Alright everyone, last chapter I would say. Let me know if you really would like more, but at least for now, this is it.

:) Enjoy all, and remember, I don't own anything. Just this laptop.

The tension was so…thick.

She glanced between the faces around the camp. Aang was being fanned and cooled by a worried looking Katara, Sokka was yelling at a nonplussed Zuko, Momo and Appa had gone somewhere quieter, and Toph was beside her with the slyest grin she had ever seen. Which is saying a lot considering Sokka is her boyfriend. The focus of their attention though, was the teeth grinding tension between the two very flustered looking teens. Sokka was under the impression that Katara was working hard at being a warrior, and Zuko was always off just skulking around doing whatever he felt like, which was fine with him as long as he didn't have to put up with Zuko for large periods of time. But for Suki and Toph, just looking at the both of them was enough to confirm their dark suspicions. Something sexual was happening around here, and they were going to get to the bottom of just how sexual this was.

"Okay, the plan. We wait until Zuko starts on Aang, tell Sokka he has to do some hunting, and then we jump."

The idea is to confront Katara on the situation and ask outright, girl to girl, what is going on between her and Zuko. They are prepared for all eventualities, including being attacked by an enraged blood bender, or being discovered and gutted by Zuko. But they had to do what they had to do to get answers, even if they had to die for it.

Aang and Zuko walked away and Suki leapt at Sokka.

"Hey Sokka, we really need so more fresh meat. Would you go hunting for us?"

She battered her eyelashes in his general direction and he was off quicker than she'd ever seen. Phase one: successful.

"Hey-Toph what are you-that's Zuko's tent!"

"Can it Sugar Queen."

Toph was dragging Katara off into Zukos tent. It wasn't their idea to take Zukos tent, but it was closest and who knew what clues they could find. Their plan was working incredibly well so far, but now, the interrogation begins.

The spicy cinnamon hit her sharp in the face as she was forced into the tent. Her heart gave a jolt. The last time she had smelt this aroma, she had been pressed against a tree, with his hand sliding into her bindings…

She looked nervous. She knew she did, because she felt it. Toph and Suki were good friends, but they were also truly terrifying. Whatever they wanted they would probably get, and she wasn't sure this was going to end well for her. If Toph was involved, then this could only be about one thing: Her and Zuko.

Suki closed the tent up behind her and crawled in beside Toph. Katara gulped, mentally preparing herself for whatever was about to happen.

"Spill it, you and Sparky have been up to something…something indecent…and gross." Toph pulled a disgusted face and Suki rolled her eyes.

"Listen, we aren't going to judge you, or anything of the sort, we just want to know…for curiosity sake!"

Katara sighed. Well, as much as she wanted to keep this a secret, she needed to talk about it. She needed to confirm something she couldn't quite manage on her own…

"Hey Zuko?"

Aang looked at him with wide, friendly, yet curious eyes. Aang was a great kid, and he always felt relaxed around him, even if he wouldn't ever admit it. They continued with their fluid movement and motions, but Zuko still answered.

"Yes Aang?"

"I know about you and Katara."

Zuko tripped. Aang knew? How! When? Aang hadn't missed a beat or a step when revealing this information either; as if he was indifferent. Zuko had always thought that Aang had a bit of a thing for Katara, so what changed? He blushed as he digested that sentence. You see, if Aang knew, he must know about what they had gotten up too…

Aang smiled up at him, chuckling at the older boys bemused expression.

"I know about it, but I promise I didn't tell Sokka."

Relief flooded him, but it was short lived when Aang continued his sentence.

"I know Toph and Suki know, but I am worried they will harass details out of her. They really like their girl talk…"

Zuko smacked his forehead. Aang was so young, and he often forgot how young exactly. But if Suki and Toph were going to interrogate Katara, he should probably do his bit to stop them before anything…bad happened.

"Aang I-"

"Don't worry, I'll finish these movements, now go rescue her! Those two can be scary." Aang shuddered at the thought, which made Zuko wonder if something like this had happened before…

He nodded gratefully and started off back to camp as fast as he could.

Suki and Toph listened intently to Kataras story. Her feelings, her dreams, how it happened. She didn't go into too many details, that would have been awkward and strange and she didn't want to share her intimate moments with them! She was blushing furiously and her face was plastered with confusion the entire time. If anyone could tell her what love felt like, it would be Suki. She wasn't actually sure why Toph was even in here, probably waiting to hear something she could use as blackmail. It was so hard to put her feelings into words, but she tried her hardest. She couldn't breathe, she needed him to be closer, she missed him when he was gone, she would always look for him if he wasn't around when she woke up, and she wanted him to save her from the pirates.

She glanced up to see Suki with tears glistening in her eyes. Which was a lovely contrast to the look of repulsion on Tophs face.

"Oh Katara…if that isn't love, I don't know what is!"

"Katara that was the weirdest thing I have ever heard from you, and I've been around you for a long time. You're so…lovely dovey and gross!"

Katara laughed. How could she not? She was in love with Zuko, for real, and they knew it. They knew and she really didn't mind at all. She loved Zuko; his passion, the fire he carried inside him, his touch, his voice, the way he glanced at her, his strength to do what's right. She loved his scar, she loved how hot tempered he could be, she loves how his hair is different lengths where he had cut it himself. She loved everything about him, and she wanted everyone to know it.

Suddenly Toph jumped up and shoved Suki out of the tent.

"Sparky is on his way! Go go! Not you Sugar Queen, you stay here!"

With that, they were gone. One moment they are there being all emotional, next moment Katara is alone in Zukos tent.

In Zukos tent.


She blushed furiously and looked around. This was where he slept. All his clothes were here, and his smell lingered over everything. Without anything to focus on, she found herself drifting back to the moment in the forest…the moment at the waterfall…

"I'll save you from the pirates."

In that moment, Zuko was at the opening of the tent, slightly out of breath, and flushed. Had he run here?

"Katara…Aang knows. He said that you…you and Suki, and Toph-"

"They know too…they were here moments ago, but then they just…left."

They looked at each other silently. He looked right into her eyes, into her being. Then, he was crawling towards her.

Outside the tent, Toph was hushing a weeping Suki, pressing her ear to the back on the tent.

"Sssh, I wanna hear what they have to say to each other!"

She sighed when the older girl continued to cry, her ear now also pressed against the tent. Geez, the big baby…what was so special and the oogies anyway? That's all love was; icky and oogy ridden. But still, her curiosity was too strong to just walk away from this!

He sat himself in front of her and tucked a stray lock of her behind her ear. He opened his mouth a few times, but no words came out. Katara just looked up at him, her heart hammering, waiting for the moment his words came out. If he did it, she would do it. She just wasn't strong enough to take another betrayal from him…

"Katara I…"

He clenched his fist tightly and bowed his head, surprising her with his sudden formality.

"I am sorry Katara, but I love you. I love you more than anything. I am sorry, but I can't…just keep it inside. Not when their might be…a chance."

There was a silence. Zuko held his breath, and unbeknown to him, Suki and Toph were holding theirs too.

He raised his head to see Katara grinning from ear to ear, happier than he had ever seen her. Tears dripped down her face, and she let out a laugh. Fire flooded through him and she pressed her lips to his.

"I love you too Zuko. Everything about you. I love you!"

She kissed him again and again, proclaiming her love between each kiss. If they had been paying any attention they would have heard a cut-off squeal coming from Suki. They might have heard a dull thwack as Toph covered her mouth. They might even have heard the two sneak away from the tent, retreating for the privacy of the two lovers.

Of course, they hadn't a clue about anything that happened outside of each other. Outside of their kisses. All they knew now were each other's mouths, their tongues, Kataras vanilla flavour, Zukos paprika flavour. Their fingers intertwined as he placed butterfly kisses down her neck, nipping and sucking when he saw fit to, her small gasps and his heavy breathing provoking even more reaction from the other. Her hand travelled around his body, clawing at his clothing. Closer. They had to be closer.


He kissed his way up to her ear and whispered into it slowly before taking the lobe into her mouth, making her gasp.

"What is it, Katara?"

He felt her heart speed up as she whispered the next few words.

"I want you."

He froze. She…what? Katara, his Katara, the woman he loved, wanted him?

"Are you…are you sure?"

"It's my first time, and I wouldn't want my first time to be with any other person."

He couldn't respond. He didn't know how. This beautiful woman, his beautiful woman trusted him with her entire body. That was a lot of pressure for him; it was his first time too, but he was going to try his absolute hardest for her. For Katara.

Slowly, he lowered her on his sleeping mat, their eyes locked, and breathing heavy. The light blush on her face just made her all the more beautiful to him. Their lips met again and he positioned himself between her legs. He was shaking, she was shaking, but that just added to the sensation. He ground his pelvis into hers gently and she let out a gasp, gripping his shoulder with her nails. This was fantastic. She needed to be closer still, always closer.

She said no words, just reached for his tie and slipped off his robe. He gasped and she blushed at the forwardness of her actions. She still didn't know what she was doing, but she was going to try her hardest for the man she loved. For Zuko.

She ran her hands over his torso and he hastily threw off her dress. Images of the river flew into his mind, of when her bindings became transparent. His eyes flickered to her breasts, which were heaving with passion. He slowly began to rub her left breast with his hand, rubbing his thumb over the protruding nub. Her eyes fluttered closed as she uttered a soft moan, fuelling his pride. Perhaps he had it in him after all.

He took the nub in his mouth, through the bindings and began to suck, flicking his tongue gently at random. She squirmed against him, bucking into his already hardened erection, causing him to gasp. While his mouth was busy gasping, she tore off her chest bindings, setting her breasts free in front of another male for the first time. Zuko gazed at her intensely, and she blushed under his gaze.

"You are…beautiful."

Before she could even respond, he took one nipple in his mouth and the other in his fingers and began to rub, suck, lick, and bite her, drawing gasps and thrusts as rewards for his actions. She raked her nails down his back, but froze in his ministrations as her hand travelled down between them, and wrapped around his throbbing member. He bit his lip to stop himself calling out at the feel of her hands through his trousers. She pushed her breasts to his chest, savouring the warmth of his skin and the feel of his erection in her hand. Pumping her hand up and down slowly she took a second to think of how badly she needed to feel him. Like, they weren't real until he was inside of her. She released him and he lifted himself off of her enough to look in her eyes.

"Zuko…I need you"

"I need you too. Please."

That was all they needed to hear. Shyly they sat up and removed the rest of their clothing, turning to face each other nervously. Katara, with her whole body exposed to him, for his eyes only, and Zuko with his penis standing largely at attention.

Hearts pounding and breath hitching they embraced, and kissing fell back to the floor. They were both aware that this would hurt, and Zuko was determined to make this as pleasant as he possibly could for her. He placed his hand on the inside of her thigh, and slowly moved up to stroke her core with his finger.

"Agni Katara…you're so wet."

She pushed her hips up into his hand, aching to feel some contact inside her. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slipped a finger inside her warmth. She hissed his name at the feeling of his finger moving inside her, in and out, over and over until she thought she'd burst into flames. He kissed her deeply, gently probing her core speeding up and slowing down according to her breathing.

"Zuko…I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"


He withdrew his hand and positioned himself above her. Slowly he pushed the head of his erection into her core. She held her breath as he slid further and further in until he met resistance Ever so quickly, and ever so sharply, he broke through the barrier. She screamed a little and bit down on her lip. He stayed as still as he could, fighting the urge to grind into her deeply, and waited for her signal.

She had been pain before, but this was a whole new kind of pain. No one had warned her it would hurt this much! It burned, but she knew she would just have to wait it out…wait…wait…wait.



He pulsated inside her and triggered something inside her. She didn't know what it was, but she knew that he had to start moving, right now.


He didn't need to be told twice. He gingerly began to pull out of her and they both gasped as he pushed back in, as deep as he could go. She had never felt this way in her whole life. Everything else she'd felt was just leading up to this moment, this fullness, and she was so full.

He couldn't think straight, he had never felt like this, he had never felt so pure, and clean even though sex wasn't supposed to be either of those things. It was all he could do to hold himself together as she clenched herself around him.

They rocked together, in and out, faster and faster. Their gasps synchronising, their breathing hitching more and more. He pushed himself in as deep as he could, and she pulled him in with all her strength.

He couldn't control himself anymore; he lifted her leg around him sliding deeper into her and began to thrust into her as hard as could, as fast as he could go, he felt himself begin to tense and he knew he couldn't hold on much longer.

"Fuck Katara…"

Her gasps crescendoed into moans and then screams of pleasure as he pumped himself in and out of her. She tried desperately to meet his thrusts; she could feel herself tightening around him. She felt the fire inside her building up and up until she wasn't sure she could stop it.




"Oh, Katara!"


She screamed his name as he slammed into her one last time, screaming his orgasm in the process. She exploded with pleasure and fire and the moment stretched on, but not long enough. They clawed at each other, holding the moment to them for as long as possible, sealing their experience with a kiss. They stared at each other, both sweating and panting and both of them agreed that they had never seen anything more beautiful in their lives than each other.

Outside of the tent, all hell had broken loose as Sokka, always last to know, had discovered the where abouts of Zuko and his little sister through the sounds of their love making. Luckily Suki and Toph had been around to drag him away from them or else, blood may have been shed, and not because any intimate barriers had been broken. It wasn't the ideal way to find out, but it was better than nothing, and the teens would have time to think about how they would deal with it later.

But for now they could be left alone to kindle each other's love even further.

I hope you enjoyed it everyone, it's my first sex scene as well so don't be too harsh.

Peace out!