in a deep cycle of air and let it out with a bit of an exasperated sputter. "Didn't I already tell this to you? A few millennia ago, I distinctly recall telling you that because of his injury, he would likely suffer memory loss." Knockout informed, keeping his poker face expression of sternness. Had he shown his real emotion, Shadow likely would find a way to kill him. "And we all know that when data is lost, it can't be retrieved."

The spook looked away and pointed a muzzle to the floor. It was clear he was so used to looking around that his movements just couldn't break that habit. He drew in a cycle of air and exhaled silently in a depressed sigh.

"Come on! That was so long ago!" Knockout snapped finally. The spook's attention was entirely on him now. "You were sad about it then, so why are you still letting it eat you?"

"Soundwave used me. Even with no memory of his family, he never did that before." The voice responded within. Knockout could see the point, but again, he saw no reason to linger on it.

"How would you like it if I did that to you?"

The medic snapped a glare over to Shadow. He knew the Ex-con had changed in his solitude on Earth, but he never thought the spook would still turn the tables on him like he was a nobody. "Are you suggesting you would do that?" the medic inquired in a disgruntled tone.

Shadow flared his receptors back and the sockets formed a new expression; frustration. "This is a hypothetical situation. You of all mechs should know that I will use whatever tactical advantage I can in order to accomplish-"

"Enough jargon already!" the physician growled. "I get your point! Jeez, I figure you would have changed after all these years without being in a war."

"Not with it being so close, never."

Knockout couldn't perceive anything from that statement. From what he was told though, the spook should have had no idea that any Cybertronians existed on the planet. Yet here Shadow was saying he knew anyway. While he wanted to press the issue further, the bestial mech suddenly activated his cloaking and in came Megatron a few moments later.

With the way the ship has been and all its activities, Knockout could somehow detect he was being tasked with an assignment. Of course his theories were correct when Megatron ordered him to recover an Iacon relic located in the subterranean stretches of New York City. Begrudgingly, the medic accepted the task.

"Oh, and while I'm here. Soundwave has detected signs that the mainframe's information has been downloaded." Megatron's vocals were cold and he drew a darkened gaze over to the corner to his left. Knockout, playing the fool, tried to follow his gaze and reacted when he saw nothing there.

"Are you sure it wasn't a curious eradico-"

"Don't play gullible with me!" the leader bellowed suddenly. His helm was inches away from the medic's face and it made Knockout drop his façade.

"If he is hacking the mainframe, then I have no idea how." Though Knockout was now aware of why Shadow was so quiet.

"Find out why then!" Megatron dismissed on one last sour note. "Information is harmless, but if he starts harming the system…" the warlord paused to slip out a demonic chuckle "then I assure you, he will be forced to use those wings."

"Y-y-yes, my Lord. I will try to find out how he's hacking and see if I can stop it." Knockout assured. Though he didn't think the task was possible. Stopping a spook from hacking was equally as hard as stopping a seeker from flying.

Megatron didn't utter another word. He simply turned and left. "I want you ready for a bridge in precisely one solar hour." The leader commanded before disappearing out of the medical bay.

Knockout sighed heavily and eased his frame for a moment before storming over to the inhabited corner. "Alright you, what are you-"

"Third optic."

Knockout took a step back when he heard the two word sentence in his head. At first he couldn't decipher it's meaning, but then it hit him. "Your third optic? You're joking." Knockout hoped it was a joke, but with the appearance of the spook and the serious expression, he knew there was nothing funny. "I removed that years ago. Megatron punched it out by accident and it was broken!"

"I procured another and refitted it during my time with Moonstalker. My facial screen was useless without it."

Knockout groaned, slapping a servo to his helm before running it down his face."Why didn't I see this" he cursed. Though he didn't have a clue as to how Spook's functioned, even after eons of dealing with them. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get into if Megatron finds out?"

"What makes you think he doesn't know? Megatron raised 3 spooks…I can't imagine he would be ignorant to how we work."

"Valid point I suppose." Knockout acknowledged. He became a bit more apprehensive about the situation, especially with a task coming up. "But he will want an answer."

"Tell him I was snooping around while everyone was in recharge."

The medic was skeptical and brought a servo to his fiddle with his chin. "Would he believe that?"

Shadow shrugged his shoulders. It was a gamble, sure, but even Knockout would have believed it.

"He wouldn't suspect your third optic at all either?"

"I doubt it. I've been smacked in the helm so many times, Megatron is sure to think it's no longer functional."

Knockout sighed deeply, furrowing his features while he mulled things over. "He's not dimwitted. What's to say he sees right through that."

"Then tell him the truth."

The medic tasked and shook his head. "You won't live long if that happens."

"Well then I'll get my wish. If I can't be useful, then I'll die."

Knockout couldn't respond to that. He stood with wide optics as he took in the sentence a little too much. Why Shadow didn't think he would be useful was beyond him, but there was a portion of his spark that ached to know his friend might be killed; for real this time.

"I'll…I'll see what happens." Knockout finally confirmed. He brought his hands to his sides and strode off, not wanting to linger in the room any longer than he had too. He quickly made his way to the bridge room knowing he would have some time to himself while the hour passed. However he stepped through the door and was met with Megatron's figure.

"And what did you come up with?" The warlord asked calmly, with his expansive backside turned towards the approaching physician

Knockout tried to play cool and put on his usual self centered mask. "From what I understand, he went out for a stroll and simply got curious while everyone else recharged." Knockout casually spoke. He tried to keep eye contact on his leader in order to prepare for any aggressive actions.

"Did he say that or are you simply paraphrasing?"

"Intricate detailing really. Though he did say those were his intentions." Knockout continued. He didn't realize his words were taken the wrong way.

"He said?"

"Yes, My lord?"

Megatron turned with cold optics looking down at the medic. "How can it have been possible for Shadowblitz to say anything when he lacks vocals?" He asked in a dangerous tone. Knockout couldn't help but feel he pinned himself in a metaphorical corner.

"He told me through Com link"

Megatron's features furrowed. There was something he was prepared to say, but for whatever reason decided not to. Knockout didn't at all feel secure with knowing the gears were turning in Megatron's processors, but he was thankful whatever wrath was intended for him could wait.

"Very well" Megatron dismissed the subject. He stepped aside to show an Insecticon waiting so patiently for something to do. Knockout drew in his intakes sharply and winced.

"I see you understand what is in store for you?" the tone was more demeaning then a real question. The medic didn't even try to respond. He'd been paired up with worse raid partners in the past, but this one would certainly be different. "I-I uh…guess we should head out?" he hesitated to ask the Insecticon.

The creature growled quietly in response and Knockout just wished this would be over already. "Right then" he confirmed aloud. Megatron let out an amused chuckle before taking his leave and activating a ground bridge. Before Knockout could even move through the green vortex, he tried to imagine why it was his Lord was doing all the grunt work.

Something didn't seem right.

- — - — - — - — -

Left to himself, Shadow didn't waste any time in sneaking out of the medical bay. The kind of information he sought was not something he could get from a computer mainframe. Instead he activated his cloaking before darting out the door and crawled on four legs with expertise.

Inaudible frequencies emitted from deep within his throat and the sounds reverberated off the metal walls and back to his receptors. It was a trick he picked up from the mammalian creatures living in the oceans and it proved so useful in every scenario since then.

Left then right and another left, He skulked through the wide corridors, stopping at each intersection to poke his head around, searching for any individuals who may bump into him. With an internal map of the ship, he knew exactly where he was going until finally he reached his destination. The control bridge door opened and a few drones stepped through, giving the spook a prime opportunity to sneak in.

Once he did, he was immediately met with a feeler wrapping around his forelimb. Seeing no reason to remain invisible, Shadow made his appearance by charging at the owner of the feeler. Shadow had no trouble tackling Soundwave. Nearly twice the size and knowing every defensive move his brother had, pinning the officer was a breeze.

"If your processors can't remember, then I will make you remember!" Shadow snarled via internal comlink. One of his tentacles deattached from his hips, snaking around to latch on to Soundwave's helm. But the officer would have none of that. Shadow was overpowered and tossed to one side; crashing into a group of Eradicons in the process.

"What in the name of the All Spark is going on here?" a booming voice commanded to know. Shadow processed the vocals from Decepticons he knew; the match coming back to none other than Dreadwing.

"No…It can't be. You're supposed to be dead!" Dreadwing's tone changed, no doubt with him seeing the feared Rogue Leader.

Shadow ignored him and focused his efforts back on Soundwave. He propelled himself forward once again, dodging yet another defensive front by his brother and tackled the officer. He tried his efforts once again, though now with the advantage in his claws. With Soundwave pinned on the ground, gravity worked against him.

"Don't resist, it will only be more painful"

The feeler snaked around and shot forward, attaching its sharp mandibles to Soundwave's helm and immediately transferring several thousand years worth of data.

But Dreadwing was only willing to stand around idly for so long. He charged toward the dueling pair before drawing out a gatling gun with hesitancy. "Shadow, get off of Soundwave!" he warned, but it was ignored. The new SIC continued to approach with caution and soon, Shadow found it hard to ignore the advances. He turned over his shoulder and bared his fangs before letting out a menacing hiss. The intimidation was enough to stop Dreadwing, but only for so long.


Shadow challenged the giant mech to come closer. He flared his receptors back and let out a low snarl. Dreadwing refused to move from his spot now, but he didn't have to.

"What is going o- SHADOW!" the bellowing growl of Megatron was enough to get everyone's attention. The warlord didn't care about any hissing and snarling, with two steps he closed the distance between him and the spooks and ripped the eldest away with a single hand.

"You just couldn't keep to your corner could you?" Megatron growled, holding the spook as if he were nothing more than a giant kitty. Shadow glared back, but knew better than to attack. He just waited for him to be hurled out of the ship, but it just didn't happen.

"If only you weren't so useful" Megatron cursed. Shadow detected a false hope and now understood why the war lord didn't kill him to begin with. "You were a Decepticon once, and by Primus you will again. I'm willing to make a bargain with you, Rogue."

Shadow was all ears. Even if he didn't like the terms, he was always willing to play a game of chance. He crossed his long forelimbs and waited for the warlord to continue.

"You can decode this data faster than even Soundwave. Do this and I won't rip your spark out this very second." Megatron proposed, setting the spook on his hind feet. Shadow didn't budge from his spot. He knew there was more.

"And if you ever get the idea of doing something this stupid again…"the warlord paused, letting Shadow to anticipate what horror he had if he rebelled. "I will terminate your dear lover."

The spook didn't even have time to process what was said and how inaccurate the current statement was. His lips had already curled and his fangs were barred with a deep growl. "Then I see we are in an agreement?" Megatron smiled deviously.

"My lord! If, I may interrupt." Dreadwing suddenly piped in. Megatron turned to give him a scowl, but even this new SIC was undaunted by the gaze. "Is it really wise to let the former Rogue leader and warden of the Kaon prisons to deal with such fragile information? What if he tampers with the coordinates?"

"Make no mistake, Dreadwing. Shadow may be mischievous and a traitor, but I know well enough he will do exactly as I say." Megatron informed calmly. It was turning out to be a good day for the warlord, for the time being anyway. "And he will follow it to the letter." The warlord's optics focused on the almost equal sized spook.

Shadow didn't like the deal, but if there was one noble trait within him, it was he was far too protective over those he cared for. He inwardly cursed himself for that as he took Megatron's offered servo and shaking it strongly. He didn't expect the other servo to grab his arm and pull him in.

"I'll be watching. If you make a single attempt to betray me again, I will have you personally remove Knockout's spark"

Shadow nodded, though his processors focused on the words. Anger built up inside his hull as he strode past Megatron and past Dreadwing. He barely made it out the door before his intakes gasped at the sudden possibility of inflicting so much horror. Had he liquid ducts, surely they would be leaking as the image of doing such an act ingrained itself in his processors.

He had to shake it off. He balled up a fist and cast the thought aside. "I have no choice. I must obey Megatron." He said to himself. He set that resolve before heading back to the medical bay. He would begin the task when he was sure Knockout would return.
