Minawa: This is a challenge I got from Miko Vampire and I really hope this is what she had in mind when she gave me the idea. Enjoy

I don't own anything but this story, the idea is from Miko Vampire.

Dinner that evening had been rather calm and uneventful. Since Sonoko had in some way convinced me and Ran that we should attend to another of Kaitou Kid's heists she was buying us dinner at a pretty nice family restaurant. She had originally wanted Kudo Shinichi to attend but considering the circumstances that was nowhere possible. After all, I am Kudo Shinichi. Naturally, since Ran was coming along Sonoko had insisted that I, the mini version of a detective, should come along. Of course I had felt offended by her calling me "the mini version" but in the end I had agreed. Kid's heist and schemes intrigued me and for some reason I didn't want to miss out on a chance to see him, or even better; capture him.


We had later on arrived at the museum at five to meet the inspector and make the preparations. It hadn't been long before Nakamori had had an idea. A very silly, annoying and utterly stupid idea.

"This is ridiculous." I said as the inspector shot me a content grin. He was really sure that his plan would work and it truly showed. I crossed my arms.

"I refuse." I said, turning around while closing my eyes. A mistake on my part.

"Grab him!" Nakamori yelled and as I stared up at him in terror another three men of the team jumped me. I struggled but the force of four full-grown men was too much for a child. Well, the body of a child at least.

"Oi!" I mustered but it was too late. A click was heard from the back of my own neck and something heavy weighted on it.

"Conan! Let him go!" Ran's worried voice was heard and the men jumped back, probably scared of her overprotective voice. Only Nakamori stood firm, too confident for his own good. I sighed and pulled at the necklace in annoyance.

"Take it off him. Now." Ran demanded as she pointed at the ridiculous thing that was locked around my neck. Nakamori shook his head.

"This will prevent Kid from succeeding. There is no chance that he'll ever be able to take the choker now!" he said, pride showing in his voice and loud laughter. I rolled my eyes and looked at my watch.

"So you think that attaching it to that kid will stop Kid-Sama? He'll just take it off!" Sonoko protested and in a way I found myself agreeing to it. Kid would easily get this thing of me. I once again glanced at my watch and found it to only be an hour left before it got started.

"I should inform you that that choker, "Blood Heaven" is the most advanced piece of jewelry there is! It's almost impossible to open! Hahaha!" Nakamori boasted, probably very pleased with himself. The others just shook their heads and even the men from the protection squad looked unsure about the plan.

Ran lowered herself to my height.

"It'll be alright. Kid has never hurt anyone so I'm sure you will be safe!" she said with a smile. I smiled back but couldn't help feeling less safe with that knowledge. Sure Kid never hurt anyone... he just pulled pranks by hanging them upside down in either shock pink feathers or a cat costume. I would know, I've seen him do it.

"Great... I feel much better." I said and even though she looked like she hinted the sarcasm she didn't say anything else. I shrugged mentally before walking away to go to the bathroom. Obviously, since Nakamori felt his plan to be so great, there was no need for an escort or a guard. Maybe that was for the best.

I entered on of the stalls when my phone suddenly went off. I pulled it out and saw on the display that it was Haibara who was calling.

"Hello Haibara" I said as I held the phone to my ear.

"You sound tired Kudo-kun. Is Kid too much for you to handle?" she asked on the other line. I sweat dropped as she obviously was enjoying herself.

"More like the inspector... Did you need something?" I asked. She went quiet for a while as the sound of keyboards was heard in the background.

"Do you take your medicine?" she asked. I sighed, knowing fully well she didn't trust me.

"Yes, I took it like you said. No more than once every 6 days, right?" I said, letting my annoyance show in my words. I got no reaction from that.

"You need to grow accustomed to the ingredients in the pills. We can raise the dose after that. For now you need to stop playing the hero, even if you can." She said and I understood that she meant it.

"Got it. I will use it tomorrow, after all, it's my birthday and I promised Ran we'd go to the movies." I said.

"Ara, is it going well for the love birds?" she asked. I rolled my eyes.

"As if! I've told you, I don't feel like that for Ran. She has a boyfriend you know!" I said, slightly annoyed as I had numerous times told people we weren't like that.

"If you say so..." Haibara sighed and I seriously started to doubt whether she understood or not. I froze.

"What is in the medicine?" I asked. She was quiet for a second.

"You don't want to know." Was all that she said before the busy tone rang and I realized she'd hung up on me. I sighed and seriously started to doubt the joy of returning my own body.


A few weeks back Haibara had come up with a pill that would give me back my original body for about 24 hours. The medicine was unfortunately too strong for me to handle. Haibara had said that if I gradually would increase the dose and take it more often, I would soon enough go back to being a teenager. Of course, I was overjoyed but it hadn't been easy. At first I had been limited to using the pill with a two weeks gap and in a desperate try during a case I had taken to pill again after only 8 days and it had been close to my death. After that, Haibara continued to insist that I would stop playing the hero and keep a regular medication. I had agreed and now I was down to every 6 days.


I returned to the great hall, finding a fake choker in the glass case. Nakamori was going all out during the heist, not letting Kid even close to the real deal. Even with so much time left I was soon enough put away with other guards in a security surveillance room. It felt incredibly awkward sitting in between the two full-grown men but it was here I would get the best view of the show. I found one of the men looking at me.

"You seem really interested, boy. Too bad the inspector put that thing on you." The man said, showing a kind smile. I smiled back at him but shrugged.

"Can't help it, can you? He has a...very special way of doing things." I said and got a chuckle from the man.

We continued to watch the monitors in silence as the second man zoomed in and switched between cameras and different angles. I glanced at my watch and realized it was just a minute left. Sure enough, 60 seconds later a puff of smoke appeared on the screen showing the hall used to display the choker. I nearly jumped in my chair but forced myself down again. Even though Kid was so close to my gasp, I knew I had the choker to protect. Even if it hadn't been my idea in the first place...

"Go help them out! I have it under control." The man I had earlier talked with said and as his partner left the room he winked at me.

"I've got a good helper right here." He said in a voice that was completely different from before but undeniably recognizable. My eyes widened with shock and I quickly glance at the screen, showing Kid jumping about to avoid the protection squad. I was just about to open my mouth when his leather-clad fingers covered it. I gripped his arm but found no way to budge it. I could practically feel him grin into my ear.

"My partner is doing a rather good job, don't you think?" he said before he pulled me up into his arms. I squirmed but found it impossible to release myself from him. I stopped fighting and let Kid run with me down the hallway. He glanced at me surprised but kept quiet.

Loud noises were heard from the hallway and too my surprise, Kid didn't act scared or surprised but instead showed a smile as he ran up to the window at the end of the hallway. I shook his hand off.

"Are you out of your mind? When they come this way you will have no means of escape." I said. He chuckled and I felt my cheeks burn.

"Worried for me, princess? I am honored." He said teasingly. I tsk'ed.

Nakamori and a few others of the protection squad came around the corner and stopped in surprise. Their eyes went from me to Kid and then back again. All of a sudden the inspectors cheeks burned red as he pointed towards us.

"K-k-Kid! You scoundrel! You have nowhere else to go!" Nakamori yelled as the team moved in closer. I shook my head, amazed by the inspector's clever way of insulting the thief that was currently laughing. Kid kicked open the window with a back kick and to everyone's surprise, jumped up at the edge with ease. I sweat dropped.

"Inspector!" Kid called "I just wanted to say thanks for this amazing little gift you've given me." He said and held me up. I squirmed as much as I dared, considering our current position.

"Kid!" Nakamori yelled. Kid chuckled.

"I will have lots of fun with it." He said before jumping straight out in the air. My stomach began to turn, anticipating a long fall for the both of us. Instead we were pulled upwards. I looked up to see a string attached to Kid's collar and realized that in order to shake of the protection squad we had, instead of going down, gotten up on the roof. Kid showed me a hush with a finger covering his mouth and despise the feeling of wanting to call for help I ended up quiet.


A few minutes later we entered a building in the city core from the roof. Kid had pulled out his hand glider on top of the museum roof and quickly brought us away from the scene. Figuring that this whole charade would be a lot easier for me if I shut up, I stayed still and quiet.

As he led me trough the building I realized we were in a rather small office building, one that wasn't currently used. I glanced around for a way out but Kid simply grabbed me and put me up on one of the tables. Face to face with the thief I couldn't help but to feel incredibly irritated. He smiled.

"What is with that frown? Sure, I've wanted the chance to kidnap you one of these days but don't take this personal. I just want that thing on your neck." He said, a content smile on his face. I sighed.

"Sure, go ahead." I said and watched Kid pull out a chair to sit on. He motioned his hand to make me turn a little and despite myself I did so. His fingers, now dressed in his usual white and soft gloves tickled my neck as he fingered the lock of the choker. I sat as still as I could but felt myself feeling more and more self-aware. His fingers reached further towards the front of my neck and the tickling sensation was breath taking.

"D-Don't even try. Nakamori has the key." I said, trying to make my voice sound even. Kid eyed me for a moment.

"I know he had it but it seems he hid the thing and can't seem to remember where he put it." Kid said, shaking his head in disbelief. My eyes widened in shock.

"He forgot?" I yelled as a phone was suddenly heard. Kid reached into his jacked and pulled out a cell phone. His hand gripped my wrist as he answered.

I pulled a little as he gave short answers to the person on the other side of the phone but he ignored my tries to annoy him.

I jumped down from the table and kicked his shin as hard as I could and to my success, he released my hand to bend over in pain. I ran off down the stairs and almost flew out the door. A few steps later I was in a crowded street and easily had myself blend with the rest of Tokyo's people.


When I finally made it back to my old house I ignored the urge to talk to the professor or Haibara and simply fell into bed. Maybe Haibara had been right, Kid was too much for me to handle. Whenever he would touch me I would feel strange and whatever he said made me agitated but not in a bad way. His genius ways of doing a heist fascinated me and made me want to capture him and put him away. On the other hand, when I was with him in person I wanted nothing more than to see his face.

I scratched my head in frustration and realized I would only give myself a headache if I continued like this. Within minutes I was fast asleep, ignoring the beautiful ruby that was still hugging my small neck.