Naruto of the Marines

Chapter 6


I own nothing!


Standing at the door to the prison cell, Naruto studied the man before him. He had long graying brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail that had once been spiky and stuck straight out of his head, but now it was dirty and fell down to his next. His skin was pale, a far cry from the tanned man he once knew, but the scar across his now wrinkled face gave him away, that tell tale scar that defined the now fifty plus year old man.

"Naruto-kun?" Iruka smiled while groaning as he stood up from the small cot he'd been sitting on, "Just look at you," he laughed, "It's been years since you've been a student at the academy and I'm still sensei to you, I told you once kid, I can't teach you anything else, besides, you're my superior now."

Naruto gave a small snort of laughter, "Well apparently you still got something to teach me eh?" he mused while tapping the bars between them, "What happened?"

Iruka scoffed and turned away, walking back to his cot with a small limp, "That bastard Morgan," he huffed, sitting down roughly, "Framed me for embezzling and some other bull shit, you know me kid, you know I wouldn't do something like that."

Naruto nodded, "Yeah I know Sensei, but don't worry, I'll set things straight for you," he said making the man smile, "But first, lets get you out of this cell,"

Haki flowed into the cell door from Naruto's hands before the locking mechanism broke, allowing the door to swing open on it's own.

Iruka slapped his forehead, "Brat…" he huffed with a small laugh, "You haven't changed a bit… the keys were right over there."

Turning his head, he saw the large key ring hanging from a hook, sparkling mockingly, "Oh…"

"Oh well it doesn't matter, it's the thought that counts, but listen, I'll wait here until everything dies down, I'm not as young as I once was, this old marine will just have to leave the fighting to you young ones."

"Damn Iruka…" Naruto smirked, "You really have gotten old and feeble."

A tin cup bounced off his head.


Having a flashback, Naruto started doing push ups before stopping on the fifteenth, "Wait a minute!" he exclaimed before jumping back to his feet, "I'm a Vice Admiral, Captain Iruka, I should be telling you to do push ups!"

The man waved him off, "You wouldn't tell an old man like me to do that now would you?" he asked jokingly before turning serious, "Look, a week or so back, I heard some of the marines talking, they got some young swordsmen tied to a post in the execution yard because of Morgan's spoiled son Helmeppo,"

Naruto snorted at the name, "Blond hair, kinda looks like a watermelon, whines a lot and hides behind daddy all the time?"

Iruka nodded, "Yeah, well the guy is innocent, so don't let him be punished for something he didn't do. Now hurry and go kick some ass for me, I'll wait here,"

The sound of something large being smashed followed by a small shake in the earth made them look around, "What the hell was that?" Iruka exclaimed.

"I don't know… but I intend to find out.


Walking out onto the execution field, Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked around.

The field was a large, open area surrounded by high stone walls on three sides with hard, dry grassless soil all around it like a make shift desert. On the far side in the center, there was a wooden post stuck in the ground with another wooden piece sticking off the sides like a cross.

Laying all along the field were the marines based there, most beaten up while a few were cut but the biggest attention getter was the base commander, one Captain Axe Hand Morgan… or he should say, one soon to be former Captain.


Turning his head, he saw Tashigi running over while a few of the men had Morgan's son in chains, screaming about having them executed for treating him like this.

"Oh just shut the hell up already!" one of the men yelled before punching Helmeppo in the gut, knocking the air out of him with an angry look on his face, he then realized what he did and looked to Naruto, knowing that he'd be in trouble for what he just did.

Naruto looked at the man, "You know the rules right?"

"Y-yes sir," The man seemed to try and shrink into himself.

"You know that you could get into some serious trouble for hitting a prisoner that's already in our custody right?"

He nodded.

The blond looked away, "Don't do it again, that's your warning… but next time take the cuffs off, then hit him."

Everyone sweat dropped.

"So… what do we do Naruto-sama?" the woman asked him while looking around, "I have some of the men going through the base files, I thought that it'd be a good start."

He nodded, "Good thinking, Tashigi-chan, but first things first, disarm Captain Morgan and have him imprisoned, then have someone get Captain Iruka out of the holding cells so that he can get looked over by a medic." he stopped, letting her know that was all he wanted her to do before looking to a man that wasn't doing anything, "You, return to the ship and bring me my Den-Den Mushi."

With that, he looked around and noticed something, "And could someone tell me where Kyu got off to?"


Sniffing the ground and the air around her, Kyu followed her nose in pursuit of the heavenly scent wafting through the air. Having exited the base and followed the scent back into town, she was still the size of a small horse and soon made it back into Shell village, never noticing the frightful looks people gave her as she walked through.

Eventually, she came up to a small restaurant and trotted in before spotting what smelled so heavenly. It was a Onigiri (Rice ball) of all things but the filling smelled like some kind of cooked rabbit. So intoxicated by the aroma, she all but floated over, scaring a man as she neared and slowly reached out to take a bite.

"NO!" screamed a little girl before hitting her with the broom, knocking the vixen out of her trance.

"Ah!" the fox yelped before being smacked again, "Hey quit it you little brat!"

The small brown haired girl with her hair in two pigtails yelped and fell back, the broom clattering to the floor loudly as everyone backed away further than they already were, frightened not only because of the size but now it talked!

"Y-you talked!" she gasped out while pointing at the vixen, "How… how can you…"

Kyu grinned, a strange sight for a the girl and the other surrounding villagers to see, "How? I ate a Devil Fruit of course!"

"Really!" she exclaimed, her fear now forgotten. "What can you do?"

"Besides talk? Well I can change my size and get a lot stronger and faster, but usually I just leave the fighting to my master, Vice Admiral Naruto, you know, that blond man wearing a white suit and the big white coat that you yelled at a while ago,"


It didn't take too long for the entire village to know that the newest arrival was in fact a Vice Admiral of the Marines, not only that, but a well known and feared one at that. Vice Admiral Naruto Uzumaki, praised by many for taking down the Pirate King Gol D. Roger at the young age of 16 and feared by pirates due to his unofficial status as a marine Pirate Hunter.

"Woo, it's a good thing we got out of there huh Zoro?" Luffy laughed while he and his new first mate readied the boat to leave. Zoro was a slightly taller and older teen than Luffy wearing a white shirt, dark pants with matching boots, and a green waistband holding his three swords.

"No kidding," he grumbled, "We just got out of trouble with Morgan and we don't need to run into a Vice Admiral of all things."

Spotting a Marine ship a few docks over, the swordsmen grimaced, "Lets just hurry up and get out of here," he spoke while both got into the boat and got ready, leaving the rope tying the boat to the dock as the only thing left to take care of.

"Oh?" Spoke a voice, "Leaving so soon?"

Turning, both rookie pirates saw the last thing they ever wanted to see.

Sitting on a two foot tall metal stool looking thing on the dock close by where they tied the mooring line, or the line used to keep the boats from drifting away, was a blond man with blue eyes and three scars on each of his cheeks wearing a white suit and a marine greatcoat.

Zoro slowly reached for one of his swords ready to fight at a moments notice.

Naruto noticed this and waved it off, "Calm down, I'm not going to fight you. We interrogated the marines stationed here and as it turns out Morgan framed the previous Captain and took over using force. He's ruled this island like a tyrant and killed any that opposed him and you very well may have saved many lives today." he stood up and took the mooring line in his hand, unwrapping the noose from the stool and tossing it into the boat with them, "But listen here, Monkey D. Luffy, you should listen to your grandfather and stop this pirate business,"

Luffy blinked, "How do you know my name?"

Naruto smirked, "Another time, but I'm serious, we no longer owe you anything, if your still a pirate next time I find you I probably won't be so nice. Oh and one last thing, your little friend Coby sends his regards, he wanted to see you off but he's a little busy at the moment getting fitted for his new uniform."

The rubber teen broke out into a large grin, "So he made it into the Marines?"

Naruto shook his head, "He's not ready to officially join yet, but he will be." he informed the younger man before turning and walking away, "Good luck kid… next time I see you, you'll probably need it,"


Two and a half months later…

Standing on the deck of Naruto's ship, Tashigi sighed and looked around only to find herself along near the bow, close to where the blond would always sit in his lawn chair when he wasn't doing anything.

"What's taking so long Naruto-kun?" she whispered to herself before walking over to the lawn chair, "You should be back already,"

After the ordeal on Shell Island, they had stayed for another week until everything was back to normal and some extra marines arrived after being reassigned to the base and placed under Captain Iruka's command, who had been cleared of all charges thanks to evidence they uncovered in Morgan's files. But soon after that, they found themselves heading back to Marineford and put on reserve until further notice by Naruto himself.

When she asked why, he didn't give her a straight answer, just saying that he would be gone for a while and would be taking Kyu with him. Although, he did tell her that the trip wouldn't take more than a month or two… but those two months were up and he'd yet to return.

She just knew that he was ok, after all, you see someone take cannonballs to the head thrown by Vice Admiral Garp of all people and you start thinking that their indestructible, but she couldn't help but feel bad and wonder what he was doing.


Not much was known about the mysterious Dr. Vegapunk, the worlds leading scientist in the study of Seastone and various other areas, even most of the marines had never laid eyes on this person before.

"Are we done yet old man?" Naruto huffed while kneeling down on one knee, sweat rolling down his face and neck, causing the tank top he was wearing to stick to his body, "I've been doing this for hours, don't you have enough data by now?"

Vegapunk, an elderly old man wearing a long lab coat over a striped shirt with long yellow gloves on his hands and goggles over his eyes looked up before smiling, "I guess so," he mused before rubbing his gloved hand over his wild white hair, "Sorry about that, it's just that I've never dreamed of seeing such a marvelous devil fruit in action."

Naruto thought back. Not long after leaving Shell Island, Kyu presented him with a small locked chest, which to his shock, contained one of the 'treasures of the sea' a legendary Devil Fruit. After a lot of arguing between the two, she finally talked him into eating it but before he did, he came to Vegapunk to find out just what it could do to him, not wanting to eat it and end up accidentally killing someone when he tried to find out what it did on his own.

After days of testing, the doctor informed him that it was a Paramecia, one of the more common types of Devil Fruit yet was rarer than most at the same time. Paramecia types could give the consumer super human physical abilities or powers while others could alter features of their bodies or their environment, lastly there were some that allowed the user to manipulate and generate some kinds of substances.

But this one was different and he found that out the hard way.

The doctor had him stay in a secure area and eat the fruit, which tasted horrible and after choking it all down with tears nearly streaming down his face, he passed out and woke up feeling strange. As it turns out, he ate a legendary devil fruit known as the Storm fruit, giving him power over storms, as the name implied.

By Vegapunk's calculations, or maybe just an intelligent guess, he'd be able to not only generate storms but manipulate things like water, wind and lightning as well. That is if he practiced. So for the next two months, he trained while the Dr. studied him like a lab rat, asking him to use some of his attacks repeatedly for him to take notes. He soon found out that his wind and lighting powers were much stronger than his water, due to the sea waters effects on users such as him, but he could still manipulate it only not as well as the others, although, it seemed to work on fresh water just work fine. Maybe due to the lack of salt in fresh water?

"I'll see you some other time Doc," He told the elderly scientist, "I've been gone long enough, I gotta go back to my crew and get back to work."

Vegapunk waved distractedly, going over the thick stack of notes he'd taken, "See ya later kid." before walking off and leaving the blond to show himself out.

To be continued…


I know its short but it's been a little hectic for the past few days, it's a little weird now that I've graduated, but now I've got plenty of time to think before I even start looking at a college. Anyway, please review and tell me what you think.

Also, after much consideration, I've decided to go with the storm fruit. I've wanted to keep some elements of the Naruto universe that's why I kept thinking things like a fruit to give him abilities with clones and such, you know to cut down on people saying, it's more like an OC than Naruto in the One Piece world. So anyway have a nice day, I'm out!