Authors Note: Thanks so much to the views and adds! This will be the last for a week or two as I start school and work tomorrow. Enjoy!

Hannah woke in the same room she had blacked out in, only this time it was quiet and she was alone. Her eyes squinted at the flickering light of the fireplace as it crackled, and she wrapped her arms tightly around herself. She was cold, and could feel the pain from her punishment radiating throughout her body. A quiet tear ran down her cheek as she thought back to the look in Tom's eyes. Unlike in the past, there was no mercy. She could feel the disappointment when he looked at her after finding out the secret she had kept from him although she did not quite understand why.

She knew he had loved her at one point, but he had also known that her heart had never truly belonged to him completely. He seemed furious to find out that she was in love with one of his most loyal followers, and Hannah felt terrible; because she had put herself as well as Lucius at risk, but also because she knew the pain Tom must have felt when he looked into Lucius' mind and saw all of his memories. She knew what it was like to love someone while they love another, and for Tom this feeling was amplified.

She shifted slightly as she heard the door creak open loudly.

"Good to see you awake." Tom said from the doorway. She did not turn to look at him; instead she focused on the bright fireplace.

"I understand that you are upset with me, but I assure you it was for the best. You are not above the rest; there is punishment for deceiving your lord. I was foolish to think someone like you would be honest." He hissed. She heard his footsteps approaching her but she kept her eyes away from him.

"Does it hurt?" He breathed as he ran a finger over a large gash on her cheek. She winced as his cold, dry hand touched her skin, causing him to smirk arrogantly.

His lack of sympathy upset her; she had always been his favorite and he always protected her. Things had changed, and now she was treated with the same brutality as the Death Eaters and that frightened her greatly.

Before allowing her to leave, Tom gave Hannah a potion that would help her apparate without excruciating pain. She appeared at Malfoy Manor, hoping that Lucius was expecting her and would help heal her, as she felt too weak to attempt it alone. She opened the large wooden doors and stumbled her way inside, hunched over making an effort to relieve some of the pain she felt in her abdomen.

She found her way to Lucius' study and laid herself down on the plush couch, hoping to ease some of her pain. Her mind flickered in and out of consciousness as she waited for Lucius and hoped that he would arrive before she was to pass out once more. She was admiring the beautiful ceiling, wondering why he was not already present.

About twenty minutes had passed when a loud band startled her. She was jolted to her senses when the study door was slammed open as Lucius barged into the room. She lifted her head in order to see him more clearly, and let him know that she was present. She instantly noticed the anger in his expression.

'Perhaps he and Draco had another fight.' Hannah thought as she forced herself to sit up. 'They had been arguing quite a bit lately.'

"What happened to you?" Lucius asked rudely, the lack of concern in his voice startled her.

"Tom was upset about us keeping our relationship a secret." Hannah answered weakly. Lucius scowled at her and she furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Lucius, is something wrong?" Hannah asked as she reached her hand to touch his chest but was instantly thrown back against the back of the couch.

"How dare you touch me?" Lucius said hatefully.

"What is the matter with you?" Hannah couldn't hide her anger at his lack of concern.

"I had a visitor earlier today, Hannah. One who carried a very interesting tale." His voice gave nothing away as to why he was so upset.

"Oh really, and what was this tale?" She pressed, not understanding why he was being so cryptic.

"I was told that you fucked Sirius Black while at Hogwarts." He said darkly.

Hannah froze. She knew he would be angry when he found out, but she hoped that if she had found the right time, it would be easier to convince him it was a mistake. Instead he had found out before she had a chance to confess, and she knew there was not convincing him of something different than what his mind already concluded.

"How do you know about that?" Hannah asked, averting her eyes, as his anger was worrying her.

"You're precious blood traitor came by looking for you and let it slip. He told me all about your little encounter up at the school." He growled, turning his gaze away from her and taking the time to pour himself a drink.

"Tell me, love; is this true?" Lucius asked, calming down completely.

"Lucius…" she breathed, not knowing what to say.

"I asked you a question Hannah. Is this true?" He shouted the last word as his pale eyes glared furiously at her.

"It is, and I'm sorry. Will you please let me explain what happened, I'm sure Sirius didn't tell everything." She began, but his eyes said there was no reasoning with him at this moment.

Lucius smirked hatefully.

"Well, well; how the mighty have fallen. It seems as though the past has repeated itself. I am very disappointed in you Hannah." Lucius said as he approached her slowly.

Hannah reached for her wand, but just as she curled her fingers around it, Lucius threw his glass at her with so much force that it shattered, causing her hand to instantly leak crimson.

"Lucius, please. It's not what you think-" She started.

Suddenly she was shoved against the back of the couch as Lucius stood a mere inch away, hovering over her. He had both his hands placed on the couch preventing her from moving away.

"Oh really? He snarled. "So you're trying to tell me that you didn't spend the day with him, and that you didn't instigate downing a bottle of whisky? We both know how you are when you drink, Hannah. You'll open your legs for anyone, even that blood traitor."

"You're not listening to me."

"Of course I'm not!" Lucius shouted and slammed his fist against the couch a mere inch away from her face, causing her to flinch.

"You do not have any right to attempt to sway me into forgiving you after allowing that scum inside of you while you are meant to be mine. How dare you show me such disrespect after what I've done for you? I've provided you with somewhere to go when you're lonely; I've re-acquainted you with your past life; I've protected and defended you against those who wish to defile you, and this is how you repay me?"

Lucius' voice was raised and anger radiated from him.

"You never told me we were exclusive." She countered, knowing it was a weak comeback, and regretted it the moment he smirked at her.

"Is that your excuse? That I never told you we were exclusive? Are you still fifteen Hannah?" He mocked.

"It's the truth."

"Well then I guess I'm the fool since I have turned down countless offers while you have been away teaching. Thank you for clarifying Hannah. I will no longer risk my neck to defend you against the others if we are not exclusive." He drawled.

"Perhaps you should be protecting me against yourself, you're the only one that's hurt me… or have you forgotten?" Hannah sneered, refusing to play the victim and listen to him mock her when he refused to listen to what she had to say.

"There it is. I was wondering when you would throw that in my face. You're nothing but a dirty whore, and I want you out of my house." Lucius was beyond furious.

"You're being ridiculous, if you'd listen to me you wouldn't be so worked up over nothing!" Hannah shouted.

"Enough!" Lucius pulled his wand and pressed it against her neck.

Hannah refused to show the fear she felt inside, as she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making her cower.

"What are you going to do, Lucius; torture me? Kill me?" She taunted.

He was fuming as he stared into her eyes, and she stared back defiantly.

"Leave before I do something I will regret." Lucius spat as he pulled himself away from her. She crumpled into the couch as she let the breath she was holding out.

For a moment she thought he would do it, and she knew there was no coming back from it. Perhaps he still cared about her.

"Get out of my house." He said again, attempting to keep himself calm.

"Lucius please, don't do this." She pleaded.

"OUT, NOW!" He bellowed.

"I can't appareate like this." She whispered.

"DINKY!" Lucius roared as his house elf popped into the room.

"Yes Master Malfoy, what can Dinky do sir?" She said, carefully eyeing Hannah who was crumpled up on the couch and had started crying silently.

"Get her out of my sight, preferably her own home." Lucius spat before walking out of the room.

Dinky approached Hannah slowly and gently took hold of her arm and in an instant they were gone.

Lucius stormed into his office and took hold of an expensive candleholder that sat on the edge of his desk and threw it against the brick fireplace. He yelled in frustration and anger as it shattered. He was enraged with how Hannah had acted.

'How dare she speak to me in that tone in my own house?'

He hated seeing fear in her eyes, the fear she had of him, but he was infuriated that she had betrayed him and then had the audacity to justify it. She was oblivious to how he felt about her if she actually believed they were not exclusive, although he didn't believe that excuse.

He paced within his office, attempting to calm himself. He knew he shouldn't have thrown Hannah out, and knew in a few hours time he would regret his decision, but the way Sirius Black had described their encounter did not allow him to think rationally. He couldn't explain why, but his heart ached knowing that she had acted as though she hadn't been touched in years. He thought they had a wonderful private life, but to know she didn't feel the same was distressing.

'Perhaps she's still scared of me?' He thought, but quickly dispelled it from his mind. That was no excuse; if she was then she shouldn't have given him another chance.

He couldn't help but think this was punishment for him wanting to leave her; he had intended to end their relationship before it got too serious. But now that it finally was over, he regretted it greatly and knew he would miss her after a few days passed.

Despite his anger, he couldn't get the sight of the cuts and bruises that littered her body out of his mind. He had no idea what had happened to her in the presence of the Dark Lord, but he convinced himself he didn't care. She said it had to do with him finding out about their past relationship, but he doubted that was the real reason due to the fact that he was not punished for it.

'Unless he wanted to punish me through hurting her instead?' He thought again to himself.

Lucius was brought out of his thoughts by a light knocking on the door. He turned to face the entrance as it creaked open and saw his son's head poke through the opening.

"Father what's going on? I heard yelling." Draco asked as he looked around the room and noticed there was no one else occupying it.

"Mind your own business, boy." He said harshly

"But Father I-" Draco started before Lucius stood from his seat and walked towards him.

"Leave me." Lucius' tone was firm and finite. Draco closed the door and left his father to his thoughts once again.

Lucius grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey and unstoppered it before taking a long swig and slamming the bottle down on the desk. The argument had given him a pounding headache and he was filled with feelings he was not accustomed to having. He dropped himself into the plush chair behind his desk and tilted the bottle to his lips once again.

Soon he had drunk enough not to feel the pain Hannah had caused. He briefly wished she had never come back into his life, as all she had caused was pain and misery, but then he sighed. Despite everything that happened that evening, he knew he loved her, and he knew it would take a lot more than drinking half a bottle of fire whiskey to rid the conflicting feelings that overwhelmed his tired mind.