For a friend who ships Science Boyfriends pretty hard.

So I'm writing seventeen drabbles for her birthday, all one word prompts given by her. It'll range from 100 words to however much else I fuckin' write.

For now, the rating is teen, just in case, yo'. -cascadingStar

Story one: Pots.

Bruce felt his butt hit the back of the kitchen counter as Tony bit his bottom lip. He gasped, Tony used this chance to shove his tongue into the other's mouth. Bruce started going with his instinct, fighting for dominance with his tongue and gripped the back of Tony's neck to hold him there. For that moment, he forgot about everything in that moment besides the kiss.

Which might of been the mistake.

Before he knew what happened, the Other Guy had taken control of his right arm, picked up a pot, and slammed it into Tony's head. Bruce watched horrified as Tony stumbled back, gripping his head tightly. Bruce dropped the pan, rushing over. "Shit. Shitshitshit. I'm sorry Tony, I didn't mean for tha-" he was cut off be the man sitting up some, sighing, and leaning forward for one peck.

"It's cool. Now we know, take it one step at a time. And no more kitchen making out" he said, giving a devilish grin to the other, who just stared at him, blinking once before turning around.