Kurt yawned and leaned against his locker. He wanted to curl up and go back to bed. His AP English class was killing him. He'd stayed up almost all night trying to understand Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, the most impossible play in the world to understand. He grabbed his books, took a sip of his coffee and shut the locker door. He had to lean against his locker one last time to gain the energy to walk the 30 feet to his class. "Hey Kurt," he heard a familiar voice say. He slowly turned his head to see his boyfriend standing next to him. "What's up? You look terrible," Blaine said.

"Thanks so much. I stayed up all night reading," Kurt said.

"Again? Kurt, you need to sleep!" Blaine said.

"I know. I'll do that eventually. Walk me to my class?" Kurt asked. Blaine linked arms with him and they started down the hallway. Someone accidentally bumped into Kurt and his books went flying onto the floor. He cursed under his breath and bent down to get his books.

"Let me help you," said Blaine, bending down to help Kurt pick up his books. He instantly regretted it.

"What's that?" Kurt asked, pointing to the purple bruise on Blaine's arm.

"Oh, it's nothing. I…I fell down the stairs last night," Blaine said, quickly covering the arm with his coat.

"You did? Oh my God, are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need to go to a doctor?" Kurt asked, grabbing his boyfriend by the shoulders and looking him over. Blaine laughed.

"Relax Kurt, I'm fine. You know me, I'm just clumsy. But thanks for caring. Really," Blaine said. Kurt couldn't help but notice that Blaine's eyes fogged over when he said thanks for caring.

"No problem, you know I always care about you," Kurt said. They'd reached the doorway of Kurt's classroom. "I'll see you at lunch?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded, gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked away. As Kurt sat down at his desk, he couldn't help but think that something was missing. Why didn't Blaine tell him he had fallen down the stairs? Why did he get so emotional? Thoughts swam in Kurt's mind until he finally saw Blaine at lunch. He loved how Blaine's face always lit up when he saw him. Kurt was sitting at a table with Mercedes and Tina when Blaine came up to him.

"Hey, do you think we could have lunch by ourselves today?" Blaine asked. Mercedes shot him a look of mischief.

"Mercedes, I'm sure that Blaine has something very important to talk to me about. Get your head out of the gutter," Kurt said. "And Blaine, I would love to have lunch alone with you today." Kurt picked up his tray and went over to a small table in the corner of the cafeteria with Blaine. "So what's up?" Kurt asked.

"Well, I want you to keep your mind open when I ask you this. And there's absolutely no reason why you would have to say yes. I just need to put this out on the table to tell them that I asked…"Blaine babbled.

"Out with it! You're killing me!" Kurt laughed.

"Well…my um…parents…have asked to meet you," Blaine said quietly.

"Really?" Kurt asked with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, I mean, I told them a lot about you and they asked for me to bring you over on Saturday," Blaine said slowly.

"Blaine, I would be honored to meet your family!" Kurt said enthusiastically. Blaine didn't look so eager.

"Really?" Blaine asked. He looked very pale, almost green.

"Yeah, of course! Why, is there something wrong with your family?" Kurt joked. Blaine wanted to tell him, boy did he want to tell him. But he just couldn't. Kurt was so excited. He couldn't bear to take that away from him.

"Great. Want to come by at like noon on Saturday?" Blaine asked.

"Sounds great!" Kurt said. The boys spent the rest of their lunch talking about duets for Glee and the newest Broadway plays that were in the making. Neither boy had any idea what they were in for.