A/N: This is actually the first story I ever wrote for Swan Queen. I'd intended to write more, but I've kind of lost the muse for it, so I'm posting the two chapters I had done as a two-shot while I'm feverishly working on my other stories. Hope you like it anyway.

She couldn't focus on her work again. Plagued by her own thoughts, she could only hold her pen limply in her hand and hope that anyone passing by her office would just assume she was in the middle of reading something.

Regina Mills wasn't happy.

This was a problem that was occurring with increasing frequency, of late. Granted, there had only been one brief, shining moment of true happiness that had occurred over the last twenty eight years. Everything else... well, she'd made do. It had been enough. It was all she had.

It had happened when she'd first held Henry. He'd been tiny, then- only three weeks old. She'd picked him from his tiny bassinet in the hospital and held him in her arms... God, she'd been so afraid of dropping him. She'd never held a baby before, in either of her-

But she hadn't dropped him. In that hospital, holding her new son to her chest, he'd yawned, impossibly huge. She'd smiled, and for that one tiny, tiny moment, she'd been happy.

Over the years, she clung to that memory. She'd expected the happiness to grow as Henry had, but there had been nothing else that compared to that first time. Not even her son could fill the void of emptiness inside of her. But sometimes... sometimes she would look at him when he wasn't watching, and she would remember... And it was enough.

It had been enough for years. But no longer. Henry was drifting away from her, had been for a while now. Despite her best efforts to keep him and that first memory close to her, everything she'd done just seemed to push him further away, and she didn't know how to stop it. The memory came less and less frequently. And she'd been unable to summon it at all since he'd brought... her... to Storybrooke.

Emma Swan. God, just thinking about her, Regina found her hand clenching her pen so tightly it could break, spilling ink all over her. It had happened before. She forced her hand to relax, breaking out of her thoughts for a moment, and set down the innocent writing utensil. This was ridiculous. Just sitting around dwelling on things wasn't going to fix anything. She wanted Miss Swan- 'Sheriff' Swan, now- out of her town and out of her son's life. And her own. Hell if she was going to let the argumentative blonde who'd given him up in the first place steal the only thing in her life that had ever mattered.

Annoying, then, that everything she'd tried so far had only cemented Miss Swan's drive to stay. Threats and power moves had proven to be ineffective. A change in tactic was obviously called for. If Henry was resolved to continue to see her, and she was equally resolved to stay, then she'd just have to use that to her advantage.

There was really, she decided, only one course of action open to her.

She would have to seduce Emma Swan.

Smirking to herself, Regina picked her pen back up and continued her paperwork, signing her name on the line with a flourish.