This story was all created from a silly little scenario I had created awhile back. After a friend of mine suggested I turn it into a real story, I became completely inspired and all sorts of other scenarios formed inside of my head.

Even though it is not stated in the actual series of Hetalia, I do see quite a lot of sense in Iceland and Latvia having a close relationship/friendship. As you will see below this section, there are historical reasons behind it. It makes sense.

I will now allow you, the reader, to get to the story. I hope it will be enjoyed, because I have loved writing it. I wanted to portray Iceland and Latvia in the best way I could.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Hetalia" or any of the personified nations.

Getting to Know You

August 1991 – Iceland is the first foreign country to recognize the Baltic nations—Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia—as independent.

August 22, 1991 – Iceland and Latvia establish diplomatic relations (Iceland is represented in Latvia through its embassy in Helsinki, Finland. Latvia is represented in Iceland through its embassy in Oslo, Norway, along with an honorary consulate in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital).

October 9, 2000 – Indulis Bērziņš, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, and Kornelius Sigmundsson, Ambassador of the Republic of Iceland and Latvia, signed the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Iceland of Co-operation in the Field of Tourism (Bērziņš expressed positivity of this "new sign in the co-operation between Latvia and Iceland").


Iceland suggests to Latvia that he visit him, and further introduce him to his home's culture. Latvia accepts Iceland's invitation. He can't wait to tour the sights of Iceland's home more thoroughly… even though he is shaking with curious nerves.


"Wow, it's beautiful!" Latvia exclaimed, as he stood beside Iceland. The two were overlooking the sight of Reykjavik, atop the monument known as Perlan. "The Akrafjall and Esja mountains are so pretty…" he paused and looked up at the silvery haired nation. "Uh… did I say that correctly?"

"Yes, you did," Iceland coolly responded, not looking away from the snow covered peaks. "You pronounced their names well."

Latvia smiled and looked back at the capital's many buildings. A lot of the houses' rooftops' were painted with bright colors that pleased Latvia's eyes. The city of Reykjavik, itself, was just so nice to look at! The fresh scent of the ocean was pleasant, and the day's temperature wasn't bad, either. The winter had already passed, but the air was still crisp with a cool breeze.

Latvia nervously rubbed his left arm with his right hand, as he glanced up at the slightly older, silent nation. It's so weird. I never thought I'd be forming a closer relationship with someone like Iceland. He's so cool, quiet, and surrounded in mystery…and I'm still a trembling mess, even after all these years. Latvia looked back to the snowy mountains again, a vague frown upon his lips. I hope I can be as stable as him, one day. Since this new agreement's been formed, maybe I can get closer to him…watch and learn from him… he blushed a little, thinking to himself. The day's only begun, and he's been so nice, despite his quiet nature. Maybe…

"So, Latvia, what do you think?"

Latvia snapped out his thoughts, jumping slightly. "Huh?" he quickly turned his gaze to Iceland, who was now looking at him. "O-Oh, about what?"

"My country's capital," he said, "What do you think of it?"

"Oh, it's really nice," Latvia told him, still feeling that stupid blush reddening his face. Before they had come to Perlan, Iceland treated Latvia to breakfast, and, though Latvia had been extremely nervous then, the two had conversed well enough. There had been some awkwardness on both sides, complete with Latvia accidentally blurting out a few odd statements about "the strange meal", but the breakfast time went well, overall. Latvia thought that his nerves had settled out since then, especially after that tour through Reykjavik's central, but they apparently hadn't. Ugh, I can't communicate well, at all! I'm still struggling! I'm making a complete fool out of myself!

Iceland tilted his head a little, focusing a bit more closely into the younger boy's eyes. "Are you all right, Latvia? You've been kind of tense, this morning."

Latvia swallowed lightly, feeling a smidge intimidated underneath Iceland's solid gaze. "I-I'm sorry, i-if I have been. I'm just…" he looked down, feeling that his hands had begun to quiver, and sighed. "I'm sorry."

Latvia suddenly felt a hand rest on his shoulder. His shaking stopped, and his breath temporarily stilled. He slowly looked back up at Iceland, whose eyes and expression were still steady.

"You don't need to be," Iceland simply stated, softly patting Latvia's shoulder. "We are just now getting to know each more formally, after all. Maybe a warm mug of specially made cocoa will help settle your nerves?" At the mention of cocoa, Iceland saw Latvia's eyes light up in an innocently childish manner. He internally smiled at this, seeing his reaction.

Anyone who knew Iceland would say that he had a rather stoic personality, like his older brother. While that was partly true, he was not unfeeling. Neither was Norway, for that matter. Despite his cold exterior, Iceland was rather passionately blooded, deep down. He had always wondered about the Baltic nations' treatment during the Soviet Union, and thought of their situations as unfair.

When all of the Baltics had broken ties from the Soviet Union, Iceland jumped to declare them as newly independent. He had established relationships with all of them, but Latvia was the one out of the trio that concerned him the most. They had all endured terrible hardships, but it was plainly obvious that Latvia had been affected the most; his stability was unlike that of Lithuania's and Estonia's, even after over nine years of freedom. Now, that their Ambassador and Latvia's Prime Minister had this Tourism Agreement signed between them, Iceland hoped to become closer to Latvia.

"Well…" Latvia hesitated, "if it isn't a bother to you, that sounds really good."

"Of course it isn't," Iceland replied, removing his hand from Latvia's shoulder. "I'm the one who offered."

The two then began to walk towards the elevator's doors.

"Oh, and Latvia," Iceland began again, "is there anywhere in particular you would like to visit, in my home?"

Latvia thought silently, for a moment. "I've seen a lot of pictures of your many waterfalls. I would love to see one of them, in person."

Iceland nodded once. "Okay, after our drinks and a short lunch, I'll take you to the Gullfoss waterfall."

"Oh, Gullfoss means "Golden Falls", when translated, right?" Latvia asked. "That's what I read, at least."

"You got it right," Iceland told him. "The reason why it's called that is because, on sunnier days, the waterfall's crevice really does appear to look like gold. As you can see, the sun isn't out today, but it's still a sight to see."

Latvia nodded.

"Now, Gullfoss isn't my largest or widest waterfall, but it is my most popular one."

"Because it's close to the capital?"


To Iceland, Latvia seemed to be enjoying himself more, as the afternoon went on. That hot cocoa had really relaxed Latvia, as Iceland hoped it would, and he was talking more openly. After a brief lunch of hangikjot (smoked lamb), the two headed out for the Gullfoss waterfall. Iceland had a private helicopter summoned to take them there more quickly, but also so Latvia could view his country from above. Before officially arriving at the falls, the two spent a bit of extra time hovering over the land. From within the helicopter, Iceland pointed out certain viewings, and Latvia gazed at them in deep interest. The trip to the falls was, all in all, very pleasant.

Upon reaching the waterfall, Iceland instructed for the pilot to wait for them on the higher point of the area, while he and Latvia conversed. The pilot did so, after the two boys stepped out of the hovercraft.

It's a slow day, Iceland thought, looking around. No one was here. That's good, though. That just gives me and Latvia privacy to speak.

How pretty, Latvia thought, as he concentrated on the powerful walls of water falling down into the trench before him. The water's spray created a thick mist that tumbled aimlessly around the area's grassy cliffs. He felt intimidated, but wanted to get closer. Latvia went almost as far as he could, by Iceland's side, near the cliff's edge and marveled at the tiered waterfall. The air felt even more cool and refreshing in front of the waterfall. "This is beautiful, Iceland. It really is."

"Thanks," the older nation responded. "I have to say, this particular waterfall holds a lot of sentiment for me."

Latvia turned his gaze to him. "In what way?"

"Sigríður Tómasdóttir."


"That's the name of the woman who saved these falls," Iceland told him. "It's thanks to her that the natural beauty of this place still exists."

Latvia's head cocked slightly, in wonder. "Saved?"

"Yes," Iceland told him, nodding once. "She loved these falls like no one else, very passionate about it."

"What did she do to save it?" Latvia asked, wanting to know more.

"During the first half of the twentieth century," Iceland began retelling, "her father actually owned Gullfoss. Also, during that time period, rumors were spread about using this waterfall to harness electricity."


Iceland sighed once, thinking back. "I don't know how it all started, but, soon enough, investors from other countries rented the waterfall from Sigríður and her father and planned to build a hydroelectric powerplant on these grounds," he looked at Latvia now, "If they had gotten their way, this waterfall would've changed drastically."

Latvia remained quiet, keeping his curious eyes on Iceland's frosty ones.

"Sigríður protested against this strongly, and even went as far as threatening to throw herself into the falls."

Latvia's eyes widened and he gasped internally, as he rotated his head to the waterfall ahead of him. He dared to get a little closer to the cliff's edge, and peered over it. Just like the air around them, the trench below was shrouded in a white haze. He couldn't see anything below him, not knowing how far down the falls traveled. Latvia gulped vaguely, feeling dizzy. He stepped back beside Iceland, shaking away his nerves. There's no way she would've survived that jump.

"So that people would believe she was serious," Iceland continued, "she waked barefoot, on a protest march, from here to Reykjavik."

"Barefoot?" Latvia questioned.

"In those days, roads weren't paved," the older boy clarified. "She walked over seventy miles, on a rough, rocky, jagged road."

Latvia cringed, wincing slightly. "That's awful!"

"It really was," Iceland responded, a glint of remembrance in his eyes. "I walked along with those protestors, wanting to preserve this place as well. I walked behind Sigríður, and I can tell you that she never began to give up or back down from what she was set on doing."

Latvia felt awed at hearing of this woman's strength and determination. He briefly wondered if he could have done the same thing. "She sounds like an amazing person. You must've been proud of her, since she was one of your citizens."

"I was," Iceland said, nodding to himself. "She really impressed me, as well as so many others. At the end of her journey, her feet were bleeding and she was in such bad shape that the people stopped to listen to her, seeing how serious she was…" he smiled a little, "I believe you know who the victor was."

A slow grin formed onto Latvia's lips, as he looked back at the Gullfoss. "That's so cool! I'm so glad she won."

Iceland hummed in agreement. "She was a strong-minded woman, and she will always have my respect," he pointed out towards the top of the Gullfoss, "We can't exactly see it from here, but a memorial was placed right there, in her honor."

Latvia's eyes scanned the waterfall, over the mist, and took in the unperturbed atmosphere. To think, this place would have been destroyed if not for the boldness of one woman. "I'll remember this story," Latvia told the older nation. "I will remember Sigríður's valiance in what she loved and wanted to protect…" his head lowered a little, and he smiled sadly. "I wish I could have been that courageous, during all of those years with…"

Iceland looked down beside him, seeing Latvia's bright eyes cloud with shame. He frowned, seeing the younger look like this. Iceland's right hand flinched nervously, as he brought it towards Latvia's vaguely shivering hand. He still shakes…Taking in a silent breath of air, Iceland grabbed Latvia's hand.

The smaller boy stopped shaking completely, and looked down at his hand. His eyes gradually worked its way up to Iceland's softening gaze. Latvia's head tilted slightly, as he wondered what Iceland was thinking.

"You dealt with so much, back then," Iceland told him, his voice reassuring. "Don't think, for a moment, that what you went through didn't take strength and bravery. You, Lithuania, and Estonia are inspirations."

Latvia could feel himself settle down, as Iceland said these words. After a moment of silence, he allowed himself to smile. "Thanks, Iceland… T-That means a lot…" tears suddenly began to form at his eyes. Feeling that his eyes were stinging with the tears, Latvia turned his head away and put his sleeve up to his eyes. "I-I'm sorry, this is silly of me."


Latvia glanced back at the silvery haired boy, seeing that Iceland's eyes were still gentle.

"Your tears aren't silly," Iceland told him, in a serious tone. "Don't think you're weak for showing these emotions."

Latvia wiped the rest of his tears away, trying to pull himself back together. He sniffed, swallowing lightly. "I know… but it's already been nine years, since I broke away from the Union. It makes me feel horrible that I still struggle with healing from it," he sighed, looking down. "Lithuania and Estonia have always been stronger than me; especially Lithuania… He suffered more physical wounds than I ever did!"

"… Latvia, look at me."

Latvia did so, looking back into Iceland's reddish-violet eyes.

"You all suffered," Iceland firmly told him, not once letting go of the younger boy's hand. "Again, once more I'll say, you are not weak. Are you following?"

Latvia hesitated, and then nodded.

Iceland turned towards him more directly and continued. "That part of history is over, but I don't blame you for what you feel. I can tell you are heavily affected by it, and it created a scar, but, in time, you will feel better."

"… I… I suppose you're right," Latvia said, breathing out a low sigh. "You are…" his gaze became more focused and he smiled lightly, "and, starting now, I will tell myself all of the things you have told me, whenever I think otherwise. It's the only way I can begin to heal properly."

The corner of Iceland's mouth twitched into an approving smile, as he let go of Latvia's hand. "That's good to hear; that's a very good start. You wanna know something else?"


"I think it's good that you've revealed these emotions to me, because that is the side of you that holds human traits."

"Huh… You know, you're right," Latvia replied, thinking about that. "I never really thought about that, before…" he smiled shyly and blushed, all of a sudden, "Thank you… for encouraging me. Lithuania and Estonia have talked about this subject with me before, but I never really believed them when they said the things you have. I guess… I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else."

Iceland didn't react to that, at first, but then permitted himself to smile a little. He's confided in me, and he trusts me. "No problem… I have something for you."

Latvia's eyes lightened up more. "What, you do?"

"Yeah, I do," Iceland said, reaching inside of his brown jacket's inner pocket. "Since we were just discussing your feelings about the Soviet Union, this is the perfect time to give it to you."

Latvia watched as Iceland pulled out an average sized, paperback book out from within his jacket. The elder handed it to him, and Latvia accepted it with both hands, looking at the picture portrayed on the upper part of the book. It depicted a very simple painting of a house and farm near a very blue body of water, mountains, and was surrounded by a hilly, green landscape. A few sheep were drawn up front, one grazing and the others staring off. Below the picture, the author's name, Halldór Laxness, and the title were written. Independent People…

"Estonia told me you liked to read," Iceland told him, nervously glancing away for a second. "He told me that you really like poetry and romance books and novels the most, and this story does include those themes, but this one reminded me of you and your Baltic brothers. It features a sheep farmer who decides to stop working under others, and live for himself and his family. Many hardships ensue, but he works through it all… It really is a good story."

Latvia smiled down at the book, holding back tears of touched happiness. Iceland had just given him a book of so much meaning. He really does care about me… "T-This is great Iceland, it really is…" he suddenly closed the space between them and hugged the older boy, burying his head into Iceland's chest.

Iceland felt himself tense and blush heatedly, as Latvia embraced him, unintentionally pinning his arms by his sides. He couldn't help but feel awkward, for he hardly ever let anyone hug him—save for his brother and, on occasion, his Nordic companions. Other than that, it didn't happen. Still, though…he relaxed himself, Latvia really has needed all of this. He needs to grow stronger within himself, and form new relationships with other countries. He's making progress, already…

Iceland abruptly heard Latvia gasp to himself, and quickly break the embrace. He backed away a few steps towards the cliff's edge, holding the book closely to his chest. An embarrassed, horrified expression adorned Latvia's face, as he looked away. "I-I'm sorry, that was completely inappropriate. I'm sorry! Really, really sorry!"

Or so I thought. Iceland sighed lightly. "Why do you think that?"

"I invaded your space," Latvia simply answered, turning away a little more. "You've been so kind to me, all day, and I…" he sighed, "I'm doing it again. I'm letting my past affect me, again."

Latvia felt a very light pressure on his shoulders, and felt himself being turned in Iceland's direction. "Latvia, you shouldn't expect to be able to drop your current train of thought, just like that. It takes time. You did not invade my space, I promise you," he patted Latvia's right shoulder, and removed his hands. "Now, tell me, why did you think you were bothering me?"

Latvia flinched a little. "Well… To be honest, I made that mistake with Russia, once. He decided, for one day, to give me, Lithuania, and Estonia a day off. I was so thrilled about it that I, without thinking, jumped up and hugged him… He pushed me away to the floor, and told me that that was inappropriate."

"… So, that's why you're apologizing?"

Latvia nodded, still not making eye contact with Iceland. "Since then, I've tried to watch myself on doing that. Even with Lithuania and Estonia. They've taken care of me for so many years; I don't want to bother them anymore, especially with my impulsiveness."

"Latvia, you're not bothering anyone. I'm very sure that Lithuania and Estonia aren't bothered by you, either," Iceland said, gaining his gaze back. "They watched out for you, and I know they don't regret it."

Latvia nodded, thinking back. "I suppose so… but it was hard being myself around him. Russia had his better moments, a few times, but he constantly scared and belittled me. I was always afraid of making a mistake around him, and I did make quite a lot before then, but that incident made me feel extremely stupid…" he shrunk away a little, restraining himself from his spontaneous shaking, "and I've always felt inferior to everyone else, ever since the Union began."

"You don't have to feel that way anymore," Iceland advised him. "Really, you don't have to. Just remember what I've said and, if you want to vent, then vent to me. I want you to feel more comfortable around me. You and I are the same, after all."

Latvia's eyes widened, in confusion. "The same?"

"Yes," Iceland assured him. "Some countries may be bigger and stronger than others, but none of us are inferior to one another. You should believe that."

"I… I was told that I was, for the longest time, during that awful Union," a quick, bitter tone showed through Latvia's voice, "and I've always believed it, even up till now… You believe we really are all the same?"

"Yes, I do," Iceland told him, in a matter of fact tone, "and no one can convince me otherwise. Norway told me that a long time ago, and I have always believed him. Russia is not greater than you, nor is anyone else. Keep telling yourself that, whenever you think back to the past, and remember it for the future."

Latvia stared at him silently for a moment, before he revealed a soft smile again. "I will… You're so wise, Iceland, and so encouraging. I never would've thought you'd be like this."

Iceland could feel a slight heat rise within his cheeks, and he looked out at the Gullfoss. "I, uh… thanks, I guess. Like I said before, I want you to feel comfortable around me, and I want you to feel comfortable about yourself, too."

"I'll get there, eventually… especially if you're helping me," Latvia mentioned, turning a vague shade of pink, himself. "You're a great person."

Iceland pursed his lips, glancing back at Latvia for a moment. "Thanks…"

"You know, I can't wait to start reading this book," Latvia told him, opening its cover. He turned his back to the waterfall, so the moist air wouldn't touch the pages. "From what you've told me, I know it'll-AH!"

Iceland whipped his head towards Latvia, seeing that the younger boy's foot had slipped back on the slick grass. He was beginning to fall off the cliff. "Latvia!"

Just before Latvia could disappear into the mist, Iceland fell to the ground, on his stomach, and seized his friend's right wrist. Latvia's other arm held the book tightly against his chest, and his fearful, lilac eyes stared up into Iceland's. An expression of panic overcame his features. "Iceland!"

Iceland gripped Latvia's wrist as securely as he could, and instantly began to pull him back up. "Latvia, I gotcha! You're gonna be fine!" Using his other arm, Iceland inclined his upper body, easily and quickly pulling Latvia up. He's so light! Iceland reached his other arm around Latvia's upper waist and pulled him the rest of the way up. They both fell back onto the grass, beside each other. Iceland was leaning on his side, while Latvia supported himself on his right elbow.

Iceland let go of Latvia's wrist, situated himself on his knees, and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Are you all right, Latvia?"

Latvia didn't say anything, at first; he just stared down at the grass. He finally breathed a shaky, "Yeah", without doing much else. Suddenly, he sat up and hugged Iceland fiercely, nearly knocking him over.

"Whoa, Latvia!"

"Thank you, thank you, so much!" Latvia speedily expressed his gratitude, pulling away from the hug. "That really scared me! If I were human, that fall would've killed me!"

Iceland sat up. "Yeah… it might've… so, you're all right?"

"Yes," Latvia answered, nodding once, "and so is the book. I wasn't about to let this gift go!"

Iceland's lips twitched into a small smile. "Good. Here, I'll help you up," Iceland offered his hand out to Latvia, as he stood up. Latvia took it, and got to his feet, as well. As soon as they were both on their feet, a cheering scream sounded through the air.

"Yeah, atta' boy, Iceland! You're the hero, man!"

Iceland and Latvia whipped their heads around, in the direction of the sound.

"Denmark?" Iceland yelled out, in shock. The loud Dane was beside a large boulder, towards the bottom of the cliff behind them. Iceland assumed he had been hiding behind it. "W-What are you doing here?"

"Pft, what's it look like I've been doing?" Denmark snorted, grinning all the while.

Iceland groaned in annoyance. "You've been following us, haven't you?"

"Ja!" Denmark gleefully answered.

Iceland shook his head and sighed. "This whole time?"

"Ja!" Denmark replied again, "And not just me," he reached behind the boulder for something, and swiftly jerked it into the open, "Norway's here, too!"

Iceland's eyes widened in unexpected shock, and his mouth fell open. "N-Norway?"

Latvia, too, looked surprised by his presence.

Norway, obviously agitated with Denmark, snatched his arm out of the taller man's grip and harshly smacked his shoulder. "Way to blow our cover, stupid."

Denmark only chuckled, in response.

"Get over here," Iceland called out to them. "Both of you, now."

"Uh, oh," Denmark whispered to Norway, as they walked towards the youngest Nordic and Latvian, "We're in trouble."

This earned him another cuff to the shoulder. "Because of you, moron!"

"Norway," Iceland addressed him, when they reached him and Latvia, "I expect Denmark to do things like this anyway, but you? Why were you two following us, anyway?"

Norway hesitated for moment, his face showing a tad more emotion than usual. "Well… Denmark told me you were going on your first date, so I-

"WHOA, wait, wait… wait," Iceland exasperated, holding up an outspread hand. "Hold the reins, and back up… Date?"

"Aw, don't be shy about it, Icey! We like Latvia!" Denmark nudged Iceland's shoulder, "Good choice. I knew you'd do it, eventually!"

Latvia blushed and was speechless. He was unable to react outwardly. He stayed silent, just listening to the three Nordics go back and forth.

"B-But were not!" Iceland tried to explain, "We aren't-"

"Don't be so modest, Iceland!" Denmark egged on, as he roughly patted Iceland's back. "I saw you blushing."

What? Feeling flustered, Iceland felt the blood in his cheeks betray him and heat up. "But I-"

"I'm proud," Norway spoke now, "I taught you well, Iceland."

Iceland sighed heavily. "About what?"

"You saved Latvia from harm, and you've been a real gentleman throughout your date," Norway answered, nodding his head in approval.

"Yeah, that was so cool!" Denmark cut in, reenacting how Iceland saved Latvia. "You just reached out, and pulled him back up like a champ," he paused and sighed dreamily, "And to think, I got it all on camera."

"What?" Iceland questioned, half yelling. "You tape recorded that? How long have you been doing that?"

"Well…" Denmark thought back, "A little before that happened. You guys were talking about personal stuff, so I recorded that, too," he took out the small video camera and held it up, "Latvia almost falling off the cliff was just an awesome bonus!"

Iceland tightened his lips into a straight line, as he glared irritably up at Denmark. Denmark flashed a toothy, excited grin back at him.

"Other than that," Denmark continued, using his other hand to dig into his long coat's pocket, "I've been taking pictures, too."

"Oh, God, why?" Iceland mumbled underneath his breath, as Denmark pulled out a small, grey camera. I can't believe this.

Denmark shoved his camcorder into his coat's pocket, and activated the camera's memory. "I took pictures of you two in Central, on top of Perlan—Norge and I were, like, watching you guys from behind, on the other side of the window—when you guys got here-"

"That's another thing," Iceland interrupted, his thumb and index finger pinching the bridge of his nose. "How, on earth, did you and Norway get here before we did?"

"Oh, like I'd tell you!" Denmark laughed, still going through the photos he took. He then stopped on one photo and smiled. "Aw, you and Latvia look so cute in this one! It's the perfect couple shot!"

Iceland rolled his eyes, while Latvia still didn't know what to say.

"What?" Norway questioned. "Let me see that," he snatched the camera out of Denmark's hands and looked down at the portrayed picture. It showed Latvia hugging Iceland in front of the Gullfoss waterfall. Norway's ever steady expression softened into a saddened one. "Oh… They do… My little brother's going to leave me."

Iceland slapped his forehead into the palm of his hand and groaned in disbelief.

"Aww, there, there" Denmark put a comforting arm around Norway's shoulders, "he'll still be around, Norge. He and Latvia will have a nice life together, with all of us! Finland and little Sealand are gunna be so thrilled!"

"Listen to yourselves!" Iceland shouted in exasperation. "Brother-"

"Yes. Yes, I am," Norway cut in, his tone dead serious.

"And you always will be," Denmark told Norway. "Remember that."

Iceland felt as if he were going to erupt. "Please, leave already! The both of you!"

"I… I understand," Norway said, looking briefly hurt, and glancing to the side. "We need to let you finish your date."

Iceland nearly had it, right there. He bit his lower lip, seething in frustration. "Whatever."

Norway nodded to himself, and then made direct eye contact with Iceland again. "You're not that little country anymore… It's time for big brother, that's me," he gestured to himself, "to step aside."

Norway began to walk away, and then halted his steps. "Iceland… say it."


"Say it."

"No!" Iceland repeated. "I will not!"

Norway whirled his head around, his eyes blazing dangerously. "Say it, now, and I'll leave."

Iceland huffed like a small child who hadn't gotten his way. "Fine… bror kjæreste."

Norway's fierce expression disappeared, and he softly smiled in satisfaction, at hearing his title being spoken in his own language. "Thank you… I love you, lillebroren."

"Yeah, yeah, you too," Iceland replied, crossing his arms.

Norway diminished his smile, and then began to walk away. "Come on, Denmark, let's not bother them anymore."

Denmark pouted for a split second, and then leaned down towards Iceland's ear. "I'll be waiting at your house. Tell me everything when you get back."

Iceland gave him a blank glare, in response.

"Denmark, stop pestering them and come on!" Norway demanded, still walking forward. "You're enough of a nuisance anyway!"

"Okay!" Denmark yelled back, starting off behind the Norwegian. Before he ran ahead, he turned back towards Iceland and Latvia. He puckered his lips, and then winked at the two before running to catch up with Norway.

Iceland could feel his left eye twitch for a moment, when Denmark made that face. He's insane…Their both insane! He put the fingertips of both of his hands on each of his temples, rubbing them in small, circular patterns. His head was throbbing so much.

"So… what was that?" Latvia finally spoke up, after all this time.

"Stupidity, that's what," Iceland stated bluntly, taking his hands down from his head. "I'm sorry about that."

"No, no, it's fine," Latvia responded. "From what I heard, they think we're dating."

Iceland nodded, "Yeah, apparently so," he shook his head, placing his hands on his hips, "Ridiculous. Right, Latvia? … Latvia?" he rotated his head to look at Latvia, seeing that his expression was that of confusion. Iceland felt the surface of his skin chill. "Latvia…"

"Well… aren't we?"

Iceland fell silent, and his blood froze. His eyes rounded out in astonishment. What…How…Why?

"I-I mean," Latvia quickly spoke up again, his cheeks flaring in crimson, "in my romance novels, a date would be something like we've done today."

Iceland continued to stare at Latvia, his mouth slightly agape. He felt incredibly light-headed. I need to lie down…He misinterpreted a tour for a date… If he says something along the lines of 'I love you', I don't know what I'll say! What do I do?

"You asked me out, gave me this meaningful book," the younger boy held it closely to his chest, "and… I've had the best time, in a long time."

Iceland snapped back to the present, at hearing him say that. He tilted his head a little, and concentrated on Latvia's sincere expression. He… meant that?

Latvia shyly turned his eyes to the ground, and his lips formed a bashful, crooked smile. "You… You've been really great to me… and I've gotten to know you… just how great of a person and country you are," his amethyst eyes looked back up at Iceland again, "Since you've treated me to such a great day, I was thinking… Well… would you like to go out with me? To my country, sometime?"

Iceland stood there, numbed by Latvia's confessed statements. He really thinks this well of me…He still had no idea of what to make of this whole 'date' thing, for he never thought of it or cared… Maybe Latvia just really admired him, or something. It didn't necessarily mean he was thinking romantically, even if he did get the idea from a romance novel. He is just getting out, after all. Relationships outside of the Baltic nations are still new, to him.


The older boy blinked, focusing presently on Latvia again. "Hm?"

"W-Well would you?" Latvia nervously questioned. His cheeks were still rosy, and he had a very faint quiver to his hands. "Would you like to go out with me, to my country, sometime?"

Iceland thought about it briefly, wondering what thoughts were truly going on in Latvia's head. When it came down to what he thought about the situation… It didn't really matter, anymore. Latvia said he had had the best day in a long time. Iceland didn't want to turn him down, in spite of context. In truth, he, too, had had a great day with Latvia. Why shouldn't he spend more time with him? I don't know what I'll be starting from this, but Latvia's been happy today. I'm not going to ruin it for him, regardless of what he means or thinks.

Iceland finally lifted the corner of his lips into a smile, breathing a light chuckle. "Sure."

Latvia suddenly looked more excited. His nervousness was melting away. "R-Really, you want to?"

"Yeah, why not?" Iceland answered. "I would like to visit your country and spend another day with you."

Latvia smiled brightly, breathing a quick sigh of relief. "That's great! When do you want to set up a date?"

Iceland's breathing momentarily stiffened, at hearing the word 'date'. Latvia didn't say it in the other sense, but he still felt apprehensive. "How about sometime next week?"

"Yeah, I would like that," Latvia replied, nodding a few times, "and I would like to see more of this country, in the future. It's so pretty and I want to know more about it." He didn't mention it, but Latvia also wanted to see Iceland for himself more often, as well.

"That would be good, too," Iceland agreed, looking up at their helicopter waiting at the top of the highest cliff. "Say, we still have time left. Is there anywhere else you'd like to go, before we head back?"

Latvia thought for second, and then said, "A walk along any shore line would be great."

"We'll do that, then," Iceland told him. He began to walk forward, gesturing for Latvia to follow him. "I know just the one. It was even named as one of the world's most beautiful beaches… Have you ever heard of a beach having black sand?"

"Black sand?" Latvia looked so intrigued now, "No, I haven't. You have a beach where the sand is black? Is it because of a volcano, or something?"

"Yes, that's right," Iceland answered. "I think you're-"

He abruptly stopped speaking, because Latvia had suddenly wrapped his right arm around Iceland's left arm. Iceland looked down at Latvia, as they walked, to see him smiling and faintly blushing. Iceland quickly averted his eyes back to the front of him, as light pink colored his own cheeks. Well…the next few weeks are bound to be interesting.

Yes, what can possibly happen from this 'date'? You will see, next chapter... Did anyone expect for Norway or Denmark to appear? Norway has a strong, big brother complex... I love him, for it.

Bror kjæreste - 'Brother dearest' in Norwegian.

Lilliebroren - 'Little brother', also in Norwegian (of course).

I hope those who read this enjoyed this first chapter. It was explained in my writing already, but I believe, if given the opportunity, Iceland would react in these senses. I have seen many people portray Iceland as cold and unfeeling, and I just don't see that. It is not true. He has a hard exterior, yes, but, as his profile states, he is "hot-blooded" from within (He is a volcanic nation, after all). As for Latvia, his profile indicates that he does long for affection. Who can blame him, after going through what he did during the Soviet Union?

I hope that, to everyone, Iceland and Latvia seemed to act like themselves. I really do love these characters.

Thank you, for reading.