((hey guys i hope you like this new chapter, i guess it was just a filler for things to come, so it might not have been as good as it could have been, so please please please review and tell me what you think, did i get the character of Morgana right? thanks everyone who has reviewed so far i love you all and please keep it up as it inspires me to write more))

If all of Amaridia's questions hadn't been answered then they were now.

The horses seemed to pick up speed as the other castle came into could see the relief of both of the men's faces, this was Camelot, the place her auntie wanted so badly.

To her it looked just like a castle, nothing special but then she had never been brought there so she wouldn't know how special it was.

Every few minutes the raven haired boy would squeeze her hand to try and calm her down, she sat behind him on his horse, worry ebbing her mind. She would get occasional glances from Morgana, thankfully they weren't filled with a hateful glare but a look of understanding.

If Morgana hadn't been evil and hell bent on taking the throne then Amaridia may have trusted her, the darkened ward seemed to give her niece worried glances every few minutes which had started to seem weird, as they came into the castle she could see different villagers staring at her confused and then the knights were very good either, they seemed to gawk at her beauty and look confused about why the prince had gone out with his manservant the kings ward looking for Morgana's maid and brought back a young eighteen year old that looked like royalty.

"Morgana can you look after our guest while I talk to my father, she is to have everything she desires" with that declaration the Prince seemed to bound off with his manservant who's hand left her own and a cold feeling tickled her hand, oh how she wished for the warm feeling of his hand to calm her, after all with him being there none of her magic had gone astray.

It was amazing. Morgana seemed to give a proper smile as she motioned for Amaridia to follow her, her maidservant following too.

They reached a set of doors after a few minutes of walking and with an echoing sound they opened onto a beautiful room. Amaridia bit her lip as she saw it, the room that she had been enchanted in hadn't been as nice as this, and although she could feel the dark magic in the air she couldn't deny that she liked the room.

"I'll go and get the guest chambers set up"

"Thank you Gwen" with Little departing words the maid (apparently called Gwen) seemed to skip of down some random stone corridor leaving a very palpable silence.

"My sister told me in the castle that if you went back to Camelot because something had happened then I was to look after you and teach you some magic, do you accept for the time that you will be here that I will be your guardian, you will obey my rules and be my eyes and ears where I can't go" the evil smirk seemed to come into the conversation somewhere leaving Amaridia with an uneasy feeling.

"Yes" her little word housed many emotions that just seemed to make Morgana's smirk wider, if that was even possible.

"Ok, well I'm glad with have that cleared up, you seemed pretty friendly with Arthur's manservant Merlin, so I want you to get closer with him, get him to trust you and maybe even love you then once we have found out everything he knows about Arthur, we can crush them all"

The words echoed in her head as she thought about what her auntie wanted to do, she didn't even know if she could do that, hurt people over a progressive amount of time, but then again if she didn't Morgana would probably just try and kill her or her mother would say another enchantment and she would become a baby again, growing up in a time of war.

Those ideas did not help her at all. Gulping softly she looked up at the evil smirking Morgana and nodded.

"ok" she whispered feeling the sound of defeat enter her voice.

"Good, it seems that you have made my plans a lot less difficult, after all Merlin seems to suspect me at every twist and turn, he doesn't like me, but he seems to feel different about you so it will make things easier" Morgana kept the smirk on her face until a knocking sounded on the wood door, a figure came in, the prince known as Arthur.

"Father said that the girl can stay as long as she wants, I told him that she had been travelling to a kingdom with her father and mother who were a king and queen when mercenaries attacked them, nobody stood a chance but the girl ran and we found her and decided that she should come here, I don't think I will be content with calling you the girl, what is your name?" the prince's eyes suddenly become trained on Amaridia, his eyes looking like he was stalking his prey, a warning glance was thrown at her from Morgana and she bit her lip.

"My name is Anna, my lord" Amaridia immediately gave a dazzling smile trying lead off any false doubt from the prince.

"Ok Anna, Prince Arthur, also could you tell me why you were in the middle of it all in the great hall, with Cenred and Morgouse?" again the man's eyes seemed to go hawk like as he studied her. Before she could say anything- not like she had prepared anything, her lips were well and truly stuck-Morgana had interjected.

"Anna was taken as a ransom from another castle, but I don't know what castle and I feel that Anna was made to forget that castle and her family, I fear that we will never find her parents" Morgana's words seemed so believable that Amaridia seemed almost convinced as well.

With a sad smile Arthur departed and she saw Morgana sigh, the evil smirking sorceress had been worried? Well that was something.

"Are you hungry, I'll send for some food" as Morgana left the room, the silence came back and Amaridia could feel the darkness closing in on her, she had been born of darkness but light had won the battle.

But for how long?