Chapter 1: The Clues

"Peeta!" I scream. I just lied on the bed in pain, waiting for him for this whole morning. I thought he went off to the bakery so I waited to see, but I couldn't take it any more, but he finally came in with a worried face.

"Katniss! What's wrong!" he yells running into our bedroom finding me on the bed.

"I need help! Take me to the doctor's please!"

Peeta scooped me up and carried me all the way there. What could be happening to me?

As we entered the hospital, Peeta finally letting me down, I grew very worried. I hated the hospital, since I've been in there for so many times.

Peeta wrote out the forms while I just sat there shaking. He knew I hated it here, so he put his arm around me.

The nurse finally called us in, and I got to see my doctor, Doctor Milller.

"Katniss? Are you feeling alright?" he asked I sat in the chair breathing hard, holding my stomach.

"I really don't feel right. My stomach has been churning for days!" I say. Peeta looks at me strangely, like he hasn't known anything that has been happening to me. I've been keeping to myself lately.

"Well, let me see if I can figure out what's wrong," he says. He washes his hands and puts on some gloves. Then he opens up the cabinet and pulls out a needle. I then start to jerk and Peeta notices this and squeezes my hand.

He presses the needle into my arm searing with pain, but then I take a sigh of relief when she takes it out.

"I'll be right back, this will help me figure out what's wrong," and then he leaves with Peeta and me standing in the empty, quiet room.

Then for no reason, I just get up and hug him, but he understands.

"I know Katniss, you'll be fine, I'm sure it's nothing serious," he says. Dr, Miller comes back with a blank expression on his face.

"Oh, I think you both should find this out on your own," he says with a smile.

We exchange glances for a moment. What could that possibly mean?