Disclaimer: As in my other story, I will only post this on the first chapter, and it WILL apply to ALL other chapters. Thank you.

I do not own, nor do I wish to own any of the characters from the Harry Potter books/movies. They belong to J.K. Rowling and their respective publishing companies. I am here merely to jumble some things up and to have some fun.

A/N: I would like to point out that I have a very busy schedule most days, and it will take me awhile to finish this story. I am really just working on the fly, and ask you to be patient and bear with me. Also, I DO NOT tolerate flames. That is final. If you flame me, then I will hunt you down until the end of your days and make you rue the day you were born. That is all. Now, on with the story!

Harry Potter and the Fleur de Vie

Chapter 1

It was a humid afternoon at #4 Privet Drive, an afternoon that consisted of a lonely raven haired teen sitting at his small writing desk looking out across the way. What he was looking at, one could only wonder. Said teen really wasn't looking at anything in particular, for he was too caught up in his own thoughts to register anything save the feeble hoot coming from the snowy owl to his left sitting on the desk.

"Hey Hedwig," the teen muttered. The last two weeks of his break had been the worst that he could remember, and living with the Dursley's, that was saying something. It wasn't that the Dursley's were doing anything to bother the 15 year old boy, it was that his Godfather, the only person that he had truly come to appreciate, and love as the father he never had, had been killed by one Bellatrix LeStrange. He loved the Weasley's, and he thought of them as family, but one Sirius Orion Black, was the only one who ever cared about what he thought, and not whether or not he was safe.


"I heard you Hedwig," the irritable teen grumbled, not bothering to look at the owl as he got up from his desk to take a walk to clear his head.


Hedwig hooted indignantly and nipped his ear a little more forcefully than she had intended. "What do you wa-"

Suddenly the door crashed open, "Shut that ruddy bird up!" bellowed his rather large Uncle.

"Sorry Uncle Vernon, I'll let her out so she stays quiet."

"No! You will keep that bird silent, and you will keep it lock in its cage!" by this point Uncle Vernon was now purple in the face. "I will not tolerate any of your unnaturalness do you understand me?"

At that precise moment though, a black eagle owl flew in through the teen's open window and stuck its leg out to present a letter with the official Gringott's seal on it.

"I'll make sure that there won't be any more owls Uncle Vernon, sorry for the trouble," sighed a very agitated young man.

His uncle merely grunted in response and slammed the door behind him as he wobbled down the stairs.

The teen, wondering why Gringott's of all places was sending him a letter, opened it precariously and began to read

Dear Mr. Potter,

It has come to us that one Sirius Orion Black has made you the primary beneficiary in his Last Will and Testament. We would like to extend our deepest regards and condolences to you. It is per the request of Mr. Black that you are to come to Gringott's as soon as you receive this letter. It is a portkey that will take you to a private meeting room where you will meet with Goblin Director Ragnok. The activation phrase is 'Padfoot'. Furthermore, there will be a public will reading on the morning of July 7th at 10:00a.m.


Director Goblin Ragnok

Harry just stared at the letter letting tears unbridled fall from his cheeks. "Padfoot," he whispered before he could stop himself, before he could even think of the portkey as being a trap. In the split second it took him to realize what he had done, there was that familiar pull from behind his naval and then everything was a blur.

Seconds later Harry found himself sprawled on gleaming black marble floors, in what could only be described as the most beautiful hall he had ever laid eyes on. The Great Hall at Hogwart's did not even compare to this majestic room. Vaulted ceilings 30 feet in the air, with walls of a pale white marble, it was easy to tell why the goblins were unmatched in craftsmanship.

"Hello Mr. Potter, it is currently 2:40 in the afternoon, and what we have to discuss will take a few hours, do you have the any prior plans?" spoke a voice from behind Harry.

"Wha-? I mean greetingsā€¦?"

"Ragnok, Master Goblin of Gringott's"

"Right, um Master Ragnok, I do not have any plans this evening."

"Very well Mr. Potter." Ragnok motioned for him to have a seat in one of the large leather chairs in front of his desk. "We have a lot to talk about, do take a seat."

"It has come to my attention that you are the primary beneficiary to one Sirius Orion Black, and you are here to listen to his Last Will and Testament if that is agreeable with you?"

"Of course Master Ragnok, but I do ask that you call me Harry, all the 'sirs', and 'misters', make me feel old."

"Right you are Harry, but then I must insist that you call me Ragnok."

Ragnok was rummaging around in his desk where he pulled out what appeared to be a pensieve. "Harry, this is a pensieve, I trust that you know what one is?" Harry nodded. "Good, that will make this reading easier."

Ragnok set the pensieve down on his desk and tapped a set of runes around its rim with his long fingers.

Hey pup, if you are here watching this, then I regret to say that I have passed on. My only wish is that I died of old age with two beautiful women in my bed. If that was not the case, then well shit, that's just my luck. Let us continue on though.

I, Sirius Orion Black, Head of the most Ancient and Noble House of Black, being of sound mind and body hereby leave this as my Last Will and Testament, ruling all other wills to be null and void.

For our first order of business, I leave to one Remus Lupin, the sum of one-hundred thousand galleons, and the stipulation that to claim his money, he is to settle down, find a good woman, and buy a whole new wardrobe. Face it Mooney, those rags you wear are not going to cut it, and do not give me any crap about your 'furry little problem'! I am certain that there is a rather clumsy Auror who has had her eyes on you for some time now! Swallow your self-pity and just ask her out!

To one Nymphadora(Ha! You can't curse me now Nymphadora!) Tonks, I leave the sum of seventy-five thousand galleons, and reinstate her to the Black Family Tree. I also leave you a further five million galleons in a dowry, to be disbursed when you are happily married to a certain raggedy old man.

For Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I leave a sum of one-hundred thousand galleons, and don't you dare even think of not accepting this! I know money cannot buy friendship, nor can it buy family, but this is to thank you for showing Harry the love of a family that he was deprived of as a child. If it wasn't for you, who knows how he could have ended up?

To Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginevra Weasley, I leave the sum of ten thousand galleons. As I said before, you cannot buy friendship or love, and that is not what this is for. This is to thank you for showing him the love of family, for being with him all this time, and for being his friend.

For one Hermione Granger, I leave the sum of ten thousand galleons and the entirety of the Black family library. I know that, as much as I would like to think otherwise, they are never going to be used by Harry, so I leave all of the books in number twelve Grimmauld Place. Do with them as you see fit.

To Narcissa Malfoy, I leave the sum of ten thousand galleons on the condition that you renounce the Dark Lord, and you petition for a divorce from your git of a husband, to be brought to the new head of house Black.

To Draco Malfoy, I leave the sum of five thousand galleons, on the condition that you also renounce the Dark Lord. Your father has chosen the wrong path, and I hope that you will turn from him, and make the right choices.

To one Bellatrix LeStrange, seeing as there is no help for you, I leave you the grand some of nothing! You have made your choices, and you reap the rewards.

Finally, it has come to this. Harry, I if did not die at a right old age, and I died during the war with Voldemort, then please, do not blame yourself! I chose to fight, and I would make the same choice a thousand times over! There comes a point in life where you must choose between what is easy, and what is right. I chose what was right, and again, I ask that you not blame yourself for my death. To you, I number twelve Grimmauld Place, all properties and investments of the Black family, the title of Head of the most Ancient and Noble house of Black, and all of my gold in my personal vaults, and all of the gold in the Black Family vaults. Also, as Godfather to one Harry James Potter, I hereby declare him emancipated when he turns sixteen.

Harry, you are now set for life, and I ask that you find happiness, and do not mourn my death, remember the good times, and most of all, remember that it is an insult to my memory to blame yourself.

If you were left anything, or if you are making decisions, and agree to the terms, you may speak to Master Goblin Ragnok to claim the keys to your vaults.

As the pensieve went blank, all Harry could do was stare at it. The memories of Sirius, had haunted his nightmares for the last two weeks, and all he could think about was that fact that it was his fault that Sirius was dead. Why couldn't have thought to use the magic mirrors? Why did he have to be so stupid and rush into things?

"Harry, I do not wish to be insensitive, but the sooner what get the paperwork filed, the sooner I can lead you to your vaults if you wish, and the sooner you can get home to rest."

Wiping a tear from his eye, "Sorry Ragnok, it's just that I wasn't expecting all of this today. Please, let us get on with business."

"As you wish Harry, the first order of business is to sign these papers, stating that you are now a legal adult in the wizarding world, and that you accept the terms of the will."

Harry spent the next hour signing papers.

"Ragnok, if I may, is it possible to see the holdings of all of my vaults?"

"Certainly Harry, just one moment and I will have Griphook here bring the files here to us."

Several minutes after Griphook left, he returned with a rather hefty pile of folders. Of what, Harry could only guess.

"Harry, you currently have a forty-five percent share in the Nimbus Broomstick Company, a fifteen percent share in the Daily Prophet, and a five percent share at Madam Malkin's Robes for all occasions. Also, in the Black family vaults, consisting of vaults 6, 7, 8, and 9, you have 75,240,000 galleons, 46,743 sickles, and 17,143 knuts. Also in said vaults, there are chest of jewels, swords, armour, and other weapons, along with wands. The Black family estate has a net worth of 84,357,000 galleons." Saying that Harry was shocked was an understatement. "Also, in vaults 3, 4, and 5, those are the Potter family vaults; you have chests of jewels, swords, maces, axes, armor, and wands. Those bring you a net worth of 70,000,000 galleons. In coin, the Potter vaults have in excess of 265,000,000 galleons. You Harry, are now the single richest man in all of Europe."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Um, yes Ragnok, is it possible to take an inheritance test? My Friend Hermione said that she had read about them, and I was just curious as to whom I was descended from."

"Certainly Harry, we can get right on that, but it will cost you a fee of 100 galleons if that is alright?"

"Oh, that is more than fine Ragnok." Harry said, looking rather relieved that it wasn't some outlandish fee that goblins were notorious for imposing on just about everything.

Ragnok pulled on a long rope from behind his desk, and there was the ringing of a bell seemingly from nowhere, and a goblin rushed in from outside.

"Griphook, would you be as kind as to go and grab the inheritance dagger? Harry here would like to do an inheritance test."

"Right away Director," Griphook bowed deeply before turning around and hurrying out of the hall. After about ten minutes Griphook returned with a smooth ebony case that appeared to be about 8 inches in length.

"Here you are Ragnok," Griphook handed over the case, and inside was the most ornate dagger Harry had ever seen. It was made of the finest silver, with a handle wrapped in gold, and rubies encrusting both sides of the pommel.

"Harry, we have heard that you have had a rather bad experience with blood quills, but I assure you that all you will have to do is prick your figure, or make a small cut on your palm, and then drop seven drops of blood onto this piece of parchment. After you have done that, all magical families that you are descended from will appear."

Ragnok handed the dagger over to Harry, where he winced, and made an inch long incision on his palm. Having dropped the required amount of blood on the parchment, his hand instantly healed itself, and the blood seemed to be absorbed into the parchment. Instantly spidery lines swept out from where the last drop of blood had fallen, and started to spell out the names of all of the magical families that are his predecessors. Looking down, Harry could not believe his eyes.

Due to the test of blood, Harry James Potter is magically recognized as the Heir to the most Ancient and Noble houses of Potter, Black, Gryffindor, Peverell, and Le Fay.

Not only was he descended from Godric Gryffindor himself, but also from Morgan Le Fay! The most feared witch of her time!

"Well Harry, it seems as though we have to pull more files out for you so that you can see the assets of all of your houses now." Ragnok stated, clearly not expecting what he had just seen.


"Yes Lord Ragnok?"

"Please go and retrieve the files for the houses of Gryffindor, Le Fay, and Peverell at once! Take someone with you, I am sure that we have a lot on those three families."

"At once sir!"

The minutes passed, and then, an hour later, the door opened, and Harry was even more startled by what he say.

Walking in, carrying what must have been rather heavy boxes, was the most beautiful woman he had ever lain eyes on. With startling blue eyes, alabaster skin, and long, platinum blonde hair, was none other than Fleur Delecour.


"'Arry? What are you doing here?" Fleur stared at him quizzically.

"I am here doing an inheritance test, and Ragnok had sent Griphook for some files. What are you doing here?"

"I am here to work on my English, and the pay is nice."

"Oh," was all the teen could manage, as once again he was taken in by her beauty.

"Harry!" Fleur giggled, obviously amused at the bewildered teen.

Realizing what had happened, Harry quickly turned away, blushing slightly.

"You may go now Ms. Delecour," Ragnok spoke before Harry could say anything more.

"Fleur, wait!" Harry called after her. She stopped and turned her head to him in question.

"Yes 'Arry?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go out and grab a bite to eat with me when I am through here." Harry, not knowing where the thought had come from, was blushing madly by the time he had gotten the sentence out.

"Why 'Arry, did you just ask me out?"

"Well, I-I Guess, Y-Yes," he stammered. She laughed at his predicament, a laugh that was like music to the ears of all those around them.

"Of course 'Arry, that would be just fine. I get off in an hour, would your business be done by then?"

Harry looked to Ragnok, who said, "We will be done inside of an hour. Return here in 45 minutes, and you may go early."

"Thank you Ragnok."

"There is no need to thank me."

Fleur closed the door, and Harry turned back to Ragnok, who had just finished pulling out all of the paperwork needed to tally up the contents of the vaults.

"Well, well, well Harry. It seems that the Peverells have vaults 1 and 2, with a total worth of 693,000,000 galleons. This includes jewels, weapons, wands, and armor. The Gryffindor vaults are numbers 10, 11, and 12, with a value of 295,000,000 galleons, also including jewels, wands, weapons, and armor. Lastly, we have the Le Fay vault, which is number 13, with a total value of 23,562,000 galleons, including jewels and wands."

"You are the single wealthiest man in the world Harry."

Harry didn't know what to say. He could never dream of having so much money; let alone being able to spend it all. Harry said his thanks, and gave Ragnok and Griphook both 1,000 galleons for their excellent help, and bid them farewell. On his way out of the meeting hall, he spotted Fleur and walked over to her.

"Well my fair lady, where would you like to go?" Harry asked the fairest witch he had ever seen.

A/N Well, that concludes chapter one. I hope you folks enjoyed it, and I ask that you please leave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. It helps a lot. Thanks for reading, and please review!