He fumbled with the keys that lied at the bottom of his jean pocket. Fueled by anger and confusion, he jammed the keys into the lock of the door and violently jerked it open. He slammed the apartment door behind him in rage and rushed into his room, chucking his football gear into the corner mindlessly. He flung his fist at the wall repeatedly until it started to ache. Why? he thought. He put his head up against the wall, frustrated by what he just witnessed. How could she? How could she lie to me and go behind my back? The questions flew through his mind like a train without brakes. Dylan betrayed the little bitty amount of trust that I actually gave him and stooped lower than I thought him capable.
Fang stood there pondering, numb to surrounding, before he realized his phone was buzzing. He reached out for it and clicked on the button that flashed New Message.
From: Maxi (((;
Hey where did u go?
To: Maxi (((;
Why do u care?
From: Maxi (((;
Mayb cuz im ur Gf and Bff?
To: Maxi (((;
Since wen?
From: Maxi (((;
O, wats that supposed to mean? Quit messin 'round. U ditched me here!
To: Maxi (((;
u know exactly wat it means. U quit playing dum!
From: Maxi (((;
wat do you mean? I have no clue...
To: Maxi (((;
nvm, forget it...were through
From: Maxi (((;
? no date but friends?
To: Maxi (((;
I dont want to tak place in ur life if I cant trust u
He waited for a reply, but never got one.
To: Maxi (((;
Anything else before I delete you from my contacts?
From: Maxi (((;
Sorry for whatever I did. noh ss!w
He stared at the last part of the message: noh ss!w. What did that mean? To add on to his confusion, it went round and round around his mind.
Next Day
During football practice, Fang couldn't help but look at Max while they were practicing their cheers. He couldn't take the fact that their numbers matched. His jersey as quarterback was the number 19. As head of the cheer squad, max chose the number 19 to match his. With them being broken up, Fang couldn't bear having her number with him throughout the last season. It would only bring memories to distract him from the game.
"Get your head out of your ass!" Coach barked at him. Fang nodded and proceeded to pass the ball. Practice went on slowly. He didn't have anyone waiting for him like Max used to do when they were together. When practice was out, he saw Dylan approach Max. He shook his head to himself and a look of disgust appeared onto his face. He saw Dylan mumble a couple words, and Max replied. Dylan broke out into a grin and pecked her on the cheek before heading towards the locker rooms. Fang was about to turn when Lissa popped up.
"Hey Fang! I know you're dating Max and all, but do you wanna go have coffee after this?" Her eyes were a wide, bright green with hope flashing in them.
"Uh, actually, we aren't together anymore," He replied, "And, uh, that'd be great. Just wait for me by the locker room, okay?" Her eyes brightened even more and she nodded eagerly, giving him a quick hug. He jogged off to the locker rooms with Max eying Lissa and Fang's recent conversation.
So that's why he broke up with me. He made it sound like I did something wrong. Max thought to herself. Whatever. She shook her head and tried to forget what she just saw and focus on her upcoming date with Dylan.
Uh...I've been lame lately. Yeah, I don't feel like updating for my other stories cuz I went back and read them, all in all, I think they suck. I've had the idea of this story going through my head. I wrote down most of my ideas in this book, and Naomi came over tonight to help me with this one. I hope you guys liked it! (: If the ideas keep flowing, which I hope they will, we'll continue this story. THANKS NAOMI (MeMeMeliumpkin)! Love ya boo! i know it's short, but we'll be increasing the chapter lengths during the next chapters (: