A/N: I've been in a One Piece craze of late. So I'm going to try my hand at writing some One Piece stories...and yes, I've deleted Second Chance and In His Shoes, as I'm pretty stuck on them and will probably not be updating them any time soon. They already have not been updated in over two years, anyway. Story is not beta'd. I don't have a beta and I'm not sure how they work anyway, so please excuse any spelling errors and/or grammar mistakes, my English isn't the best.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece nor Harry Potter. I will hopefully own a figurine of Trafalgar Law soon, though.
The Strawhats, Law decided, were the epitome of 'luck'. He had thought that the crew had extraordinary luck in just about every endeavor they did, but it seemed that they had acquired that 'luck' by making others 'unlucky'. Like some kind of luck-vortex that sucked the luck out of everyone they met. Like him, for instance.
At the moment, he was far from being in his best mood. Quite the opposite, in fact. When Luffy had suddenly decided to launch a goddamned ship at Caesar's base in his usual recklessness with complete disregard to their earlier agreement of going after the scientist stealthily, he barely had enough time to activate his Room and get out of the way. Unfortunately, because he did not have time to carefully choose what to switch places with, he had switched with the first thing that appeared within his Room senses, and ended up inside the base. In a lab. Crammed full of dangerous-looking containers of fragile glass, filled with bubbling liquids. That promptly shattered when Chopper, hanging from his nodachi, had swung about in their momentum of avoiding a giant ship from flattening them.
They had expected an explosion of sorts. Or something equally disastrous to happen. And for a moment, it seemed that the liquids that had splashed over the two of them had no effect aside from a mild tingling, and he was just about to clean it off himself when he felt something yanking him backwards. What happened next was confusion, and he could not see anything but blurred colors, all twisting and frothing and warping into one another, too fast to decipher. Poison, he had thought, while Chopper yelled something intelligible from behind him, still attached to his sword.
Then the spinning stopped, it took several moments for him to gather his bearings. Somewhere along the way, he had ended up with his hands and knees on the ground, his sword beside him, and Chopper face-down in a pile of snow making muffled sounds. Looking around, he saw snow everywhere, the landscape entirely white. What was strange, though, was that it wasn't snowing. The freezing side of Punk Hazard was nearly always snowing, switching weathers between blizzards and snowstorms and hail. There was also many trees nearby, that didn't appear dead, forming a dense forest.
Grabbing his sword, he stood up, brushing the snow off himself. He had to get back to Caesar's base. He had no idea how much time exactly had passed in between the moments during his disorientation, and whether or not the time gap would have caused some other complications to his plan, but perhaps it was still doable. It had been in the afternoon when he had arrived at the base, and it appeared to be early evening right now. Either way, he had to at least find out where he had ended up.
"Where are we?" Chopper piped up, peering around from his bag.
Ignoring the question, Law picked a direction and began walking, away from the forest. Caesar's base was located near a mountain, he recalled, with a lake nearby. In the far distance he could make out what looked like a large body of frozen water. If he went around the lake, he might be able to figure out which direction to go from there.
The next hour was spent walking through the snow. As they neared the lake, however, it appeared that it wasn't the same lake that he knew. He was pretty sure that nowhere near the lake near Caesar's base was there a castle. A giant castle, for that matter.
"Oooh, a castle!" Chopper was saying excitedly. "We can ask for directions there! If they're all the Master's men then they should know you, right? I'll just hide inside the bag while you ask."
Law wasn't quite as optimistic, but he walked towards the castle all the same. If all else fails, he could always dismember the occupants and mangle them up until one of them talked, he was pretty good at that.
By the time they were near the castle enough to see its front gates, the sky had darkened to a dull red, exposing an eclipse of a sun near the horizon. Law was pretty sure that they were no longer on Punk Hazard by that point; the sun was never seen on Punk Hazard since the Incident. It was always storm clouds that constantly flashed with lightning. Chopper snuggled inside the bag and closed the opening, leaving a small sliver with his hat and antlers exposed, but otherwise completely hidden. Law went up to the front door and knocked.
A few moments passed in silence, before the door opened a crack, and the face of one ugly, wrinkly, and balding old man appeared. Near his heels, a dusty cat meowed.
"Who the hell are you?" The man spat, a sneer on his face.
"It appears that I am a bit lost. Would you mind telling me the name of this place?" He asked, keeping his voice leveled.
"Wha?" The man frowned, creating more wrinkles on his aged face, and bared his teeth. "You're at Hogwarts, dimwit. Or did you forget your own school?" He said nastily, squinting up at Law. "Come to think of it, I don't recognize you…"
At the end of his already thin patience, Law raised a hand to the man's chest. "Counter Shock."
The man managed an 'oof' before flying backwards down an empty corridor, disappearing from view, but he could hear the dull sound of something heavy hitting a wall before it was silent once more.
"What did you do?" Chopper popped his head back out from inside the bag. "I heard something…"
"Got rid of a pest." Law said shortly, opening the door wider and walking inside. It was a warmer inside the castle, but not by much. He could hear sounds of chatter coming from somewhere deeper within the building, and walked towards it. The sounds became louder as they reached a door. Pushing it open, a large room appeared before him, with four long tables stretching down the length of it, and a high table at the end. The tables were seated with many children, their ages varying from early tens to mid-teens. The end table seated a row of adults. They were all wearing what appeared to be robes, and many were also wearing strange, pointed hats.
…And were those candles floating in mid-air?
"Wah…so many children! Are they all children kidnapped by the Master?" Chopper said, eyes wide. Due to the angle he was at, he could not see the end table, and thus missed the adults completely.
"…I do not think we are on Punk Hazard anymore." Law muttered, walking down the length of the room and completely ignoring the stares and whispers coming from the sides by the children.
"But…then where are we?" Chopper was trying to crane his head around him, but only managed in making the bag swing from side to side a little on the end of the rope.
"Someplace called Hogwarts." He stopped near the end table about five feet away from the adults, several of whom had stood up and had pulled out what appeared to be sticks from the inside of their clothes.
"Who are you and what is your business here at Hogwarts?" A severe-looking middle-aged woman with her hair in a bun demanded. Law noticed that she was clutching her stick tightly. Was this place a land where its residents worshipped pieces of wood? There are a lot of strange places in the New World after all…
"I'm lost. Would you know the nearest route to the ocean, and where I might find a ship headed for Calibri island? …Or just a ship in general." He asked. Calibri being the nearest island to Punk Hazard that was identifiable by a log pose. He received a row of blank faces.
"Calibri island? I have never heard of such a place." The woman frowned.
"…The way to the Grand Line, then?"
The expressions on their faces told him that they had no idea what he was talking about. Either these people were living in extreme seclusion, or…he had somehow ended up in a completely different world. He could feel the beginning of a headache.
"Perhaps we better take this conversation somewhere more private, Mr…?" An elderly man, sporting a long white beard and wearing robes of the most awful color combination Law had ever seen and a matching hat said, giving a grandfatherly smile at him while his eyes twinkled. The Shichibukai had to resist the urge to rip the eyes, or preferably the entire face that may or may not extend to the entirety of the person's existence, out.
"Trafalgar Law."
"Ah, Mr. Law. If you would follow me…" The old man said, walking towards a side door in the room and turning back to look at him expectantly. He followed through and the door closed behind him with a snap, shutting out the majority of the light and the stares of probably a hundred or so children.
For a while they walked in silence. Then the old man had begun humming an annoying tune, and his fingers, which were clasped together behind his back, began drumming along with the beats. The corner of Law's left eye twitched. Already he could hear the tune playing itself in his head, over and over like a broken den den mushi that wouldn't stop. He had a feeling the tune would not unstuck itself from his head for some time. Worse still, he could hear Chopper humming along with the old man from behind him.
When they reached a statue of a gargoyle, the old man stopped and said, "Cauldron cakes." And suddenly, the gargoyle moved, jumping to the side and revealing a moving staircase. Law blinked, eyeing the gargoyle and the moving contraption warily for a moment before stepping onto it, where the old man had already disappeared somewhere above. At the top of the staircase, there was a room with the door open, and he could see the old man seating himself behind a cluttered desk. The walls were lined with bookshelves, and a short flight of stairs leading up behind the desk up to a small platform where a large window overseeing the forest outside could be seen. A merry fire was crackling in the fireplace behind the chair where the old man was seated at.
"Come, Mr. Law, have a seat." The man said cheerily, waving a hand at the chair in front of the desk. "Lemon drop?" He offered.
Law sat down, making sure Chopper hung behind the back of the seat so as to avoid squishing him behind his back. "No." He could feel the reindeer shifting around from inside the bag behind him, probably trying to climb up and see what was happening.
The man popped the piece of candy into his own mouth. "Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, headmaster of this school, Hogwarts. Where might you be from?"
"…North Blue."
The man named Dumbledore hmm'd to himself, as though thinking it over. "I have not heard of such a place either, nor this 'Grand Line' and 'Calibri island' you mentioned back in the Great Hall. I can't quite place your accent either. French, perhaps?"
"I do not know what 'French' is." Law snapped, feeling his patience dwindling once again. Too much time had already passed since the Accident, and the longer he remain away from Punk Hazard, the more problems could arise, problems that he could not afford to have happening if he wanted to take down the Yonko as he had planned. "Just tell me the nearest route to the sea and I will find my way from there."
"Ah, patience, my boy, I do believe that something very interesting has occurred." Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling and a smile on his elderly face.
Law felt his eye twitching once more, his temper wearing thin. "I do not have the time for this. What interesting thing?"
"Well, you see, I do believe that you may not be of this world. There are some theories…" The man trailed off, waving a hand in the air, "…judging from your actions so far, it had not been intentional."
"You mean we're in a completely different world? Like the New World? Or 'different world' as in 'off this planet' world?" Chopper said, having climbed up along the length of the rope attached to the nodachi Law carried and popped his head over the edge of the back of the chair, his hooves holding on. His injuries seemed to have healed enough for him to move around once more.
"The latter. And who might you be…?" Dumbledore gazed curiously at the furry reindeer. While there were many magical creatures of this world that could speak, he had never seen a talking reindeer before.
"I'm Tony Tony Chopper!" Chopper piped, climbing up further onto the chair, only to lose his balance and topple forwards, landing onto the lap of a stony-faced Law. Appearing completely oblivious to the Shichibukai's expression and the growing amount of killing intent radiating from him, Chopper repositioned himself and sat down comfortably on the fuzzy black coat Law wore. "So is there a way for us to get back? Our friends are still back on Punk Hazard waiting for us, and I've got many children to cure!"
"There are theories and stories that mention of portals and other accidents that may cause this involuntary leap between worlds, but if you can tell me what had happened that landed you here perhaps we will be able to work out something more specific." The headmaster said kindly.
"Oh, well, Luffy threw a ship at us, so to dodge it Trafalgar used his-"
"There was a laboratory. Glass shattered. The contents coated us, and we appeared here shortly afterward." Law cut off the reindeer's sentence and gave the abridged version. He did not trust the twinkling old man with the horrible fashion sense before him, and until he can ascertain how this world functioned, he did not want to expose too much information about his powers. "We landed somewhere near the forest nearby, and walked here."
"Hmm…do you know what the contents in those glasses were? A great many potions can have interesting effects when mixed together."
The headmaster was silent for a few moments, his head lowered and a hand at his chin, in deep thought. Law was contemplating shoving Chopper off his lap when the door behind him burst open, causing him to be on his feet in a flash, sword ready to be unsheathed, and the Strawhat's ship doctor tumbling onto the floor with a yelp.
"Albus!" A short man wheezed from the doorway, appearing to have ran to the office. "Albus! A couple of students found Argus Filch down the corridor near the Hufflepuff common room…dead!"
Dumbledore was up onto his feet immediately, drawing out a stick. "How?" He thundered, a powerful aura suddenly radiating from his body in contrast to his age. Law stepped back several steps in alarm.
"I don't know…he appeared to have died from a Blasting Hex, but the wounds on his chest showed signs as though he had been struck by lightning…"
'Oh.' Law thought. This was going to complicate things.