Ichigo Shiba

by Marick Kel Thalas

Disclaimer I DON'T own Bleach

Pairing Ichigo K. & Kukaku S.

Rating M for lemons

(A/N I've decide to write a Ichigo/Kukaku story as their not many stories about Ichigo being paired up with Kukaku that are M rated I only came across two stories with Ichigo and Kukaku one is from MetalChickCrisis2040 her story is Sparks Will Fly the other is from Raptorcloak AKA Raptorclaw and his story is Punishment is actually more of the sequel to Sparks Will Fly

Summary: After Winter War Arc Ichigo and his friends just finished their third year in high school it's summer vacation they deciding what their gonna do for summer Ichigo decides to spend his time in Soul Society to train. The Gotie 13 has already learned and come to accept Ichigo as a Rey Demoniaco Ichigo has complete control of his hollow. Ichigo has befriended Byakuya and some the other Captains and Lieutenants Ichigo runs into Kenpachi Zaraki who wants to challenge Ichigo to a fight while running from the fight Ichigo runs into Kukaku what unexpected fate awaits Ichigo Find out. now on to story

Chapter 1

Summer Break Offers and Rock-star Ichigo

"Hey Kurosaki wait up" Uryuu called out as he and the others caught up to the orange haired teen Ichigo looking over his shoulder looking at glasses wearing Quincy along with Chad and Orihime.

"Hey guys" Ichigo said while continuing walking home "So what's your guys plans for summer vacation" Ichigo said "I'm spending this summer with Tatsuki" Orihime chirped

"I'm gonna be helping my dad at the hospital" said Uryuu "My band and I will be preforming concerts in the nearby towns" Chad said "So what are you doing summer vacation" Orihime questioned looking at Ichigo with her usual happy smile.

Ichigo just looked up at the sky for moment as deep in thought before turning his gaze back to group and answering Orihime's question "I'm gonna spend my summer vacation in the Soul Society I got quiet a few offers for training from some of the Captains and Lieutenants of Gotie 13 even the Head Captain offered to train me himself"

The others were shocked that the Head Captain would train Ichigo Uryuu recovered quickly "That's funny Kurosaki that the Head Captain would train you" Ichigo reached into his bag pulling out several sheets of paper showing the group who had offered to train Ichigo the top paper the group saw was signed by Head Captain Yamamoto of 1st Division.

Ichigo took the top off putting it on the bottom the next was from Soi Fon Captain of the 2nd Division the groups eyes widened when they saw what was being offered skills in hand to hand combat, stealth, techniques from the Onmitsukidō the name at the bottom of the page gave the group a near heart attack.

Ichigo taking that page putting on the bottom of the stack the next one was a little less of shock it was from Retsu Unohana Captain 4th Division the offer was learning some healing Kido Reiatsu control Ichigo taking that page putting on the bottom.

The next offer was from Byakuya Kuchiki of the 6th Division it was learning nobility, laws, rules and regulations of Soul Society and some high class swordsmanship that this point Uryuu asked "Why would Captain Kuchiki offer to teach you anything I thought he hated you Kurosaki"

Ichigo looked at Uryuu "He did up till the Arrancar and Hueco Mundo incident and besides he realized I've been helping him keep his promise to keep Rukia safe to his late wife Hisana besides that me and Byakuya wiped the slate clean and started becoming friends now he been playing the overprotective big brother on Renji since he started dating Rukia"

Uryuu spoke "When did Renji start dating Rukia" Ichigo thought for a moment replied "Shortly after Aizen was defeated" Ichigo said taking Byakuya's offer and putting on the bottom of the pile. The next offer was from Captain Shunsui Kyōraku of the 8th Division the offer was swordsmanship and learning a few other things.

Orihime saw the few other things part asked What does he mean few other things? Ichigo chuckled before putting the offer on the bottom and answering Orihime well I was wondering that myself so I called his Lieutenant Nanao and asked her what he meant by that it turns out the few others things are drinking, flirting actually I should say trying to seduce Nanao and laying around.

The next offer was from Toushiro Hitsugaya Captain of the 10th Division when they saw the offer it read of partying and getting drunk with my Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto they burst out laughing Uryuu asked "Did Captain Hitsugaya really write this" Ichigo still chuckling said "No Rangiku did and forged Hitsugaya's signature I figured Matsumoto is just using this as a prank and try and tease me again" taking Matsumoto's offer putting it on the bottom of the pile.

"This is Hitsugaya's real offer it" Ichigo said it read Ichigo Kurosaki I offer you the chance to learn how the life of Captain is some kido training and my skills as a sparring partner and if you decide to become a Captain of the Gotie 13 my vote for your Captaincy and my guidance to help with the paperwork Chad looks at Ichigo and says "Looks like you got support from Captain Hitsugaya" Ichigo looks back Chad and says "Not only Hitsugaya's I got others too" taking Hitsugaya's offer putting on the bottom.

The Next one was actually a challenge from Captain Kenpachi Zaraki and the entire 11th Division to fight the entire 11th division "He doesn't quit challenging me" Ichigo said putting the challenge on the bottom of the pile the next was more of a request from Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

The offer read "Kurosaki Ichigo I would like to study your unique abilities and possible see if they inheritable as such I would like you to mate with my Lieutenant after Nemu produces a child I will give you Nemu as I will no long have any use for her as I'll use the offspring from you and Nemu as my Lieutenant. Nemu will be very willing to serve your needs as whatever you chose to do with her"

Uryuu furrowed his brows and asked "Is he Seriously asking you to have a child with Nemu" Ichigo looked at Uryuu and says "Yes he very serious but I'm not going to let Ass Clown turn my children into test subjects You see when I received this I saw it was from the 12th Division I put some thick leather gloves on and took it to Hat-n-Clogs"

Ichigo pause for a moment then continued "I was careful upon opening it I found there was a dust chemical I had Hat-n-Clogs study it turns out that chemical would made have filled me with lust to go after Nemu and probably rape her, me and Hat-n-Clogs figure there was alternative motive behind it and we guessed it was once I raped Nemu physico clown face would charge me with raping his Lieutenant in which I would either have my powers sealed and my memories erased or I could become his test subject probably till he gets bored with me and disposes me"

The groups eyes were wide Uryuu asks "So did you know not to pick up the letter with your bare hands" Ichigo smiled before saying one word and that word was Nemu the group was shocked then repeated Nemu.

Ichigo just nodded then spoke "Nemu called saying that her Captain had sent a chemical covered letter that I should use either thick rubber or leather gloves that the chemical will be quickly be adsorb through the skin" Ichigo wasn't gonna tell them that Nemu had also sent a letter with a video of her masturbating to Ichigo and some naked pictures of her posing for him some of the pictures were of her up close with her legs spread spreading her pussy lips others were of her masturbating.

The next came from Captain Ukitake teaching how to paint and relaxation techniques putting Ukitakes offer on the bottom so now the Head Captains offer was back on top then putting the offers back in his bag.

Orihime asked "Kurosaki-kun where will you be staying while you're there" Ichigo realized he hadn't thought about it before answering "You know I haven't really thought about it I probably be staying at the Kuchiki manner with Rukia and Byakuya or at one of the other Divisions as long it's far from the 11th and 12th Division Kuchiki manner is probably the safest since Byakuya doesn't let 11th or 12th Division near his home since Yachiru has been eating his Kori fish and the physico clown blew one of Byakuya's zen gardens and refused to pay for the damage while I'm there I'll probably stop by Kukaku's say hi to Ganju and Kukaku" Orihime asked "When do you leave Kurosaki-kun? Ichigo thought for a moment before answering

"The day after tomorrow which will give me a enough time to notifies the Head-Captain and Byakuya of my arrival and keep Jingle Bells and Ass Clown away" The others snickered at the nicknames Uryuu asked "Who's Jingle Bells as we know who Ass Clown is" Ichigo said "Kenpachi"

While chuckling after calming down "It's cause of the bells he wears that I started calling him Jingle Bells that and Ikkaku said he sang Jingle Bells one day on Christmas causing Kenpachi to draw his sword and start to looking for Santa Clause while saying 'Okay wheres Santa' it cause the whole Division to burst out laughing even if they were drunk and thanks to Matsumoto spreading it around the entire Gotie 13 except Ukitake and Head-Captain sneaks behind Kenpachi sings Jingle Bells and runs off laughing when he starts looking for Santa Clause even Captain Soi Fon does it though they only do it on Christmas"

The others could only snicker at the thought of Kenpachi on Christmas looking for Santa Clause Ichigo brought the others out of their giggling fit when he resumed walking saying "Well I better get going I promised Yuzu I'll help with dinner tonight see ya later guys" the others waved good bye as the headed home.

Ichigo arrived home opening the door stepping off to the side holding his arm up clothes-lining his dad as he flew by knocking him out Ichigo headed into the kitchen to help Yuzu out prepare dinner Yuzu called Ichigo turning towards his sister Ichigo answered "Yes Yuzu what is it"

Yuzu smiled before answering "Rukia is here she up in your room waiting for you" Ichigo thanked his sister as he headed up to his room to talk to Rukia when he entered his room noticed Rukia looking at his new Slipknot CD murmuring "I haven't seen this one before" "That's because it's new I just got it yesterday while you were gone" Ichigo said scaring Rukia a little as she preoccupied looking at the CD.

Ichigo just chuckled walking over to the desk taking the CD out of Rukia's hands opening the case taking out the disc opening his CD player putting the disc in closing the player pushing play going to the song he liked it started soft before it became heavy Rukia looked confused before asking "Whats the name of the song" Ichigo just smirked before answering "It's called Wait and Bleed the group Slipknot when they preform they always wear they're masks Joey Jordison is know for his extreme fast double bass style drumming" pointing at the member with a Japanese white Kibtou mask with black markings.

Rukia looked at member who Ichigo was pointing at before asking "Is he Japanese" Ichigo sighed before answering "No he American according to his biography his mother used the mask to scare him" Rukia just had an Oh look on her face before Ichigo brought her back to reality "Come on Rukia we should head down for dinner" They headed down for dinner which Ichigo help prepare during dinner Isshin tried to attack Ichigo again only to meet Ichigo's foot Ichigo looked annoyed before retorting "You will act like regular parent for once can't we have a decent dinner for once"

Isshin just ran and cried to the post of his wife before Karin knocked him out with a coffee mug before mumbling "Stupid goat chin" after dinner Ichigo headed up to his room with Rukia following behind when they were in his room Ichigo sat down in the chair at his desk turning towards Rukia before asking "Would you like to see them live and meet them" Rukia was confused before asking "See who live" Ichigo just chuckled before smiling then answered "Slipknot of course they'll be preforming here in Karahara tomorrow night cause I got two backstage passes so would you like to go" Rukia smile answering "Yeah I would love to go Ichigo as I haven't been to a concert before"

Ichigo just smiled saying "Good the concert is at 7:00pm" and turning the CD player back on letting it play the entire CD before turning back to Rukia speaking "You do know I'm going to Soul Society the day after tomorrow right" Rukia just nodded enjoying the music that was playing. Dark came quickly Ichigo and Rukia decided to call it a night turning off the CD player Rukia and Ichigo got changed and ready for Rukia crawled into Ichigo's closest going to sleep Ichigo got in his bed turning the light off.

The next morning Good morning Ichigo awoke to Isshin shouting while sending a flying kick at Ichigo chest Ichigo caught his fathers foot aimed at his stomach yelling "Damn it old man your worst then Kenpachi at least he tells you before attacking" Ichigo twisted his fathers foot before throwing a punch connecting with his dads face then throwing him out the open window.

Rukia waking up slides open the door of the closest asking "Whats all that noise Ichigo" still half asleep Ichigo just snorted before answering "The stupid old goat that's what's that noise was now that we awake let get dressed and head down stairs before he tries for another round" once they were dressed and down as Ichigo predicted Isshin tried again only to get Ichigo foot in his face followed up by a coffee mug from Karin yelling "It's too damn early in the morning" once everyone was seated at the table minus Isshin who is knocked out.

Rukia and Ichigo headed out to see Chad off before he and his band left they went hung out with Renji for a little while killing hollows that showed up Renji and Rukia were surprised when Ichigo killed one with just his fist Renji retorted "You've been training with Yuroichi again" Ichigo just said "Yep" as another hollow attacked Ichigo kicked it up in the air Renji released Zabimaru bring his zanpaktou down with the hollow with it into Rukia Sode-No-Shirayuki second dance once all the hollows were killed.

Ichigo looked at his watch seeing it was 5:30 they went to Urahara's to see what new supplies came in when they entered Urahara greeted them turning his gaze to Ichigo before speaking "So Kurosaki-kun I hear your gonna get some training from the Captains of Gotie 13 even the Head-Captain is that true and when do you leave" shocking Renji in process Ichigo just scratch the back of his head while replying "Yeah it's true and I leave tomorrow" so the next 30 minutes were used discussing what each Captain was gonna be teaching Ichigo with some teasing from Yoruichi

"Ichigo spoke Rukia we better get go and get ready we got about an hour before it starts" Yoruichi asked "What starts" Rukia replied "Slipknot they're here preforming" Renji lifted his head "Oh that's right I have get ready myself I going to see them with Orihime and Tatsuki we got tickets" Rukia said looking at Renji "Why don't you guys meet at Ichigo's house in 40 minutes and we can go together"

With that Ichigo and Rukia headed off to Ichigo while on the way Rukia said "I didn't know Tatsuki or Orihime liked Slipknot" Ichigo just chuckled Replied "Tatsuki has liked them for a long time and Orihime just recently started liking them" When they arrived stepping off to side letting Isshin fly by before running up the stairs to Ichigo's room they got changed Ichigo pulled out a mask sticking it in pocket along with the backstage passes.

10 minutes later there was a knock at the door Ichigo opened the door seeing Tatsuki, Orihime and Renji ready Ichigo and Rukia left the house with the others when got to the gate the guard asked for the tickets Renji handed his, Tatsuki's and Orihime's to guard when Ichigo and Rukia got the guard the guard looked at Ichigo as he showed him the passes guard spoke "Ichigo Joey would like to see ya before the show starts"

Ichigo just nodded Orihime asked "Kurosaki-kun how did you get those passes" Tatsuki was the one to answer "That's cause he's related to Joey Jordison they're cousins" this shocked the others Renji yelled "Your related to the fastest drummer in the world" Ichigo just scratched his head saying "Yeah we're related on my mothers side"

Tatsuki and the others went to their places while Ichigo and Rukia went backstage Rukia was surprised when Ichigo was greeted by the members of Slipknot even more when they removed their masks started chatting with Ichigo like they knew him all they're life "Hey Ichigo glad you make it" Joey said from the couch looking at his cousin Ichigo looked back at his cousin replying "I wouldn't miss your show for the world Joey oh Karin and Yuzu say hi"

Joey just nodded before saying "Well tell them I say hi and I'll over later with the group as we miss Yuzu's cooking" then turning his gaze to Rukia and asked "Is that your girlfriend Ichigo" Ichigo turned back to Rukia replying "No she a good friend who hasn't been to one yours concerts so I brought her along"

Ichigo waved Rukia over speaking "Rukia this is my cousin Joey Jordison the drummer the one over there with the metal mask that's Mickey the bass player the one over there with mask with the dreads that's Nick the lead singer" Nick walked up to Ichigo and asked "Ready to make a special appearance Skull Face" handing Ichigo a guitar Ichigo nodded pulling out his mask putting it on Rukia noticed that Ichigo's mask looked like the mask of his Vasto Lord hollow form without the horns on the side the members put their masks back on Nick spoke "Then lets get show going"

Ichigo turned around and handed Rukia her pass so the guards won't give her trouble before walking out on to the stage with the members of Slipknot. The crowd cheered as they walked out Nick taking the mic announced "Tonight we have a special guest making appearance for tonight's show only lets bring out Skull Face" Ichigo walked out towards Nick taking mic speaking "Now this song is Wait and Bleed" handing the mic back to Nick.

Renji and Orihime were surprised just as much as the crowd when they saw the flaming orange hair playing a guitar keeping perfect beat with Slipknot and he was playing with them through the entire first half of the concert the next half Ichigo was playing drums with Joey Jordison and he was really good breaking his drum sticks twice but not missing a beat by the end of the concert the crowd was going wild.

Ichigo and Slipknot went backstage Slipknot got ready to sign autographs while Ichigo sat on the couch with Rukia sitting next him with his skull mask still on Rukia looked at Ichigo and asked "Why do they call you Skull Face" Joey spoke up "It's cause of the skull mask he wears when he preforms with us" signing some autographs a girl ran up to Ichigo asking for his autograph Ichigo gladly signed the autograph as Skull Face she then asked about him showing up for only tonight Joey answered her question "My cousin preforms when we're in town which is every once and a while"

After the autographs were signed Ichigo and Rukia meet up with Renji, Tatsuki and Orihime outside the gate Orihime and Tatsuki had autographed photos of the group with Ichigo's signature as Skull Face while Renji had an autographed Skull Face mask they saw Rukia had an signed t-shirt and Skull Face Mask with Ichigo's name Skull Face on it she also had a smile on her face Orihime asked "Rukia-san why are you so happy"

Rukia was about reply but Tatsuki beat her to it "Cause she gonna get to have dinner with Slipknot whenever they preform in Karahara Town they always have dinner at Ichigo's" Renji eyes were wide before he shouts "Ichigo not only are you related to fastest drummer in world but you perform with them and have dinner with them at your place"

Ichigo just laughed saying "Yeah Slipknot always eats at my place" as he and Rukia went to his house to wait for Slipknot and get dinner ready 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door Ichigo opened it letting Slipknot in Karin and Yuzu ran and hugged Joey when he came in Joey looked at the poster of his aunt before turning to Ichigo asking "He still has that up" pointing to the poster Ichigo looked at it moment before replying "Yeah and he still cry's to it"

Causing the rest Slipknot burst out laughing during dinner Karin looked at Mickey saying "Hey Mickey you cut your hair shorter" Mickey replied "Yeah though I still keep it long" Joey asked "Hey Ichigo did you get that CD I sent ya" Ichigo looked at his cousin replying "Ya I got it yesterday" "So Joey how long are you and the others staying Karahara town" Isshin asked his nephew Nick answered "Not long after dinner we're headed out for the air port in Tokyo to head back to the States"

Shortly there was a knock at the door getting up Ichigo walked to the door opening it to find Renji, Orihime and Yoruichi at the door Ichigo just raised an eyebrow before asking "What you guys doing here" Yoruichi answered "Well I got curious about this Slipknot then when Renji came back to the Shoten with Orihime saying you were related to the worlds fastest drummer and had preformed with his band I just had to meet them myself as for Renji and Orihime they want to meet them too"

Ichigo just sighed before saying "All right but don't mention anything with Soul Society and Yoruichi don't even say your my girlfriend or teacher your just a friend also don't hit on them" at this Yoruichi pouted but agreed Ichigo lead them into kitchen.

Slipknot looked up seeing Ichigo with few people behind him Joey spoke up "Hey cousin who are they" pointing to people behind Ichigo. Sighing Ichigo pointing at Renji spoke "This Renji Arbari he's big fan of yours" pointing at Orihime "This is Orihime Inoue who recently became a fan" pointing to Yuroichi "This is Yoruichi Shihouin a friend I met a while back" Ichigo then introduced the members of Slipknot "This is my cousin Joey Jordison the one next to him is Mickey that one is Nick"

Ichigo continued to introduce the Slipknot members and what they were in the band Yoruichi could just say "Wow so your fastest drummer in the world" looking at Joey in awe Joey just shrugged before saying "I'm fastest double bass style drummer in the world my cousin Ichigo is the fastest single bass style drummer in the world" Nick spoke up "Yeah Ichigo can keep up with Joey and they're both good at playing the guitar so Ichigo when you're ready to join the band just give us a call and we'll put you in the band"

Nick then looked at the clock on the wall speaking again "Well we have a plane to catch thanks Yuzu for the food it was good we stop by after the tour over" Nick said as he headed for the door with the others following behind Joey said his thanks to Yuzu then hugged Karin and Yuzu then went to Ichigo giving him a hand shake and brotherly hug before heading for the door closing it behind him.

Ichigo turned to the three new comers running a hand through his hair Orihime spoke up "Chad and Uryuu-kun are gonna be surprised when they hear that you are related to a member of a famous rock band and had them in your home having dinner with them and offered a place among they're band"

Ichigo just laughed at thought of Uryuu's face in total disbelief before replying "Chad already knows I'm related to Joey Jordison it's why he asks me to play in his band sometimes it's cause he know I'm good at playing a guitar and the drums I'll bet Uryuu will ask if he can design my outfit and since I already got the band jumpsuit I won't need him to make me an outfit"

Ichigo looked out the window seeing it was dark then turning back to Yoruichi, Renji and Orihime speaking "Well it's getting late and I need to get some sleep see ya later" with that Yoruichi, Renji and Orihime left.

Ichigo and Rukia went upstairs to Ichigo's room after getting changed "Thanks Ichigo for taking me to the concert tonight" Rukia said while climbing into Ichigo's closest Ichigo was already in his bed before replying "Your welcome Rukia" Ichigo then turned off the light as sleep soon claimed him.