Icey: I'm fucking PISSED! I put my sd card into a different phone than usual (The original one broke) only to have everything on the sd card erased, which means I have to write this all over again. So review you fuckers, before I slit your throats and watch you BLEED!
Who do you think you are?
Ch 1: I don't understand
She had beaten me again, killing me for the sixth and possibly final time. I didn't understand it, why did she constantly mess up our plans? She had abandoned the Federation years ago, yet still, she hunted us with the same vigor as she always had. She hunted us down and acted like we weren't sentient creatures. Slaughtering all my troops by the millions just because they were doing what I told them to. People call a bloodthirsty bastard who attacks the Federation just because he can, but did anyone ever think to get the full story? To ask me WHY I attacked them, No, They Did Not.
They only saw the darkest side of me, the side that thirsts for vengeance. They only saw a monster who would not only kill his own troops for not doing a proper job (Which is complete bullshit) but who also would send millions upon millions of troops to their death and not even bat an eye, all to get what I wanted. They only saw Ridley the Space Dragon, leader of the space pirates, a group of evildoers who were out to take over the Multiverse. How naïve humans are these days. They'll believe whatever that damnable Federation says. They even blame me for the death of all but one Diamont, just because I happen to hate them for what the Federation has done.
But the top ten leaders of the Federation knew why I attacked their Federation. They know because… they started it.
~ Flashback ~
It was a beautiful day on Aroamulus (uh-roam-you-lus), the home of the Space Dragons. I was just a brat back then, barely 72 years old. I was basking under the extremely hot sun that had turned our home into a volcanic wasteland shortly after it started to form. It was kind of like Norfair, but it covered an entire planet instead of just a small section of one.
The Federation was aware of our presence and had started trading with us. Today they had sent down a ship much bigger than the normal ones they sent down, this one had interesting barrel things on the side, something I would grow very used to seeing once I grew up. My dad, the leader of our village, ordered the rest of the Space Dragons to bring much more of the Iridium that was so abundant on our planet and so rare on theirs than we would normally bring out. Once everybody but myself was out about a hundred humans stepped off of the ship while pointing barrels like the ones on the side of the ship at everybody. Once all of them were off… they opened fire. The massacre that I saw that day scared me for life. Not even the love of my life, a beautiful Space Dragon by the name of Soku, had lived to tell the tale. While she was running away a marine gave chase and collapsed a cave on her when she entered it. They then packed up the Iridium and left. Those that were still alive did anyway. Once I was sure they were gone I ran over and proceeded to dig Soku out. Only to find that I was too late, she was dead. I was the last surviving Space Dragon. I carried her body down to a Lava Lake at the bottom of our mining tunnels and buried her in the middle of the small island in the center of the lake, tears streaming down my cheeks and entering the Lava Lake with a hiss as the water evaporated immediately.
~ END Flashback ~
I went on to encounter a race of Crustaceans known as Zebesians, on Planet Zebes, I recruited them and once I was at 7180 years of age I was satisfied with my large empire. I decided launched an attack on the Federation, first target, a mining colony similar to my mining village, K2-L.
To this day I wonder why Samus goes into such a rage upon seeing my face, all I did was kill a small part of the Federation that just happened to include her parents. I didn't kill off her entire race except for her, so she has no reason to go Genocidal on us. She barely even knew her parents. She doesn't know what Spire and I have had to go through, knowing you're the last of your kind and being unable to find comfort among your own kind. She doesn't know what it's like to watch your entire species get slaughtered in front of your eyes for a simple fucking mineral.
She's not like us… She knows nothing, and she never will. She thinks she's better than me, that her past was so horrible, her past cannot even compare to mine or Spire's. She didn't get to bond with her parents, have friends and fall in love only for it all to be taken away. She CAN NOT compare. Compared to us, her past is like getting your sister killed in a car crash. Horrible for said person, but the species moves on, because it was only one person. Not an entire fucking species. And as I said before, she knows nothing of what it's like to be us. Yet still, she goes around like she owns the universe, all because she has some super powerful armored suit. But when I get my hands on her next, she will find out what it's like to be me. To watch the entire human race get ripped to shreds, because that's what's happening next. Once I manage to get back to the world of the living that is.
I once again landed on my home world, at the spot of the massacre, where my entire species died, but I was left alive, to suffer in despair as my whole world came crashing down around me, as everything I had lived for was taken away, for nothing other than Stupid fucking money. Spire's race, the Diamonts, had also been wiped out for money. The Federation had killed them, and taken the giant orange rocks out of their bodies. The orange rocks were only found in Diamonts, and as a result, were worth Trillions upon trillions of dollars. Just like my species indeed, wiped out for a mineral that was worth a lot and was super rare.
"How many times do I have to kill you for you to stay dead?" A familiar voice said from behind me.
"That's a new low for you Samus; coming to kill someone while they are mourning is not something I would have expected you to do, and to answer your question? Never, you can kill me all you want, but I will just keep coming back for more." I said in a sad tone. "I'm like a zombie Samus, I keep coming back for more, and I'm like a god Samus, I will never die until my mission is complete."
"You, mourning? Ha! Don't make me laugh! You have nothing to mourn you bloodthirsty bastard." She laughed.
Like a key in a lock something clicked in my head, she was on MY sacred planet, laughing at ME!
I growled, "You really think your past is horrible huh? You really do think you're better than everyone else just because I killed people you didn't even know? Well I got news for you Samus, your past is nothing compared to those that have had their species wiped out for nothing other than money. Take Spire for example," I said still facing the grave that marked my father's deathbed. "His entire species was wiped out for the orange rocks that sprout from their arms, legs and backs. And why were these rocks so important you ask? Because they could be sold for TRILLIONS of DOLLARS so that an Entire fleet of massive, top of the line battleships could be made, so tell me Samus Aran, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I snarled turning around and showing her the cold fury that erupted from my eyes.
"I already knew that Spire's past is much worse than mine." She said not affected by my eyes in the slightest. "But Spire is a caring creature that only wants to find out what happened to the rest of his family. The complete opposite of you, who thinks killing innocents, is the funniest thing in the universe."
"And what if I told you that Spire knew what happened to his species, hm? What if I told you that he simply doesn't have the heart to take revenge against those who killed the rest of the Diamonts? What if I told you, that he was there? That he's much like somebody I know very well?" I asked hissing out certain words that I felt were important.
"I'd call bullshit and send you back where you belong, so the universe can be safe from bastards like you who kill innocents because it's fun."
"INOCENTS?" I roared, "YOU DARE SAY THAT I'M KILLING INOCENTS? No one in your stupid Federation is INOCENT! So don't tell me they are, and get the Hell off my planet before I decide to show you what it is like to be us! To be scared for life for something as stupid as money. Before I show you what it's like, to go insane." I said hissing the last part out through a closed mouth as I tried to prevent myself from defiling my sacred planet.
She flinched ever so slightly but quickly pulled herself back together. "Sorry, but I can't do that, as long as you live no one is safe." She said pointing her arm cannon at me and equipping her Missiles (Miss-isles).
I laughed, I laughed at hey nativity, I laughed at the dead people of K2-L. But most off all, I laughed at myself, for thinking she would ever understand. She was human; her brain could never compute the kinds of things mine could. She was Human, nothing more, she may have Chozo Blood in her but she's still just a naïve human, too stupid to think of anyone else but the stupid Federation, too stupid to wonder why I did the things I did, said the things I said. My god, humans are so naïve.
"What are you laughing at?" she asked charging up a Super Missile and getting ready to fire it at my face.
"I'm laughing at you." I said managing to calm myself down. "I'm laughing at how everybody but those who have gone insane besides a select few such as Spire, fail to look at the big picture, at how they think there is a Right, and that there is a Wrong. When there is no such thing. What you believe is right, is wrong to me, what I think is right, is wrong to you. Don't you see? I'm laughing at how everybody only sees their own perspective, at how NAÏVE they are! "
"You do realize how much of a hypocrite you are, right?" she asked preparing to let the Missile fly into my skull.
I laughed. "Oh I see everybody's perspective! I see it because I'm insane! But I also don't care what they feel if their families are ripped apart. Because it's what they get, what they deserve! And because it's their fault that I'm the insane creation I am today, you hear me? It's THEIR fault! And they'll get what they deserve! They'll get my judgment! And my judgment is that they are ALL guilty! Because of how Naïve they are, because of what they've done to me, because they think they know everything! When in truth they know NOTHING! Just like you, they know NOTHING! I screamed taking to the skies and dodging a Super Missile as I headed back towards the rest of the Space Pirates, so I could plan an attack that would shake the Federation down to its core and show them that I meant business, an attack on Earth.
Icey: So, what did you think? Did I do well? Did I do horrible? Was my grammar good or bad? Were my views of Ridley's past interesting or boring? Come on, tell me in a review.
Ridley ~ CiyaXD ~ Samus