AN: It's short but I wanted to give you all something since I've been so busy and might not get to update again soon.

I woke up at six the next morning for no reason, Alice wasn't in the room and the house was quiet. The snow was bright outside of the window and I closed my eyes to sheild them. Today was the day that Alice would turn me, I didn't feel nervous though, I just felt like I was dreaming. I rolled over so the window was to my back and opened my eyes again. I wondered if they were downstairs preparing I was going to die today. I stretched, the tips of my fingers touching the head board and sat up in bed. I wondered if I should shower first, or if I should brush my hair. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. This is the last time I'll feel like this, freshly woken up and refreshed after a good night's sleep. I won't ever sleep again and I won't ever need to eat again. I suddenly want a really big breakfast with bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast. I pad into the bathroom to take a shower and stop in front of the mirror. I wonder how different I'll look afterwards. My eye color will change for sure, it'll be red for a while and eventually amber. My skin will be even paler, if that was possible, and it'll glitter in the sunlight.

I'm excited now, as I start the shower, testing the temperature. This will be the last time that I have to do that too. It won't matter if the shower is hot or cold, because I won't feel it. I strip down, folding my clothes and setting them on the counter and then I slip into the shower. I let myself really enjoy the feel of the warm water as it relaxes my muscles and warms my skin. I pick up the bottle of really exspensive shampoo that I'm guessing is Alice's and pour some onto my palm. I massage it into my hair, breathing in the familiar scent. I wonder for a moment if she will smell even better afterwards. I rinse out my hair and wash my body with the shower gel that was sitting next to the shampoo. When I'm feeling clean and refreshed, I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I brush out my wet hair and pull it back into a messy pony tail. I dress in my normal everyday clothes, thinking that it doesn't really matter what I die in. Especially since I'm going to wake up and be walking around afterwards. I take one last good look at myself in the mirror, saying goodbye, and then turn, my hair swinging with my movement and walk out of the bathroom.

"Are you ready?" Alice asks the moment I walk into the bedroom. She's sitting on the end of the bed, her hands folded on her lap, she looks nervous. I walk over and sit down next to her, rubbing her back reassuringly.

"Alice, it's okay, it's all going to be okay. You can do this, I know you can." She looks at me and smiles. "I'm ready." I say softly and she stands up and takes my hand.

"Carlisle is all set up. He wants to try something new..." She says tentatively as she leads me downstairs and through a door under the stairs. I'm surprised to find that there is an office under there and a rather large one at that. "He's going to hook you up to an IV and give you morphine, he's hoping that it will help with the pain." After she tells me this, I take in my surroundings and I get a nervous flutter in my stomach. There's a hospital bed in the middle of the room and it has straps on it. They're going to strap me down...

"Okay." I tell Alice, tucking my hair behind my ear and walking over to the bed. I look at the morphine drip for a moment and then touch one of the padded leather straps attached to the bed. Alice touches my shoulder just before Carlisle enters the room. He looks nervous too and I'm starting to wonder if maybe Edward had been right about this being a bad idea. But I push the thought away and Carlisle motions to the bed. I settle myself on it, laying back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Bella, I'm going to hook up the IV first and then we'll give it a little while to kick in. Emmett is going to sit in here with you while you wait. I'm going to go have a talk with Alice, we'll be back when it's time to start." Carlisle explains as he slips the needle into the back of my hand. I look the other way, finding myself face to face with Emmett, who is smiling that goofy smile of his. I smile back and Carlisle finishes what he's doing and sets my hand down. I look at Alice's nervous eyes one last time before Carlisle ushers her out of the room.

"So, Bells, whatcha wanna talk about?" Emmett asks, leaning on the railing of my bed.

"How bad does it hurt?" I ask, already feeling the tears burning behind my eyes. Emmett's expression changes in an instant and he takes my IV free hand in his own, squeezing it gently.

"Bella, you don't have to go through with this. If you change your mind, Alice will be okay with it." He tells me, but my mind is made up, I'm just nervous.

"No, no, I want to go through with it. I just want to know how bad it's going to hurt." I say blinking back my tears of fear.

"I'm not going to tell you, because you really don't want to know. It's better to go in blind, because there is no preparing for what you're about to go through. Just take a deep breath Bella and try to think about what you are going to do after you become one of us. Keep those happy thoughts while it's happening." He tells me quietly and kisses the back of my hand. I'm starting to feel like my body is sinking through the bed and everything is a little fuzzy around the edges. Emmett must have seen it my eyes, because he stands up suddenly. "Carlisle, it's time." He says just a little louder than the voice he was using a moment ago.

"Okay." Carlisle is suddenly standing next to my bed and Alice is standing behind him. She's looking a lot more confident and I'm curious what Carlisle said to her. "Bella, I'm going to strap you down, just so you don't fall off of the bed." He still looks nervous though.

"Okay." He pulls the straps, not too tight, across my chest and legs. Then he straps down my wrists. I decide not to ask him why he's strapping my wrists down, I really don't want to know. "Alice is going to bite you once, on the wrist. The bite will hurt, but it'll be over quick. You will be in and out for the next day or so, I will be here the whole time."

"I will too." Emmett says from the other side of my bed. I make eye contact with Alice but she looks away.

"Are you ready?" Carlisle asks and I nod. Alice walks around to the other side of my bed and gently picks up my hand. She gives me a smile and raises my wrist to her lips, all the muscles in my body tense as I prepare for what's about to happen. I flash back to the bite from James and how much that hurt, like my whole body was on fire. Would it be worse this time, if I let the transistion happen. She kisses my wrist first and I notice that Carlisle is standing behind her and Emmett is no longer by my side. I close my eyes and feel her sharp teeth graze my skin and arousal pools deep in my belly. But it's gone just as fast as it appeared because she pierces my skin.


She lets out a viscious howl and her back arches up off of the bed and I drop her wrist, jumping back away from the bed. Carlisle is at my side in an instant, wrapping his arms around me as Bella quiets and relaxes on the bed. "I don't like this." I tell him, shaking my head.

"She'll be okay. She's quiet now, the morphine must be helping." He tells me. Do you want to stay in here, or should I go get Emmett?" He asks, turning me to face him.

"I'll stay, for now. But if she starts screaming like that again, I don't think I can handle it." I tell him and he nods, giving me a hug before he leaves the room. I sit down in the chair by her bed and stare at her face, hoping that somehow I'll be able to tell if she's in pain or not. But her face is still and almost looks peaceful, so maybe the morphine did help. I'm listening to her heartbeat while I wait, it's getting slower but not by much. I can hear Rosalie pacing in the hallway outside the office. She was never happy about becoming a vampire and I know that this pisses her off, but I'm sure that she'll get over it quickly. I might even get her to go to Paris with me and Bella sometime. She loves shopping enough to let go of her grudges.

"How are you doing?" I look up and Esme is standing in the doorway with a look of concern in her eyes. I smile weakly and nod, because I don't trust my voice. I know that this is what Bella wanted, but I don't like her being in pain and I'm not sure how I feel about killing her. I knew that she'd wake up and be okay, but that heartbeat that was fading, would be gone forever.

"I'm okay, I wanted to do this for her, I'm just not sure how I feel about her heart stopping or the pain that she could be in." I wish I could cry, because right now, that would feel like the right thing to do. I'm kind of glad that I'll never see Bella cry again, but that doesn't mean that she won't ever feel sadness. Esme walks over to where I'm sitting and places a hand on my shoulder. Sometimes it feels like she really is my mother, which is nice since I don't remember my own mother. It seems cruel to give me the ability to see the future when I'd really love to be able to see my past. I know parts of it I wouldn't want to remember, but there are parts that I wish I did.

"It's a hard choice to make, but take comfort in knowing that you didn't make it lightly. This is what she wanted and I agree with Bella, she was meant for this. You need to go hunting with your brother and sister, I'll stay with her while your gone." I'm shaking my head no before she even finishes the sentence and she smiles at me. "Alice, you don't want to be starving when she wakes up, she's going to need your guidance. Go hunt, I'll stay here the whole time, I promise."

"I don't want to be gone when she wakes up, I need to be here."

"You will be, she's going to be out for a while." She reassures me and I finally give in. I pick up Bella's limp hand and kiss it tenderly. I stand from my chair and look at Esme, who smiles and then I walk out of the room. I find Rosalie sitting on a bench outside the office and she's staring at me.

"How is she?" She asks, her face emotionless and hard to read.

"She's not moving, I think the morphine worked." I tell her and she nods.

"Let's go hunting then." She says walking towards the front door, where Emmett is waiting. I follow them out the front door into the cold snow, no jacket, no gloves.

I took down a few animals, just enough to stop the thirst before I hurried back. I didn't tell Emmett or Rosalie where I was going, I just took off. I reached the cabin in no time, rushing through the door and into the office. Esme was still there, sitting in the chair beside her bed. She was holding Bella's hand and listening intently. I focused my hearing on Bella's heartbeat, it was barely audible now. It wouldn't be long before she was fully transitioned. I crossed the room and Esme stood up, giving me my chair back. "She's close."

"I can hear it. Can you bring me a pillow? If she is pain free, then she should at least be comfortable." Esme nods and leaves the room. I kind of wish they would all talk more. The silence is deafening, it makes it seem like Bella is sick in a hospital or something. "I don't know if you can hear me, Bella. But it's way too quiet in here, so I'm going to talk to you for a bit." I tell her, she doesn't move.

"I'm already planning our first trip. Paris first, I thought we'd take Rosalie and do some shopping. We'll set you up with a new wardrobe to go with your new life. I know you hate shopping, but we have to do something about the clothes you wear." I laugh a little because I can hear her argument in my head. "Plus the wine there is amazing. We can even do a little club hopping, I'll teach you how to dance. We'll have a blast and we can stay there as long as you want. I know places that will let us shope after dark, plus we can go on rainy days." I talked to Bella for hours about Paris and all the things we were gonna do together, stopping only when Esme returned with the pillow.

The night passed and I watched the sun come up through the window in the office, refusing to leave Bella alone. Carlisle sent Rosalie and Emmett back to Forks when Jake called about Victoria. She'd been running through their land, looking for Bella. She didn't know about our plans to go to Alaska because we never told anyone but Charlie. Emmett and Carlisle made sure she wasn't around when we talked to him. I watched the sun for so long that eventually I couldn't see it out the window anymore. When I realized that I was staring at the clouds, I walked back over to Bella's bed. Her heart was beating still, but it was so faint that even with my vampire hearing, it was hard to hear. I sat down, because any second now, she was going to wake up and I needed to be in my right mind. I brought myself back to reality, tuning out the sound of her heartbeat and listening to the silence in the room. When my head felt clear again, I turned my attention back to Bella. Her heart stopped and it was followed by a few minutes of silence. Her lashes flutter and her eyes open, they're blood red. I panic for a moment, wondering if I did the right thing by giving in to her. But her eyes lock on mine and she smiles and the panic fades.

"Alice." She says quietly and sits up. She looks at the IV in the back of her hand.

"Carlisle!" I call out and Bella looks at me, I can see the excitement behind her eyes. "Carlisle will take that out and then we can go hunting. We need to deal with that first." I explain and Bella nods. Carlisle walks into the room, smiling broadly at Bella. He goes about removing the IV.

"How are you feeling?" He asks her.

"Amazing, well, my throat feels funny." She adds, rubbing her neck.

"You'll feel better after you hunt. Take it slow at first, you're body is capable of a lot of things it wasn't before." He warns her and she nods. "Okay, you're all set." Carlisle says and gives me a look that says to be careful and then gets up to leave.

"Thank you, Carlisle." Bella says and he smiles at her and then walks out of the room. Bella gets up slowly, a smile spreading across her face. Once she's on her feet, she wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and breathe in her still familiar scent. I was going to miss her warmth though.

"Come on." I tell her and take her hand, leading her out of the office. No one is in the hallway when we walk out, I figure that they're giving her time to adjust. We walk out into the snow and I take her towards the wooded area. Bella was nervous at first, and I had to walk her through using her instincts. Showing her how to tune into the sounds around her. But when the time came to hunt she was incredible. She easily took down several deer, moving gracefully, like a cat on the hunt. We walked back to the house, hand in hand.

"It's weird to be able to move like that. I really expected to still be clumsy. I've been clumsy my whole life." She was saying, but I was more focused on the fact that we had a whole week together, uninterrupted by her dad. I stopped walking, pulling Bella back to me. She looked a little shocked by my action.

"We're alone." I tell her. It takes her a minute but realization dawns.

"There's no one to interrupt us, for a week. As long as we work on my control too, we can do whatever we want." She says, beaming at me. I don't respond, instead, I frame her face with my hands and kiss her. Her eyes are wide with shock for a moment and I know that she can feel the new intensity that comes with being a vampire. Her eyes close slowly and her hands move to my hips. One of my hands moves behind her head, holding her to me. I lean her back with the intensity of our kiss, my tongue dipping into her mouth. She still tastes the same and it just spurs me on. She slams me up against a tree and her hand slides up my thigh, pulling the hem of my skirt up with it. My leg lifts of its own accord, and she moves her hand back to my knee, holding my leg at her hip. She presses one of her legs in between my thighs, and I can't help the gasp that slips out, mingling with our kiss. I slide both of my hands under her shirt, feeling her smooth skin. She moaned and nipped at my lip. The hand that was on my knee slowly moved up my thigh and towards the inside and I shivered. My arousal was building fast, but we still had somethings to talk about.

"Bella." I said pulling out of the kiss. "We have a lot to talk about, especially when it comes to preparing you to see your dad." I explain, but she doesn't look the least bit interested, her eyes keep straying to my lips. "Bella, focus." I tease.

"I'm am focused." She said and then kissed me again. "Let's go talk about what I need to do." She said huskily, pulling out of our kiss. We continued our walk back to the house. Carlisle was outside the house, on the porch when we walked up. He smiled and motioned for us to sit on the bench by the door.


Carlisle walked me through all the things that I have to be aware of when I'm around humans. He told me how often to hunt to keep my thirst under control. It ended up being a rather lengthy conversation, much to my dismay. My leg kept brushing mine and it was sending little shocks through my body, I wanted nothing more than to be alone with her, someplace with bed. Carlisle must have noticed, because towards the end he cut things short. I was a little embarrassed but tried not to let it show. "Okay, so that's it. I'll leave you two alone. Esme and I are heading into town, do you need anything?" He asked, standing up.

"Nope, I think we're good." Alice answered for me. Carlisle nodded and headed inside to get Esme. I leaned my head on Alice's shoulder. "So, what do you want to do?" She asked coyly and I decided to hold out for a bit.

"Any place to shop around here. I could use a few new clothes." I said trying not to laugh at the expression on Alice's face.

"I've never felt so torn in my whole life." She said melodramaticly. "The two things I love most in the world, I'm thinking I'd rather be alone with you. But if you want to go shopping, then I guess we will." She stood up and pulled me to my feet.

"We have a whole week, let's go shopping and then we'll spend some time alone." I said pressing my body against hers. I kissed her cheek and took her hand, leading her inside.

"Let's grab our things and then we'll head out. The shopping isn't great here but it's better than some places I've been." She agreed. We could hear the front door shut downstairs as Alice grabbed her purse and I changed quickly, I smelled like a deer. Alice's eyes kept landing on me as I changed. I smiled because I knew that by the time we got home, she'd be just as worked up as me. We headed downstairs and got in the jeep and headed into town. I never really liked shopping, but with Alice it seemed a lot more fun.