The phone rang at the side of my bed at roughly two o'clock in the morning, the phone shaking on the bedside and the time being repeated for me over and over again. Reaching out, I grabbed at the receiver, lifting it up and placing it to the side of my head. The voice that repeats the time for me, immediately stop.
"Hello?" I ask slowly, my voice sounding groggy and full of sleep. I open my eyes, but that doesn't do me any good; being completely blind since I've been roughly a year old.
"Miss Annabelle Casey, this is Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D." I knew his voice the minute that he started speaking, and I knew that I wanted to hang up this phone immediately after I heard it. I wasn't in the mood to hear what he had to say, but I assumed that since he had called; he must've really needed my help.
"I know." I said, leaning back and resting against the headboard of my bed. "What do you want?"
"I need you to help the Avengers out. You know I wouldn't come to you if I didn't feel like you would help out." Nick Furry said slowly, picking his words out as carefully as he could. He means, he wouldn't send out a blind girl unless it was absolutely necessary. Not even if the said blind girl also had some abilities that most humans didn't have; like being an elemental.
"And what's in it for me?" I say, smirking to myself as I lean forward. I can almost hear his eyes rolling when I said that.
"A giant heap of good karma." Nick said slowly, but he knew that he had me even before he said that. I would happily take any chance that made me not feel like a useless human being; and helping the Avengers was any American's dream at this point in life.
"When are you guys picking me up?" I asked, getting out of bed and feeling around for my cane. When I got my hands on it, I went to the closet to try and find something acceptable to wear.
"Right now."
After talking to the Agent that was picking me up, I was able to coordinate an outfit that didn't make me look as though I had no idea what I was doing; which I actually didn't have any idea about. I knew that I liked silks and velvets, cotton was nice too; but styling those things together weren't usually a good idea for me. I've heard that color and print apparently is how you put together the outfit; I could really care less about that.
The Agent didn't seem super interested in helping me out, but I refused to leave until I looked fairly human and normal. He helped me pick out a pair of dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a light brown fake leather jacket; I really do have to love my sister for picking out clothes for me when she goes shopping. She is six years older than me, and having a new little sister was hard on her; she wished me ill will and when I went blind, she blamed herself.
I fell back asleep in the car, curling up in the back seat as I was driven from Dallas, Texas all the way up to New York City. It was an incredibly long ride, and I did make him pull over to crappy fast food places in order for me to eat. I am a woman of class, and I will have my greasy hamburgers whenever I want them. I will also have large smoothies, seven dollar coffees, and I will talk non-stop to the Agent about the failures of S.H.I.E.L.D.
When we got to Stark Tower, I left my cane in the car, getting the feeling that I could rely on my usual way of telling these things. My usual way was sending currents of warm air around me. If anyone moved within a determined range of space, I would be able to feel them. Kind of like echolocation, only with air. It allowed me to be an excellent fighter, I could feel people getting closer and strike usually before they could touch me. The cold air of their movements, if they got too close, allowed me to move quickly. This, along with heightened hearing was certainly a great thing to have around.
The elevator took its sweet time heading up to the top floor where I would be meeting the Avengers. I really hoped that the voice narrating Tony's life wasn't something that happened all the time. It's amazing what someone's ego can do to them. After so many floors and the drawling voice going on about Tony Stark's life and his contributions to the world, the elevator stopped and the doors opened.
"Hello, Miss Casey." Nick said, stepping into my air bubble and holding out his hand to me. I reached out and shook it, instead of taking it like he had most likely expected me to. Even though he wasn't one I would call a gentle soul, he had noticed I was without any guidance and probably didn't want me to fall over something. It wouldn't be a very good impression for either one of us.
"Nice sunglasses." Tony Stark said, clearly staking his claim as the biggest douchebag in the room. I rolled my eyes from behind said sunglasses and allowed Nick to guide me to where I would be sitting. I appreciated him pulling out the chair I was sitting in. To everyone around us, it probably looked as though he was being uncharacteristically gentlemanly. But the fact is, if I was bumbling around and trying to find someplace to sit, I would probably get laughed out of this room.
Nick leaned forward so that no one near us could hear. "On your right is Natasha Romanoff the Black Widow, Dr. Banner the Hulk and Tony Stark who you know as Iron Man. On your left is Clint Barton who we call Hawkeye, Steve Rogers who is Captain America, and Thor." Then he stepped away from me so that I could fend against the sharks.
"First off, what is your name, age and zodiac sign." Tony said, grinning to himself although it was clear that no one else at the table thought he was being particularly funny. I heard Hawkeye sigh, putting his head in his hands out of embarrassment of knowing the billionaire.
"Annabelle Casey, age twenty and I am a Capricorn." I said, going along with his stupid line of questioning. This was clearly a game to him, and if he wanted to play it, then I would go along with it too.
"What's your special ability, the reason that Nick Fury would bring you into this?" Steve Rogers said from the other side. I turned my head slightly so that it was turned towards his, humming quietly under my breath. I gave myself a few seconds to decide which ability I would exhibit; I kind of wanted to catch their interest as best as I could.
Slowly, I raised my right hand out for them all to see. I could hear them shifting in their chairs, watching my hand. I took in a slow breath, concentrating on the smell and warmth of fire. Within seconds, a small burst of fire had made itself onto the very palm of my hand. I heard Hawkeye jump back a little bit, I'd probably set the fire a little bit too close to him. The fire burst into the coldness of water, and I moved my hand as it turned into a layer of ice on the table. The ice began to turn brown, into a dirty earth. A small plant grew from that and in a minute it wilted over and died off.
"Does that answer your question?" I ask, tilting my head to the side and flashing them a smile.
"So she can do a few fancy tricks… Is it that which we are looking for?" Thor demanded, sitting a distance away from me. I couldn't help but feel incredibly annoyed, because from what I've heard, all he can do is play with thunder and throw his toys around.
Standing up, I abruptly placed my hands onto the desk. The velocity of wind that I used could probably have destroyed a trailer park in the south. I could hear everyone in the room go flying at least ten feet depending on how much they weighed or not.
"Do you like my fancy tricks?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and moving my head as though I was looking around at everyone. From what I heard, no one was disagreeing with me this time.
After some apologizing on my half, I soon found myself sitting in a comfortable chair with a diet coke in my hand. They were all talking about the latest villain, the one that I had been called in to deal with. I was getting bored with this act of pretending that I could see, it was getting annoying and I felt as though I was lying to these guys I was supposed to help. They'd already admitted that I was good at whatever I was doing.
"How does the place look?" Tony asked, waiting for his ego to be stroked. That was almost way too good for me to pass up.
"Excuse me." I said slowly, staring in front of me. "What is that supposed to mean?"
The room went quiet and Tony shifted a little bit where he was sitting. "How.. Do you think Stark Tower looks?"
"That's fucked up." I said, leaning back and sipping some of the coke in my hand. "Asking the blind girl how your fucking tower looks!"
Author's Note.
I'm sorry if this is kind of crappy.
Yes, my main character is blind, and no she isn't a big fan of Tony, Thor, or most of the others.
Yes, I am pairing her up with Thor.
I just didn't want her to be so in love with him because he's gorgeous [You know, like us normal mortals are], it's going to be eventual.