Chapter 26: The Baby Mockingjay

I'm in shock for a minute, but come back to my thoughts when I look at Peeta.

"Peeta, I think-" I don't get to finish because he scoops me up and just starts running towards the hospital. I peer back at the square to see Delly and Gale standing next to eachother, mouths dropped open. I close my eyes and just relax in Peeta's arms.

"You're okay Katniss, just breathe, we're almost there," he breathes out. I simply just nod and start to see the hospital come in sight. We finally make it to the doors, with Peeta slipping his hand under me to open the door. I see Penelope, a bit shocked at first but starts to lead Peeta. He carries me all the way down the hall. She leads him into a room, and he runs over to the bed and sets me down. I start to breathe a little hard, a hard pain starts to come on, so I shut my eyes close tight. I feel Peeta grab my hand and squeeze it.

"It's okay Katniss, just relax," Relaxing right now, did not help. The pain did eventually goes away. I open my eyes to find Peeta's worried face next to me. He's still in his tuxedo, and I'm still in my dress. Penelope eventually comes back with a gown to put on though. After I change, I lay back down on the bed and start breathing heavily again.

"Peeta, I can't-"

"No Katniss, you can do this, and you will do this, our little bundle of joy will be here soon," Penelope and walk back into the room after he says that.

"Hi Katniss, how are you feeling now?" he asks with a smile.

"I'm okay for now," I breathe out.

"Good, contractions for you, should be about fifteen minutes, maybe less, let's check how far you've dilated," He slips on a pair of gloves and walks over to my bed. I watch as his head disspears and comes back up in a matter of seconds.

"You are dilated about six centimeters, so in a little while you have to start pushing," I look at Peeta with widened eyes and he just nods and mouths you'll be fine.

"We'll be back in a little while, so for now just relax," and then they just walk out of the room. I almost feel tears stream down my cheeks but Peeta leans down by me.

"Katniss, you're alright, I'll be here the whole time," I relax a bit and put my head back on the pillow and start to drift off to sleep when I feel a flash.

"Memories," and I drift off.

"Katniss, can you hear me?" I hear a voice. I wake up to see Peeta, drenched in sweat.

"Peeta, what is it?" He doesn't reply but with silence.

"It's time," he whispers. I look up to see and Penelope, and they both nod.

"Alright Katniss, are you ready?" she asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," that makes them smile. Peeta grips back onto my hand and squeezes it.

"Okay Katniss, all you need to do is push when I tell you too, okay?" I nod and start my breathing up again.

"Okay Katniss, push," I start and the pain just starts to creep along. I feel Peeta's sweating palms against me.

"Very good, wait, okay, another," I push again and the pain strikes through me.

"Katniss, you're fine, you're doing good," Peeta says. Penelope nods. I look back up at Dr. Miller.

"Now give me a really big push, give all you got," I push so hard I'm holding a scream back.

"Keep going Katniss, it's almost out," I keep pushing and let out a little whimper, I'd rather not scream in a hospital thank you.

"Almost there hon, just one more," Peeta says.

"One more big push Katniss and it's out," This is it. The baby is coming out, after all we've been through with it in me, I couldn't be more excited. I give all the strength I have into it and push as hard as I can, and suddenly I hear the crying.

"Katniss, you did it, it's over, and you did fine," Peeta says in front of me, I feel the tears just rushing down now.

"Peeta, would you like to do the honors?" Penelope says holding up scissors. He smiles at it.

"I'd be glad to," he walks over taking the scissors and cuts the cord. Dr. Miller and Penelope takes the baby over to the sink and washes it, then wraps it in a blanket, bringing it back to me.

"Katniss, you have a beautiful baby girl," A girl. Just what I wanted. He hands me the baby and I immediately cradle it in my arms. She's so beautiful. She has short frilly brown hair, a bit of olive skin, and little blue eyes. She has Peeta's eyes but my nose.

"I knew it," whispers Peeta. I watch as he kneels down by me to look at her, tears streaming down his face too. I smile at his thought. A little archer. A little braid down her back.

"She looks just like you," Peeta chokes out.

"She has your eyes though," I reply. I watch Peeta hand something to Penelope, I'm not sure what it is until I feel a flash.

"She's perfect, what are we going to name her?" I ask. Peeta raises his eyebrows a bit, puzzled at it. We never even thought of a name for either of the genders.

"How about Serafina," he asks.

"Serafina? Where did you get that from?" I ask.

"It popped in my head, and I think it's perfect for her, for our little baby mockingjay," he smiles.

"I like it, and for a middle name, how about, Rose?"

"Serafina Rose Mellark, I love it," he repeats out. It even sounds beautiful.

"Me too," I look up at Penelope who's holding a camera.

"Alright our star crossed lovers, how about a memory catch?" she says. I look up and smile for the camera while the flash goes off again.

"Perfect," she says and hands the camera back to Peeta. He stuffs it in his pocket and looks back at Serafina.

"She's perfect in everyway," I nod at his thought. I look up at him and he appears to be thinking about something, but then moves his head towards my ear to whisper something.

"Remember, we're still madly in love, so it's alright to kiss me anytime you feel like it," I smile, and return his response with a kiss, with little Serafina falling asleep in my arms.


Her hand wraps around my fingers as I lead her toward the woods, where I promised I would take her. I stop her and kneel down in front of her

"See Serafina? This is where mommy would go hunt," She cocks her head a bit at my statement. I'm about to reply when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Is this the little miracle you had to show me Catnip?" I close my eyes and smile. Gale. I open my eyes and look back and see him walking towards us.

"Gale, you look good,"

"So do you, much better actually," I laugh a little.

"Now who is this?" he says in a playful voice. She smiles a bit at his response.

"Gale, this is Serafina, Serafina, this is Gale," She smiles and waves.

"Serafina, did Peeta come up with this?" he asks.

"Actually yes," I remark. He rolls his eyes.

"You have your own baby mocking jay now," I stay silent at this until he notices something.

"Did you come back to show her how to shoot?" I carried the bow and arrows he gave me just to show her.

"Well, I guess I did," I say.

"Can you?" he snickers.

"I can still do what I can Gale," I immediately string an arrow back and shoot it right into a tree. He seems impressed at this.

"You still got it Catnip, and soon she will too,"

"Yeah, my little baby mocking jay,"

Final A/N Okay, this is it. I cried during this chapter, not because it's over though, it was so touching to me! I will miss this story though too. I thank all of my followers, favorites, and especially my reviews! You guys took time out to write those for me, and I've really enjoyed them. I actually got the name idea from a reviewer so thank you! Please, look up to new stories, starting soon, because I will miss writing them. The next one I will write will be longer, trust me. I stayed up until 11:30 writing you guys this, so please appreciate this! And I'm sorry to say that there will be no sequel, because there is nothing else to write. I thought I did pretty good on this story, so you may keep reviewing. Now it will be the last ones I get. New story up soon, I need to come up with more ideas. Ugh, I'm crying right now! Okay, final say, thank you everyone, for support. I will miss this story, but I'll try to keep it up as long as I can. Keep reading and writing. Oh, and Happy Hunger Games! And, may the odds, be ever, in your favor! -MissWaffles101(AKA MrsPeetaMellark)