((hey so i had a new idea for a story, i hope you guys like it, please comment, review, please please, it will mean a lot to me to know that you like it))

The castle quivered with the magic of the new born baby, the baby of Morgouse and Cenred, a baby that Morgouse had decided would help them win the battle of Camelot.

The two parents had though about enchanting the baby to grow up and infiltrate the castle, growing in the castle and gently carving the minds of the people and especially the knights as she grew, but a new development had transpired.

Since the babies birth, magic had burst from the baby, uncontrolled and powerful.

New ideas had been sprung and the new mother seemed to grin like a maniac at the father who stood on the other side of the black cot, swords perched on his back, ready to attack at all times.

There was no love between them, just common values, things they wanted and things they despised. The baby seemed let out a cry that could be heard through the castle, loud and powerful, the makings of a great sorceress.

A delicate hand seemed to stroke down the babies face and a smile was aimed at the father who just seemed to nod with an equally cruel smile.

"ag fás leanbh, ag fás, tá sé in am ag fás suas anois, a ligean draíochta líonadh agat. lig tú féin ag fás mór agus ard".

Enchanted words pierced the room and the baby was lifted onto the bed as orange and blue lights encircled it, making it grow in size and shift into something beautiful, in all of a few minutes, the baby was no longer there but replaced by a very beautiful brown curly haired eighteen year old girl with blue sparkling eyes, resembling her father at most.

The girl seemed to scan the room with confused eyes as she sat up and watched the two people who stood before her smile manically at her, how odd was all she could think, after all the girl had no recollection of who she was, what she was, where she was and why she was even sat on a bed with two strange looking people looming over her.

Who was she?

"who are you?" she asked a clear voice rang out into the room, the voice seemed to be full of passion, fire and love all things that the two people in front her despised.

"My dear, you are in the castle of Fyrien, your name is Amaridia and we are your parents, you have magic and you will help us kill the Prince of Camelot, we will teach you to hate everything we hate and love what Is good for you" a calm and controlled voice filled the air, the voice of Morgouse, the women with blonde hair and beauty beyond compare, but her beauty did not match the loveless tone in her voice, it could sound like the child in front her wasn't even hers by the way she talked to her.

Amaridia just seemed even more confused, why would she hate someone she had never met? What was magic? The girl bit her lip as she soon found out what magic was, the girls eyes turned golden(not that she could see her eyes)and a candle that had no flame was suddenly lit, with a jump she looked at the smirking face of her supposed mother.

"did I just do that?" she asked with a scared voice of a child not a teenager

"Yes and I have more to teach you, but first we are expecting a visit from your auntie and the Prince who will soon be dead, let's go and get you some clothes and then see your father in action" the words from Morgouse seemed to calm the teenager a bit, even though Amaridia had just seemed to realise that she was wearing a sheet.

She took the outstretched hand of her mother and got up taking the sheet with her as they waved goodbye to the man that was her father and set of down the hall with her blonde haired mother.

Strange feelings seemed to flare in the teenager, doubt, fear and others, she couldn't fathom why ending someones life would be a good thing, she didn't know many things but she knew that lives could be taken away in an instant, her magic told her that.

She felt herself be moved into a room where a dress was thrown at her and she slipped it over her slim frame, the dress was black with golden pieces through it and red specks on the bottom of it, it was beautiful.

The women who stood next to her seemed to look at her with eyes that looked like they had plans for her, this seemed to discomfort her making her bit her lip and look at herself in the mirror that had been provided in the otherwise very bare room.

"What is wrong?" the blonde seemed to sigh at her very new daughter, her hand playing with the young girls curls, Morgouse would have liked to have been able to bond more with her child but desperate times had called for desperate measures.

"Why is ending the Prince's life the right thing? My magic tells me that I was only a baby a few minutes ago and that you enchanted me to grow so that you and my father could have me help you kill an innocent" Amaridia seemed to whisper as wetness soaked her porcelain cheeks.

"The man we are setting out to kill is no innocent, he has killed many of our kind and will do again until we stop him then my sister will take her rightful place on the throne and magic will rightfully rule in Camelot and we will be free, your magic my have a voice but it is not always right, and yes I enchanted you to grow but that was only so you wouldn't be weak and useless" Morgouse seemed to give a smile then walk from the room beckoning for her daughter to follow her.

Whatever was going on in the ominous castle was about to begin and Morgouse wanted her daughter to see what they were up against.