There was a permanent tear in the perfect sky and out of the darkness inside of the hole poured beastly creatures covered in armor on the backs of metal machines, flying towards the city below. Sigyn pushed her horror to the back of her mind and abruptly let go of IronMan. She flew head first towards the endless stream of Chitaurian solidiers, unsure of exactly what she would do once she reached them, but determined in her approach.

"Slow down, Killer."

The cold hand of the suit touched her shoulder, Sigyn shrugged it off and flew on.

"There's no time to stop, don't you see them?"

She hovered on the edge of the onslaught and held up her hands, a force field shimmered between them, she dodged the Chitauri as she flew across the opening of the portal, expanding the field. The alien spacecrafts flew into but could not go through the barrier. Sigyn focused all her energy on it as Tony hovered, in awe of the power of the woman before him.

"How long can you sustain that?"

"I have no idea. But I'm fine for now, Tony, go. Plenty Chitauri have gone through already, the people are not safe." She called over her shoulder as Tony looked deeply reluctantly behind the mask. She sensed his hesitation. "I can take care of myself, Tony. They need you on the ground."

"How do I stop these... things?"

Sigyn thought for a moment, she had absolutely no knowledge of the Chitauri and therefore no idea of their combat style or their weaponry. She had no idea how to defeat them.

"Aim for their heads and don't miss."

She could sense the grin on his face although she couldn't see it, and as he flew off to destroy the legion of Chitauri that had passed through the portal already, she hovered in mid air, and tried desperately to hold on to and harness the strength she had left. She focused only on the effort it took to sustain the force field, and so she was able to maintain it for far longer than she'd anticipated.

But eventually her body began to feel heavy, her muscles tight and drained, her head light and a bit dizzy. She was determined to continue on in spite of her physical weakness, but her powers were not as strong as her resolve, and so the force field flickered, and then disappeared all together, and she hardly had time to notice it go before the Chitauri began to once again pour through the hole in the sky.

She was falling fast, through nothing but air, quickly and swiftly and there was nothing she could do about it. Still her arms reached out feebly into the air, when ever she passed a Chitaurian aircraft she reached out to grab it, but in vain. She moved too slowly and they moved too fast. Her descent was swift and she was frantic, in dire need of an escape lest she go crashing - in her fragile mortal state- into the hard ground of the earth. She imagined the feeling of her bones shattering on the pavement and cringed, she imagined the idea of dying with her unborn child and her face formed into a determined expression; she would not allow that.

She turned her body over in mid air so that she fell with her back towards the ground, from this position she could better see the alien vehicles as they flew, and so she could better time when one would pass her. She used the bit of her strength that had returned and grabbed onto the bottom of a vehicle, it's driver kicked her hand away and she let go, tumbling onto another vehicle that flew just below, she caught the arm of it's driver and the beast attempted to make a sharp turn on the vehicle to throw her off. To both of their surprise the ship spiraled in the air and threw them both off, she immediately punched the still stunned creature and knocked him out before letting him go. She grabbed the back of yet another aircraft and resolved that she would not be removed from this one until she landed it safely on the ground. The driver of this ship was oblivious and Sigyn quietly climbed aboard the vehicle. Its first clue that she was approaching was the feeling of her fingers around its chin but by then it was far too late. She snapped the neck of the reptilian creature and pushed its body from the aircraft before moving forward and attempting to steer it.

She had no knowledge of the mechanics of flying such a vessel but she was sure of one thing; attempting to turn in any way was a mistake. She wasn't interested in flying, all she wanted was to get to the ground preferably without crashing in a fiery blaze. She steered the vehicle and headed down towards the earth. She could see the ground coming closer and closer and had just begun to breathe easily when she was blindsided.

Another aircraft had made the unfortunate mistake of attempting to turn and came crashing right into hers. She was knocked off of the vessel and unconscious by the force of the impact. And because of her lack of consciousness she felt nothing at all when she hit the hard concrete ground of the city.