A short chapter to start. Set 18 months after Cotterdam...
Malcolm had waited until the grid was empty, except for himself and Harry. He had to talk to his boss and he had a feeling it would not go over well so he didn't want an audience. He had no fear that Harry would leave early, because ever since Ruth had left, he was always at work until late. Malcolm sometimes thought he slept in his office, but no matter his boss's emotional state, this news wasn't going to wait any longer.
He knocked on Harry's door and opened it without waiting for a reply. "Harry, can I have a word?"
"Of course," Harry said and both men sat down.
"This is complicated," Malcolm began. "Over the past year and a half, I've been keeping contact with someone, under the radar. Ruth."
"Oh," Harry said in a low voice, eyes burning.
"I made sure I didn't put her in any danger," Malcolm said quickly. "I wouldn't have risked her safety."
"I know that," Harry said honestly. "How is she?"
"Lonely," Malcolm said. "But alive. She wanted me to have a look and see when it was safe for her to return to the UK."
"Have you?" Harry asked, half eagerly, half terrified.
"Yes," he said. "Mace was murdered last month."
"I know," Harry said. "I sent a bottle of champagne to his killer," he added sarcastically.
"Well, what with that and a few politicians slipping out of power over the last year, its safe for her to return."
"Is she?" Harry asked quickly, his heart beating incredibly fast at just the thought of Ruth returning to the UK. "Coming back?"
"Yes," Malcolm said. "I don't know when but she is coming home. I… thought you'd want to know."
"Thank you," Harry said quietly. Then he lapsed into silence, lost in his own thoughts. Malcolm knew his presence was no longer welcome so he left the grid, and Harry thinking even more than usual about Ruth, the woman who he had never managed to forget. Not even for a day.
Ruth stood on the deck of the ship, heading steadily towards Southampton docks. Taking in deep breaths of the fresh sea air she tried to hide her nervousness at heading back to Britain. It was safe, she knew that, but she was still a little anxious. However, her heart couldn't help but leap as land came into view. As she had left on a boat, she felt it was only fitting to return that way too. She clutched her six month old son closer to her chest. "We're going home sweetheart," she said with a smile. He gurgled at her quietly and she felt her heart lift even further. It wouldn't be easy, but she was back home. So whatever problems she was going to face, it would be okay, because she was back in the place where she belonged. And London wasn't that far away now. And neither was a certain man who's name she didn't even mention to herself. It would only cloud her judgement and cause her heart to race ore than usual.
"Ga!" Ruth turned to her son and smiled.
"We'll be there soon," she told him. She squeezed the boy tighter and he closed her eyes, happy in his mothers arms.
I know my logic for her return is shaky, but I just want her back in London as soon as possible. Any thoughts so far?