~Fanged Teeth~

-:Chapter Four:-


Seven years has passed since Lucy came to Magnolia. Now she is a seventeen year old young lady who love to read and go for walks out in the capital city in this land, Fiore-Harujion.

"Lushii!" said girl turned around and saw how a blue blur flied towards her and crash straight at her chest. "They're back!" Happy sung happily up to her, he smiles widely and pick her up and flies towards the big balcony door.

"Wait, Happy! Who're back?" the blonde asks him, utterly confused over the cat's sudden outburst.

"You will see!" Happy drops Lucy down on the white stone balcony and settle down on the fence that held the security for the young girl at younger age.

Curious Lucy walks over to Happy and looks over the city, her eyes widen when she sees how the citizens stands on the walk side like at the Fairy Fantasy parade. They are cheering and fireworks spurts up in the sky and down comes confetti and balloons raises up in all colors. From cherry pink to forest green and red to sea blue.

Children ran over the road, dogs and other animals was shooed away. Everything were just like a parade, in Lucy's opinion.

"Happy, can you plea-"

"HE'S HERE!" a man's voice shouts from behind her. Happy and Lucy startled looks backwards and sees how Juvia, Gray, Makarov, Porlyusica, Gunfus and particularly the whole court rush out to the balcony.

"That bastard finally comes back after eight years?" Gray smirks while he said so, leaning at the fence the ebony haired man looks over to the very edge of the road.

"I hope they are on for a beer later." Gunfus says out loud and crosses his arms over his chest.

"No! The three of us will go and fish first!" Happy interrupted Gunfus beardy grin.

"Can someone please tell me who 'they' are?" Lucy asks and turn to Juvia who beams at her with the biggest of smiles pasted on her beautiful features.

"Just wait a little Lucy-sama, you will soon get to know them." she answers and hooks her arm with Lucy's. Lucy herself were even more confused now.


"There they are." a feminine voice cut the blonde off.

"Erza?" Lucy starts but got her head turned toward the road were at the horizon dark shadows of carriages and people appears.

The hoofs of horses clatters mixed with the citizens cheers and fireworks filled the air. Happy jumps up and down when the crowd of people by each ten seconds comes closer and closer to the castle's front port.

Lucy gives up after some minutes trying on getting some information of who 'they' are. Suddenly the whole pack of carriages and horses were by the port, the citizens crowded behind them.

The white horses neighed nervously and trod on the spot. The brown and much older horses who drag the carriages silently stood there at the front.

"OPEN THE PORT!" a guard from the castle's many towers shouts down to the ones who are put down by the port's big doors. Saluting they starts to reel down the bridge and the doors opens.

With a rather loud bang the bridge was down and clear to go over.


Lucy, together with everyone else from the castle, stands out in the front yard of the castle and sees how the carriages and people that has arrived jump off the horses and hold them.

The blonde haired girl nervously play with her dress's sleeves.

"Your lord and king of Magnolia, Igneel Draco Dragneel is back together with his son, prince and heir to the throne Natsu Ustan Draco Dragneel from their journey to Aphostrofia!" a guard said and opened the door to the carriage.

First, a man with long and spiky red hair walks off and soon after comes a boy in Lucy's age out, he has dark cherry pink hair, black eyes and light tanned skin. He looks pretty much like the father except that the prince is a bit shorter and have black orbs instead of clear forest green.

"Welcome back you two." Makarov was first with welcoming them back.

"Thank you Makarov." Igneel says and bows down. Behind him stood the king's son but not for too long since Happy bounces on him with enormous power.

"Naaatssuuu!" the cat sung and grinded his head against said boy's chest. Natsu chuckled and pats the cat's head softly. "I have missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Happy."

Lucy's cheeks flushes up into a color of light pink. She can't deny the prince wasn't handsome.


'What an amused day..' Lucy thought while she combs her hair by the white make-up table later in the evening. Sighing she laid the hair comber down on the table's top and stands up from the little pall. She turns towards the big window and slowly walks over to it.

"Beautiful.." she whisper at the moon and stars that shines and twinkles up in the starry night sky.

"Weirdo." Lucy screamed when a voice comes from behind her. She grab the closest thing she could see and throws it at the intruder. When a soft thud reached her ears the girl slowly turned around to see a blue tail with white tip twitch underneath a big white pillow.

"Happy!" the blonde panics and rushes over to the crushed cat, not seeing a certain prince look down to them. "Are you okay and what have I told you about sneaking up to me like that?"

"Aye…" the little feline breaths out and scratch his head. "But I wanted to introduce you to Natsu."

"Uh…. huh?"

"He mean the guy over here." Lucy turned her head and backs away, still with Happy in her arms, and stare at the prince. His clothes had changed from some strange green coat and blue pants to a vest, without something underneath, white trousers and a waistcoat being hold up by a brown belt. There was one thing though that were not gone, the white scarf of dragon scales. Lucy looks at him, not noticing he actually talks to her.

"Uhm… what did you say?" Natsu sighs and crosses his arms and lean back against the wall behind him.

"I said, who are you and when did you come to this world?"

"I-I'm Lucy and… Gray and Erza took me here.." she answers very quiet.

"I asked 'when' not 'who'." Natsu open his right eye and looks at her with a quite irritated expression.

"S-S-Seven years a-ag-ago."

"That was all I wanted to know." Lucy lower her head and fumbles with the hem of her shirt. Hearing how the prince moved she glances up and sees him walk over to the door. "Goodnight." he said and walks out.

Happy who had crashed down on her bed snores cutely and mumbles something about wanting northern pike to breakfast.

Lucy falls down on her knees and exhales. 'He's scary…' she thinks and looks at the spot he stood at.

The next morning was pretty much awkward for Lucy. With awkward I mean she always bumped into a certain someone time to time.

Natsu on the other hand hadn't the energy to tell her to stop crash into him all the time. Actually he have no energy at all. With a sigh he slumps down on his own bed in the almost biggest room in the whole castle. The largest of course is his father's, which made him pretty pissed off since he want more room to have his personal stuff at.

A sudden scent of vanilla and strawberry sneaks up to his sensitive nose and it makes his mind all fuzzy. Growling he snaps an eye open and glares towards the door. But as fast as the smell had appeared it disappears. Curiosity took over his senses and tiredness.

Once he open the door the smell hit him like a brick in the face. Cursing over his nose smell ability he follows the scent and crash into a big brown door after some seconds. While he rubs his nose Natsu looks up to see he's standing outside the library. Cocking a curious eyebrow he slowly pushes the door open.

Scanning over the room his eyes got glued to the person by the big window to the right.

Right there sits Lucy, looking through some books that looks like some sort of album with photography's. Without making any kind of sound he managed to peek over her shoulder, his eyes looks at the pictures of what looked like a kiddy Lucy playing with Happy in the garden.

"For how long do plan on standing behind me?" that she suddenly said something made the boy jump backwards while Lucy turns around, something in silver beaming in the sun's light in the move.

"I-uh-how…. Gotta go!" with that the boy had disappeared from the room in a swift of an second. Lucy who looks at the empty spot wonders why he suddenly ran off. Sighing she return back to the photo album.


Igneel sits in his room and read through some papers that had come this morning.

"Dad!" looking up from the paper said father sees how his son slams his palms down on the desktop hard enough to make everything lift up some centimeters and smash down again. "Why does she have the pendant?" the pinkette asks the king with a growl. Igneel closes his eyes and clasps his hands together.

"Natsu, why she have it is something that's outside of your concern." the older man answered calmly. Natsu on the other hand forms his hands to fists and grits his jaw.

"So you mean she knows nothing about 'that'?"

"No, she don't." the pink haired boy glares at his father for a short moment before he turns around and storms out of the room, almost colliding with a much confused looking Juvia.

"Is something wrong, Natsu-sama?"

All she got in answer was a growl and his back. The maid follow the young master's figure until he disappears around a corner.

"Just ignore him, Juvia, he's in a bad mood." the king says and sighs over his son's aggressiveness. "Then, what brings you here."

"Well… it's about the sacrifice ritual.." Juvia nervously held the paper in front of the king. Igneel slowly takes the paper away from the blue haired woman slowly read it, his face slowly by each sentence changes to a deep frown. "The enigma stones have disappeared and… they can't do it without them.."

"The four element diamonds…" Igneel murmurs. "I have decided. I'll send two persons to retrieve them, my son's life can still be saved."

"But.. it's only three months left and-"

"They can make it." he cut Juvia off. The maid looks down to her feet and nods slowly. "Make two of the best horses ready for journey and pack three million jewels in a moneybag together with other necessities."

"H-Hai, Igneel-sama." Juvia bowed and scurried away out from the room.

Honhonhonhon~ who will he send? :3 stay tuned for the next chapter and you will know it~ ^^

If you haven't read chapter 2 and 3 yet, please do that and then re-read this chapter so you don't get confused! :)

Please send a review or two? :) favs and alerts are welcomed into the big hug! XD

Love F-T-K~