[hey friends, another story, this one's gonna be a bit different than the others though. First of all it's not going to be as long as many of my others will be, second I've decided to do a story focusing on female OC's. so, if you're interested, read on. Also, if anyone who I've submitted an OC to their story is reading this I'm sorry if I'm not leaving any reviews, work really limit's the amount of time I have to read, and since a lot of these stories are being updated a lot it's difficult to keep up. Still, I'll try to read when I can, it's just difficult at the moment. Anyway, read on and let me know what you think]

There was a knock at the door, three taps. On the side opposite the knocks came the sound of hurried footsteps in response. As the footsteps hit the final stair on the staircase, they were revealed to be coming from a light blue, blonde haired cat with large bushy ears, green markings, and green dye at the end of her hair.

I took only a moment to reach the door and when it swung open it was revealed that the knocks were coming from a sapphire colored raccoon with red markings as well as a light blue neckerchief and ribbon behind her ear. At her side was a white case and she wore a white backpack, sipped open a little with the head of a stuffed animal sticking out.

"Morning Komei! I remembered to come early. Where is everyone else?" the Raccoon asked.

"Morning Belle. Nobody's here yet, they're probably packing… hopefully. Well, come on in!" Komei said excitedly.

In response Belle smiled and stepped into the house, looking around the room.

"Umm… Komei? I was wondering. Why aren't we having the party here? I mean, it's in town after all, and it'd be a lot easier for everyone" suggested Belle.

"I know, but my aunt and uncle's house is way cooler! Plus they wanted me to keep an eye on it while they were out. Besides, they already said we could have it there" Komei explained.

"Yea, I know… but, Komei. You do know that house used to belong to Pricilla, and you know her… I don't know, don't you think it's kinda scary?" Belle asked.

"Tee hee, I know, that's what makes it so fun. We have so much stuff we're gonna do there. It's gonna be awesome Belle, you can't miss it!" Said Komei trying to convince her friend.

"Yea, I know… hmm… well, next time we have the party at my house. You always pick the weird ideas" said Belle.

"Ok then, next time, we do this at your house. Now c'mon Belle, help me pack" said Komei.

Belle sighed and followed the spunky cat up stairs. The two immediately entered Komei's room. The lighting was fairly dim and the walls were covered in band posters and various mystery and sci-fi merchandise. After retrieving a sleeping bag and tossing a couple stuffed animals into a bag Komei then retrieved her brown plaid fedora with a white feather sticking out of the black strap around it.

"Oh no, Komei, what are you gonna be doing there?" Belle asked.

"Nothing" said Komei holding back a grin.

"C'mon Komei, you're bringing that stupid hat of yours, I know your gonna do something that's gonna get us into trouble, you always do when you're wearing that" said Belle.

"I'm not gonna get us into trouble Belle… what are you so worried about anyway?" Komei asked.

"Ermm… well… the house is big and had a weird lady living in it before" said Belle.

"Pricilla's not weird" said Komei.

"Well… she acts nice, but you've seen the weird things she can do. Who knows what she left in that house before… oh no, Komei, I know what you're gonna be doing" said belle.

"What's that?" Komei asked.

"Stop being like that, I know what you're up to. You're gonna try to find stuff she left there, I know it" said Belle.

"What's so scary about that? C'mon Belle, it probably won't be anything bad. Heck, there might not even be anything there at all. Besides, the house is huge and it's gonna be so much fun with just us girls there. We're gonna cook, watch movies, make fun of Needles, all that good stuff" said Komei.

"Well, I never said I wasn't coming… I just think you should be more careful. You get so carried away with this kinda stuff Komei" said Belle.

"It'll be fine Belle, c'mon. I gotta get this finished before guests start arriving" said Komei.

Belle thought to herself for a moment before she began to help.

Packing up took only a few minutes though much of what Komei was bringing didn't seem necessary. Eventually when they were finished with Komei's room they made their way into the bathroom to gather toiletries, then to the kitchen to gather a few more supplies. When it was over Komei had five bags full of various items.

"Wow Komei, do you really need all this stuff? How are we getting there anyway, there's no way we can walk with al this stuff" said Belle.

"Well, Reuger's gonna give us a ride" said Komei.

"Reuger? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a 'girl's only slumber party?'" Belle asked.

"He's not staying. He's just gonna drop us off. He's gonna be picking us up when we're done too" said Komei.

Belle was about to speak again when a knock came from the door.

"Yes, Someone's here! Yay! Can't wait to see who it is!" said Komei excitedly as she made her way to the front door to greet them.

[short chapter, as many of the first chapters to OC stories are. So, what did y'all think? If you're interested in submitting a character then take and read Komei's invitation delivered to every girl in Tree Town.

"Howdy friend! You have been cordially invited to Komei's Super Springtime Slumber Party. We're going to have a blast! There's gonna be Popcorn, Movies, food, games, all that awesome stuff! Not to mention, we'll be spending the night in my aunt and uncle's mansion while they're out.

If you wanna join me, meet me at my house, c'mon, you know where I live! I'm looking forward to your company and all the fun we're gonna have. All you need to bring is yourself and anything else you want! Oh, and snacks, don't forget snacks! Anyway, I'll be seeing you soon. Remember, girls only, that means no boys allowed. Ciao!"

Ok then, so, if your character is coming along then here's what I'm going to need from you.








Weaknesses (if there are any to note):

Affiliations with other characters:

Anything notable they are bringing with them (not mandatory)

Miscellaneous information:

If you do have a male character you want to submit I may use them for something. However, male characters are not the focus for this story so their parts would be minor, still, I could make use of them if you wanted to submit one. Also, if you have any other questions or anything specific you may want to see in this story let me know. If your suggestion works for me I'll gladly add it in. anyway, see you later!]