So this is an older story I wrote a little while after I saw the third episode of Terra Nova, I just found it in one of my old journals.

I hope you enjoy and please tell me if I should continue.

Mark was staring at a very anger Mister Jim Shannon, his Commander Officers smirking at him, "You sorta brought it on yourself Reynolds." The woman called, her dark hair pulled back in a severe pony tail.

"Me! You told me to make a move." He stated, but had to step back as Jim closed in. His large figure was strong and could take down the older man, but that would be assaulting an officer of the law.

At nineteen he was in the biggest trouble of his life and-

Oh wait, let's start at the beginning of the story. You'll enjoy it better that way…




"No! Go away!" six year old Maddy Shannon cried as some eight year olds laughed getting ready to push her around again.

"I told you to do my homework!" One of them, Jerry MicMillen, snarled, making her cower in the school hallways more. At that moment the little genius wished she hadn't skipped to the third grade.

Andy Benson grabbed her arm and swung her around, throwing her on the floor once more. Before Maddy could move someone stepped between her and the boys.

"Leave her alone." His voice was music to her ears as the boys looked over him.

Eight year old Mark Reynolds glared at the boys, he saw the flicker of thought, the thought of attacking him, and it happened. Soon Mark had given a wedgie to Jerry, and Andy, leaving Zachary Thompson, who ran away.

Maddy was shaking in the corner as Mark looked her over, "Well, are you coming, I need someone to help me with my packet." Scrambling form her spot, he took her hand and guided her down the hall. It was silent in the classroom as he sat with her, her eyes wide with fear as he slowly wrote in his packet.

"Why did you help me?" Finally whispering, Making his big blue eyes look at her.

"Because, My daddy says that it's his job to protect and do justice, and I want to be like him." He pushed his papers closer and asked her a question.

After an hour of helping him, she finally asked. "Will you be my friend?"

"Well, that the point of me protecting you!" he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the room. "You're doing it again." She cocked her head to show her confusion. "That thing with you eyes, when you think really hard you eyes light up, like embers."

Maddy knew what that meant from her extensive dictionary collection, But how could he?

"I'll call you Ember." He stated as he moved on to the math connect the dots.

She moved closer to help him again, "I'll call you Muscles."


"Well, you have to have them to give Jerry MicMIllen and Andy Benson a wedgie at the same time." He laughed and nodded, before they both delved into their work. Bith content to work together.




Maddy sat next to Mark, it was her birthday, and he was her only friend to invite. But she was content with this as he played with her.

They had been best friends since they meet almost four years prior, they stuck together through thick and thin.

Her the geek, he the protector, even if he got hurt pretty bad. But at the moment, Maddy's mother was placing her birthday cake in front of her, the ten candles signifying her age.

Everyone finished singing happy birthday to her, and she to in a deep breath to blow out her candles, but another gust took it for her.

"MARK!" She squealed, but her laughter over took her when she looked at him with the guiltiest face. He made a wish, the wish that was supposed to be her's but he made it for her.

They laughed, as her mother relit the candles for her. "What did you wish for?" The blue eyed boy shook his head before telling her to make the wish now.

Maddy wished with all her might that she could go to Terra Nova with her Family and Mark. She wished and wished and WISHED, before blowing out the candle.

Soon they were all talking of different things, her parents worrying over the future, Josh reading another Jules Vern novel and Maddy talking animatedly about what they would do when they got to Terra Nova.

"Maddy?" Mark leaned in close, taking her hand. "Do you think we could be best friends when we get to Terra Nova too?" She smiled and nodded.

"I need you, Muscles, you have to protect me." Smiling he passed the small box that he wrapped himself. Looking at the wrap for a moment, she carefully untaped the sides and pulled the small box free. It was plain and white, but Mark was grinning goofy and wide.

"Open it." He stated and she did as he said, gasping and pulling out the small, empty journal. Filled with actual paper.

"Muscles…" She jumped up and hugged him, "This must have cost a fortune." She looked over it and learned that the paper was bleached, though no less cracked after being recycled thousands of times. Hugging him once more, she smiled happily.

He wrapped his arms around her, "Anything for you Ember." And boy did he keep his promise.




Elizabeth took a picture of Maddy and Mark. Friends since ever. He came through the portal when a man that knew his father sent for him, but he said he would only come if he could bring someone.…Maddy with her little sister secretly in tow.




Mark took her hand, he was thirteen now, and Maddy was a few months from her eleventh birthday. He knew what was in the pack on her back, why she took measured steps, why she was nervous.

Inside was her baby sister, Zoe, the infant was sedated and set up so she could travel in the pack, but this was still dangerous.

He could understand, it was the only chance to send their kids somewhere better, though Josh, Maddy's older brother, chose to stay behind with his parents until the rest of the Shannons get called, if ever.

He gave her hand a squeeze and walked through the portal with her, before struggling to keep her up right as the oxygen attacked their lungs.

As soon as they could he was pulling Zoe from the bag and into his arms, asking a nurse to help her and Maddy.

A man with a white beard and piercing blue eyes stared at him, "Three of you? I was told there would only be two."

"M-my…sister." It was sorta honest, because this is how he saw the Shannon family and especially Zoe, after the deaths of his parents a few months back. The only reason he was here was because of the man standing before him. "You are Commander Taylor, My father showed me pictures." He stated, standing tall, but trying to shield Maddy and Zoe too.

"Yes, I have a home for you…three, if you won't mind living alone…I and my second in command will check on you…three," He said it like he was using the word for the first time, "a few times a day, and you will get a job as soon as you finish school, until then I will pay for all housing, food and clothes should you grow."

He turned and waved at them, causing Mark to grab Maddy's hand and drag her along, Zoe nestled in her arms.




Maddy learned just how scary the past world was during her first night there.

She silently slid the door open and slipped into Mark's room, Zoe in her arms. She had woken her older sister up, well, if Maddy was asleep.

But in reality Maddy was too frightened by the jungle sounds to go to sleep, so she crept into Mark's bed and placed Zoe between them. As she drifted off, Mark shifted and took her hand.

"Goodnight, Ember."

"Night, Muscles." She squeaked out, frightened that she woke him up. Slowly sleep fell over her, and she dreamed of her family, they would be here soon.

But this became the norm, though Zoe often slept in her crib, Maddy was always in Mark's bed, cradled by his arms as she rested her head on his chest, the soft sleeping shirt rasping in her ear.

And he was just as happy to have the company, because some nights he broke down, he was going to school and dealing with the loss of his family, the deaths of his mother and father almost kill him in heart squeezing pain every time he thinks of it.

And she was always there to comfort him. Rub his back, let him cry on her shoulder. And he loved it when she rambled because for a moment he forgot and could focus on her words.

"Tomorrow, after school, I will pick Zoe up from Day care, and we can build a blanket fort." She whispered, this is what they did whenever they felt down, it was their own place that nothing bad happened to them there.

He nodded, and tiredly laid down on his back, opening his arms so she would lay down too. And soon the best friends were fast asleep.




Mark waited for Maddy to get dressed, before taking her hand, they were always early to school, it was one of the few times that Mark watched Maddy talk to her friends, Skye and Tasha.

He stopped at Mrs. Tate's home, her offering to watch Zoe during the school day as always, and where they met Skye and Tasha to walk the rest of the way to school with.

Though the girls were Maddy's age, Maddy skipped two grades in 2149, but she helped them with home work when she could.

At school the girls and Mark always found each other, though Tasha and Skye preferred each other, to Mark and Maddy, they were still tightly woven together.

As Mark sat next to Maddy, he stated to fall asleep, so tired from staying up so late thinking about his Mom and Dad.

That is until someone spit and Maddy squeaked.

He looked at her and noted how she clawed the spit wad off her cheek and looked at him, he immediately rose and grabbed the boy who did it.

A wedgie later and Mark was sitting in form of the Commander, him being the technically guardians of the children.

"As soon as Mark was let out of the office, he started off to the classroom. "Not so fast son." Ah crap.

He turned back and stared up into the pale blue eyes. "Tell me why you didn't just tell the teacher?"

"Cause she is too nice to really punish him and he would have gone on to hurt Em…Maddy again." He stated with his arms across his chest.

"I don't think you and Maddy should be in the same home any-OW" A swift kick form the boy hit the Commander in the shin as he stared at the boy with wide eyes. "Actually, I have a better Idea."




Maddy smiled when Mark walked back in, "So, did you get yelled at." She whispered, but he shook his head.

"No, Commander Taylor told me that I should finish school early and join the service, said he would leave you and Zoe with me if I did."

Maddys stared at him in horror. It seemed like almost everyday that they saw someone die from the wild life or plants. "But you could die." She felt wet tears at the corners of her eyes. He took her hand under the table and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Muscles remember." He smiled, but he felt sick, he made a deal with the devil.