The shining halls of the palace gave off a deceptively bright, cheery air. It would have been a relaxing day if it wasn't for the matter of Loki's trial.

Even the world is happy that I'm finally getting 'what I deserve' Loki thought wryly. Outside he could see that the sun was setting over the mountains of Asgard, only enhancing the bright, golden light.

"Loki Odinson -"

"-Laufeyson, you mean. If you command me to speak with absolute truth and honesty, I should expect to be given the same courtesy." Loki cut in coldly. The mask was still clenching his jaw, making speech not impossible but slightly painful.

"Loki of Asgard," his adoptive father continued, with an edge of finality in his voice, "you stand to face punishment for your crimes against the people of Earth, and waging war against your own brother. What do you have to say?"

"What must I say? I do not deny these claims; the proof is all around me. I was wronged. The throne of Asgard was ripped from me, so I sought to rule over a lesser race. I am sorry for how the events of my unfortunate fate played out, but if you wish me to beg forgiveness from a life that has shun me and held me in shadows, you will be disappointed." Loki stood in his defiant, matter-of-fact way. The sunlight was now reflecting against the silver of his clothing, making it now appear gold and green.

Odin leaned back on his throne with a look of… what was it… pity? He pities me? After what I had just said? Loki thought to himself, despite it all, still trying to play the father to me. Loki himself almost felt regret for a second, after seeing the look on his mother's face. She had wanted him to repent, he knew, and restored to his previous life as Prince of Asgard, the Prince of Thor's Shadow. They had wanted the truth from him, and there it was. The plain, hard truth. It wasn't Loki's fault he had been cast out and torn away from the throne, it wasn't his fault that his brother was everything he wasn't, it wasn't his fault that Odin had found him, a bastard Frost Giant baby, alone and helpless.

"Father, he knows not what he says!" Thor heatedly put in. Despite it all, he still wanted a good life for his brother.

The fool.

Loki gave Odin a look, one meant to convey that he knew exactly what he was saying- and not regretting it, either.

With a resigned sigh and a shake of his aging head, Odin finally declared, "Loki, son of the Allfather, Odin, Prince of Asgard, you must be punished for your misdeeds. However, I do not see fit that we should be the ones to punish you."

The God of Mischief looked up with a pang of surprise. He can't possibly mean-

"It is my decision that you will be sent back down to Midgard, to let the humans bestow punishment upon you at their own will. Your brother, Thor, will escort you, and see that no harm comes to you until you reach the hands of the human authorities. After that… may fate be kind to you."

He expected a great many things: being forced to apologize, giving up his powers, being exiled, but not this. Not being thrown into the mercy of the weak human wretches. He looked around at the faces of other Asgardians. Some looked satisfied, while others seemed upset that they would not get to see him pay. Thor seemed to be formulating a plan- or whatever his brutish mind can form.

As everyone was starting to leave, Thor grabbed his brother's arm.

"Don't worry, brother. I know where to take you. You will not be harmed."

Second Lieutenant Beth Chednik was walking through the halls of headquarters, keeping stride with the tall, one-eyed man who was to be her director. Nick Fury was showing her around the main base, located two miles below the famous Stark Tower.

"During your application process our scanners seemed to pick something up in you. We're not sure what it is, but whatever it is makes you stand out. Your strength and will are… unique. You will be placed in the criminal department."

"Isn't S.H.E.I.L.D just one big criminal department?" she raised one eyebrow, looking up at the man.

Fury let out a small, deep chuckle at the quip. "To put it crudely, yes. But you will be specifically dealing with the criminals: their caretaking, interrogations, and file-checks. Whoever we hold, you manage. At the moment we don't have anyone in, but you'll be studying the files of our most notorious foes. For right now I think we'll take you up to the main room to meet our newest defense force. They're all still here, with the exception of Thor. Since you'll be taking care of the trash, it's only fair that you get to meet the garbage men themselves."

Beth nodded curtly, respectfully, as her short stint of army training trained her to do.