The music was slowly dying down, the last soft sounds vanishing. Kurt stirred a bit, moving his arms to test if Sebastian was going to let go of him anytime soon, but no such chance. As he looked down, he could see his boyfriend's rumpled mop of hair resting on his chest, his arms tightly curled around Kurt's own. It hadn't been that long, really, they had just wanted to take a quick break from cleaning up their flat before Burt and Carole were to arrive here the next day, but Sebastian had insisted on lying down and here they were, on their newly bought bed.

It all still seemed unreal to him, the fact that they'd been together for half a decade now. If someone would've told him he'd end up with his former enemy, he would've laughed right in their faces. Looking back now, though, it wouldn't even have been that far-fetched. There had always been that tension between them, slowly building and, even after they'd both left Ohio, keeping them in contact (through offensive texts and drunken, snappy phone-calls). He's never been more thankful for anything because if it hadn't been for Blaine and the whole mess that had come with it, he would've never really gotten to know the boy in his arms.

They knew each other inside and out by now, when they were teasing and when they really were pissed at each other. When they felt that need, although they hadn't wanted to admit it at first. They were open books to each other now. Sure, everyone had their secrets but they strictly tried to keep them at a minimum. Kurt didn't always know where Sebastian spent his time, didn't even want to sometimes, but he knew that he could trust him with all he's got. They hadn't jumped into this. There had been times, when they first started thinking about the possibility of ending up together, where they'd both fled and stopped seeing each other for weeks because it had all been too much and surreal. They'd always found their way back to each other, though. Neither of them would've made that huge commitment of a relationship if they hadn't been a hundred percent sure of what they wanted and expected to get from it.

And here they were, breathing each other in, as comfortable as anyone could be. Cleaning up their newly rented flat (shoebox-apartment, really) in New York. Well, not currently, because Sebastian was still snoring lightly, keeping his legs intertwined with Kurt's. Just as Kurt was about to wake his boyfriend up, for real this time, Sebastian moved his arms and grasped Kurt's shirt in his two fists, letting out a soft gasp and mumbling something that Kurt could barely understand. Not gonna happen, he thought.

Just five more minutes.