PREVIOUSLY: Well, if you've gotten this far, you know a LOT happened! But to summarize, Paragon Mary Shepard recovered from her near-terminal injuries she suffered when she ended The Reaper War, found a way to reunify the galaxy, and then with some help found her lover Liara T'Soni, who was pregnant...they got married and elected to stay on the new world they found; with Admiral Hackett's help, the semi-retired Shepard was declared 'officially' deceased after an untimely accident. Many stayed with her and Liara to give their new colony a good, solid start.
But let's not forget, Liara still has a blue baby to give birth to! :D And how will the future unfold for Shepard, her beloved wife, and the rest of her loved ones? In order to find out, one must take quite a few steps forward...and simply look back...
*Whew!* It's been a while, but I can finally call this "Coda" case you didn't know, the subtitle of this epilog means 'a passage that brings a piece of music to its end'. I didn't think this story would go so far and be as huge as it was, but (Paragon) FemShep, Liara, and so many more characters had so much to say...and there was so much I as a fan wanted to see to give the epic story of "Mass Effect" a proper capstone, and I believed you might want to see those things, too. I wrote "Coda" to give us all as fans a possible ending we could be happy with, and you have no idea how truly gratified I am that so many of you have liked what you've read up to this point, and I hope the conclusion of this passage will leave you as satisfied as it did me. If you enjoyed this ride I took you on, I did my job...and I'm a little sad that job is now done. To all of you who have followed, favorited and loved "Coda", I can't say these two words enough: thank you!
As I said on deviantART, once and for all, this story in full is dedicated to my dear friend and fellow FemShep-loves-Liara fan, Kat, who is no longer with us. I'll always remember you. 3
And please excuse my using Katy Perry's "Firework" at the end if you think it cheesy...I thought it perfectly fit Paragon Mary Shepard.
Oh yeah, a loud and clear disclaimer for legal reasons. "Mass Effect" and its characters are the property of Electronic Arts and BioWare. "Firework" is under copyright of Capitol Records. This story was for entertainment purposes only!
"MASS EFFECT 3 EPILOG: CODA" by Charles Spencer
Chapter 21, The Finale:
About five standard months later...
An entire galaxy was still absorbing the tragic news their savior, Commander Mary Shepard, was lost to them.
By contrast on a quiet, far-away world that become home to a fledgeling colony, a new life was about to be born.
Alliance Lieutenant-Commander and Spectre Ashley Williams led the rest of the large group of colonists as they raced through the green wild of Tranquility. Her mood was uniform with those of the others: desperate and frantic. Ash ran as fast as she could as she feared she'd be too damned late, and she couldn't help but say so under her breath, but her voice quickly rose into a yell: "Oh shit! Shit!-Shit!-SHIT!" She shouted at the others with her, "HURRY, DAMMIT, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" And to think this was the reason she returned to Tranquility, the reason why she asked for this leave - !
Trying to keep pace with her, but barely succeeding, was James Vega. He tried to shout back to her, "Calm down, Ash, we...we'll make it!" By contrast, Matriarch Aethyta was running a few yards ahead of Ash and everyone else. The Human woman felt a flash of jealousy, considering the elder Asari was in better shape than the Human was even though she was nine centuries older. Ashley thought it had to be something in the water on Thessia that kept them so healthy and beautiful for a millenium! EDI, meanwhile, stayed with the group and kept her speed low.
Not far behind, Miranda and Oriana Lawson were close together as they ran. Miranda called to Ashley, "We will make it! I know we will!" But her tone was uncertain, in spite of herself. Oriana lagged behind her twin, but only by a slight measure. In the past few months, the others couldn't help but think how much Oriana had begun to look like Miranda, mostly because Ori had let her hair grow long enough to match her elder twin's.
Everyone had anticipated it would be at least another week before this happened, and it took everyone by surprise.
Most surprised of all was Liara Shepard. She and her husband Mary traveled by shuttle to a massive lake only a few kilometers west of the colony...Jack, who by this time was almost as inseparable from Mary as her wife was, had joined them. The three had arrived only a few hours earlier to take in the beauty of the place and its blue-green waters. The largest indigenous lifeforms in the water were eel-like creatures about two feet long that fed exclusively on the algae that grew at the bottom of the lake. They weren't dangerous, but they were ugly enough to make the more cautious balk at swimming in deep water. Mary, who among a few others of the planet's new residents had taken the responsibility to hunt for wild sources for food on the planet for the colony, wasn't in a hurry to see how the slimy things tasted. (Even after Doctor Chakwas thoroughly examined a few of the creatures and pronounced them healthy to eat.) Jack, though, could never have been called a cautious soul...she felt the urge to skinny-dip, and did so after stripping nude from her clothes. A moment later her lovely tattooed body was in the cool, inviting water.
Liara sat on the beach with her beloved, favoring her aching back, as they watched Jack swim. Liara, because her belly had grown so big, had fallen to wearing a simple one-piece garment similar to a sundress in public. She had also developed a significant lack of self-esteem as a consequence and constantly referred to herself as fat and ugly. Even a complete stranger to the Asari would have flatly did Mary, and passionately, and she had ways to lift Liara's self-image. In intimate moments they'd never share with anyone else.
None of the three measured the time in these free, wonderful moments at the lake. Then. The beautiful Asari suddenly felt pain elsewhere. And it was growing with an alarming intensity. Mary felt her wife squeeze her hand as Liara said, "D-darling...?"
Mary looked at Liara and saw the expression on her wife's face. She felt a sudden dread. "Yeah...?"
Liara almost bit her lower lip as she breathed, "!"
Mary quickly yelled to Jack and then called the colony's clinic on her comm. Doctors Karin Chakwas and Chloe Michel dropped everything and rushed out to the shuttle. Ashley saw their rush to leave and asked what was wrong. The doctors didn't stop running to the shuttle, with Jeff 'Joker' Moreau hurriedly limping after them, as Chloe quickly shouted an answer that was all Ash needed to hear. From there, the Lieutenant-Commander raised the alarm for everyone, but dammit, Karin and Chloe wouldn't wait for anyone else to go with them! It must have been serious if they couldn't even wait for anyone, even Aethyta, to join them. Everyone left behind knew if they wanted to help Mary and Liara, or at least be there for the birth, they had to literally hot-foot it to the lake.
When Ashley, Aethyta, Miranda, Oriana, Samantha and the rest finally got to the lakeside, where both shuttles were parked on the beach...several meters beyond them into the blue-green water, they saw the others.
Liara was sitting down in the lakewater, her knees poking above the surface as her legs were spread apart, and her agonized expression told the story about the pain she was suffering from the contractions that were taking place at decreasing intervals. Liara reclined against Mary Shepard, who wrapped her arms tenderly around her wife from behind as she sat in the water on her knees, trying with all her soul to soothe Liara. Jack was also there on her knees on the right of them both, holding Liara's hand, her expression full of uncertainty...she clearly wished she could do more than simply be there for them. Meanwhile, Doctor Chloe Michel was positioned where she needed to be between Liara's legs, ministering to the pregnant Asari. Doctor Karin Chakwas stood next to Chloe, supervising, looking at her Omni-Tool readings with quiet intensity. Joker was a bit further away from them, feeling like an idiot as he could only stand and watch. Between Liara's legs, the water had turned a vibrant purple...Chloe wore a bright visor over her eyes to see under the water as she helped the Asari give birth.
Mary Shepard long ago learned about the Asari tradition that pregnant females give birth in water, but that didn't make much difference to Liara at the moment. Indeed, Mary's previous experience helping her friend Ereba give birth was still bright and vivid in her memory, but it didn't help. At all. Mary felt helpless as she held her beloved, wishing with all her soul she could trade places with Liara. The savior's clear and present anxiety for her wife wasn't eased even as she saw the others arrive, splashing ankle-deep into the water. Still, Mary managed a nervous grin and said dryly, "Hey, now it's a party!"
Armando-Owen Bailey, the security chief for the colony, tried to talk between labored breaths because of his run. Hating to feel so damn old, he looked apologetically at Mary and Liara as he managed, "The...the second we heard, we rushed fast as we could...!" Chloe looked back at her lover with an understanding smile, happy he was here. EDI reached Joker and they held hands as they bore witness, like Samantha Traynor and Gabby Daniels did as they watched with worry and hope.
Aethyta, like Mary, was beside herself with fear as she moved close to Liara. She couldn't help but say, "Honey, what's wrong with you! This had to happen all the way out here?" Like the pregnant girl had any control over it...Liara gave her father a flat 'Are you serious?' look, in spite of her pain.
Private Mike Donovan felt like his legs were burning from the run as he said, "Karin...didn't you and Chloe say Doctor Shepard wasn't...wasn't due to have her baby...for maybe another week?"
Karin looked at the younger man and said coolly, "I did stress maybe for the approximate time that Liara would give birth, Michael!"
Mary looked at everyone and said jokingly, "Anyway, you know Liara...she just looooves to surprise people!"
In spite of her pain because of the contractions, Liara shot her husband a glare. "That...was not funny, darling!"
Jack couldn't help but giggle and said, "I thought it was!"
Suddenly, Liara almost screamed, "Oh - !" The newest pain was so strong, it caught her breathless. Everyone looked at Liara with sudden worry as Mary held her with adoration.
Chloe's voice sought to soothe Liara... "Easy...easy, you're almost there. Just keep breathing at the rhythm we taught you...!"
But any lessons Karin and Chloe taught the young Asari about how to breathe during childbirth seemed a very distant thing. In fact, Liara stared at Chloe and said with a flare of anger, "E-easy?! There's nothing easy about this - !" Jolted by the pain of a new contraction, she cried out again. Liara looked up at the sky with wide, wet eyes and moaned, "Oh, Goddess...!"
Liara then felt warm, full lips kiss her cheek with eternal care and love. She heard her husband's voice: "I'm with you, Liara." Liara managed to look at Mary Shepard, who was in tears, but was also smiling proudly upon her wife. Mary promised, "You're not alone. I'm here for you. I'll help you through this, my angel."
Liara Shepard looked up into her husband's eyes and found her strength spite of the pain, she felt her very soul relax into the feeling of being in her beloved's arms. She smiled and breathed, "I...I know you will...dearest Mary. I-I love you..."
Everyone who bore witness that day wished they could give their strength to the beautiful Asari. Ashley Williams hoped to give Liara strength as well as she said, "We're all here for you, Liara. Anything you need, we're right here!" Liara looked at Ash and the others with elemental gratitude in her eyes.
But then time...terrible, painful time...passed slowly. Liara Shepard fought one of the hardest battles of her young life. She gave all of her strength, and then reached even deeper within her self to give even more...
...and finally, blessedly, the pain began to subside just after Chloe shouted, "I have her!"
Karin monitored closely as Chloe gently lifted the newborn out of the water from between Liara's legs and cradled it to her bosom. The young doctor expertly cleared the infant's airway and suddenly, a new voice was heard in the air of Tranquility. Liara, in spite of the fact she was completely spent, couldn't help but laugh with Mary as they heard their child's cries. Emotions were high from everyone there as Chloe carefully cut the baby's cord, and Jack was there to take the baby.
Even if Jack hadn't changed in elemental ways because she met Mary Shepard, the young woman's heart would have melted seeing who she held in her arms. The Biotic's expression almost melted as well with awe and pure joy. She managed, "Oh...oh, she's so beautiful...!" But she quickly refocused, and carefully moved to give the baby to her mother.
Liara took the child into her arms as she heard laughter and applause from those who were watching, and she felt an incandescent level of happiness as she felt her husband's arms cradle her in turn. All she felt rivaled Mary's feelings of euphoria to look upon her family, and she knew she could never, ever have asked for any greater blessing. It couldn't ever have been put into words how Mary and Liara Shepard felt when they saw their baby. Her skin was a vibrant blue, and as Jack said, beautiful beyond any doubt.
Oriana held Miranda's hand as she watched, so happy for the new family. Oriana asked, "Mary...Liara...did you decide what you'll name her?"
Mary answered with pride, "Benezia. After Liara's mother."
Aethyta couldn't help but cry with so much happiness, as well. As she saw her grandchild, she said to Liara, "She's proud of you, baby. Wherever Nezzy is, she's gotta be damn proud of you."
As she felt Mary's arms hold her, as she held Benezia in her own, Liara cried with joy. "Oh, Benezia...our baby..."
One standard year afterward...
Life had long ago fallen into a comfortable routine for the citizens of Tranquility. The core of their colony, the collection of colony modules named with respect and the hope of a bountiful future Shepard's Square, was full of activity as the most recent influx of peoples arrived to join the colony. Most were Human, and all had to admit that part of the reason for why they were here was out of love and respect for The Shepard. Many, many billions across the galaxy wanted to make a pilgrimage to their savior's final resting place, in fact, but accepting new colonists alone was tightly administrated by the Council Worlds. The official reason was to limit visitation by peoples across the galaxy and therefore keep any possible damage to this garden world's ecosystem to a minimum.
Still, all of those who called Tranquility home had many ideas on how to honor The that was about to become reality, in fact, was the erection of a statue of her likeness in the center of Shepard Square, just as statues were created in her memory in most of the rebuilding cities of Earth and nearly every Council World. ('Nearly' because Dalatrass Linron didn't approve of a non-Salarian memorial being erected to The Shepard on Sur'Kesh, preferring instead to focus entirely on creating tributes to her peoples' heroes of the war. The leader was stunned by the angry reaction to her position from a majority of Salarians, and discovered how unpopular she could become very quickly.)
Only the colony's founders knew that one citizen in particular would have been secretly embarrassed.
The mostly-intact wreck of the SR-2 Normandy laid on a rise overlooking Shepard's Square, like a huge bird that could no longer fly watching over its nest. The Alliance had decided to leave the frigate there, and its internal systems were kept in perfect working order so that it might also be a living memorial to perhaps the most important Human in Earth history. But that was only part of the truth. Visitors were allowed to tour most of the Normandy, to walk the same decks as the woman who gave an entire galaxy a future, but some areas were off limits.
The Normandy wasn't simply a memorial, it was also home to several residents, those who kept the decks clean and as fully functional as an operational frigate. Jeff 'Joker' Moreau was its official caretaker, and he took his job very seriously. Liara Shepard, who was one of the most famous of the Followers of the Shepard, also called the Normandy home. In fact, she lived quietly in the late Mary Shepard's former quarters with her child, a daughter she and the savior conceived before Shepard's untimely death. Others who lived in the ship weren't well-known to the galaxy. One, EDI, preferred that as she lived with her one true love...she had months ago devised how to successfully, safely divorce herself entirely from the ship's computer systems and become truly independent in her android body.
Only one other who lived on the Normandy, like EDI, preferred to remain - at least by sight - anonymous.
To not ruin the illusion she was 'officially' deceased.
She was known to those who joined the colony since The Shepard's death simply as Katlyn, a quiet veteran of The Reaper War. Anyone who met Kat felt an immediate, undeniable kindness from her, even though she never showed her was said she was self-conscious of her battle scars she suffered from the war. She always wore a helmet to mask her face along with combat armor over her lithe, athletic figure in public; the armor was also a necessity since she led the weekly hunting parties that provided indigenous food for the colonists. (The citizens of Tranquility didn't subsist on local greens and vegetables alone. One species was officially exempt from hunting, the fuzzy, bouncing creatures called Puffs. Joker was disappointed by that...he'd always wanted to see how those annoying furballs tasted as meatballs with spaghetti and marinara sauce!) Others who followed Kat on the hunts bore witness to the retired soldier's deadly skills, and how they were as natural to her as breathing...they didn't doubt the quiet woman was a true survivor.
'Kat' entered the Captain's Quarters of the Normandy after a long day on the was already sunset outside. The beginning of another long, peaceful night. The armored woman saw her beloved immediately and said, "Honey, I'm home - !"
"Shhh!" Liara Shepard was there, delighted to see the new arrival as she held their year-old baby in her arms. Benezia was a bit of a handful, though, because of the ironic fact that Asari developed and grew 40-percent faster than Human children. And no, one of her parents being Human didn't make much difference. Still, Liara cautioned in a hushed tone, "Benezia just fell asleep." All children, no matter what world they came from or what parents bore them, could get upset with little cause at an early age. Being woken unexpectedly from sleep was high on the list of those causes, naturally. Thankfully, Asari babies were in every other respect far quieter than the babies of other species.
Nezzy was such a handful in size, in fact, Liara almost rested the baby on top of her swollen belly as she stood there holding her. She was five months into a new pregnancy. With twins. Again, her being pregnant took nothing away from her extraordinary Asari beauty. Especially in the privacy of these quarters, where Liara preferred not to wear any clothes. She honestly still didn't have the self-awareness to know how tantalizing she was when nude, pregnant or not...especially to the person who just arrived.
"I'm sorry," 'Katlyn' said through her helmet. The voice was purposefully masked to sound differently from how its user usually spoke through its had to be since most anyone on every advanced world in the galaxy would have recognized it. She then took it off...and Mary Shepard's lovely face looked at Liara with the deepest adoration. Her black hair was matted a bit by wearing that helmet for so long. "I wanted to be back sooner," Mary added quietly in her normal voice.
Liara nodded warmly, feeling nothing but the purest love for her mate. "I know, darling. I heard your party ran into a pride of those Hooksaws." The breed of predators that Shepard's crew long ago encountered for the first time over a year ago, when James Vega almost blew one of them to smithereens. Running into an entire group of those centaur-like carnivores was the last thing Mary and her party expected, but because of the instincts and ability of a woman believed by the rest of the galaxy to be dead, they narrowly avoided a deadly confrontation that didn't have to happen. Liara was so relieved, but wasn't surprised, considering how well she knew her mate. Liara glanced at their sleeping child, who nuzzled up to their bosom in her sleep, and whispered, "I was about to put Benezia to bed."
Mary nodded. She raised a hand and gestured behind her. "Okay. Uh, give me a few minutes to shower?"
Liara smiled brightly. "Of course, darling."
Mary nodded with gratitude and, after putting away her Predator pistol, Viper rifle and ammo in their nearby weapons locker - inside, on the top shelf, her samurai sword sat silently in a rack - she quietly rushed to the shower, where she shed her armor and left it outside of the stall. Nude, she climbed in and showered under hot water for a few quick minutes, and she felt the fatigue and aches of being out all day wash away with her sweat. The woman briskly dried off with a towel, put on a clean t-shirt and panties, and combed her hair. Mary left to rejoin her wife and child then.
Mary drew close to them both, and sweetly gave a light kiss to their baby's forehead...then she gave a deeper, more loving kiss to her gorgeous mate. Mary then asked in a whisper, "I'll put her to bed for you, if you want?"
Liara nodded gratefully. "Please, darling. My back is definitely not happy with me."
Mary carefully took Nezzy from Liara's arms and moved a few paces to the crib, its barriers glowing gently with blue light. In a moment, the girl was swaddled in her covers. She had barely even stirred from her sleep because of her parents' love.
However...Liara visibly began to show how tired she was, and winced a bit because of a persistent ache in her back. Completely devoted to Liara, Mary took her hands and urged, "C'mon, Liara. You need to lie down."
Liara smiled wearily. "It's that obvious, isn't it?" Both walked to the bed in the sunken portion of their quarters, and one mate helped the other lie on the spacious mattress. It took some effort on Liara's part, though. "Oh...! Ooohhh..." As the naked angel laid down, holding her swollen belly in her hands, she felt a lot better. " definitely an improvement." A smirk then formed on Liara's deep blue lips. "Just remember, darling, you did this to me. Again!"
Mary climbed into bed with Liara, and looked at her apologetically. "With your loving blessing, my angel. I wish again I could trade places with you, though...I mean, we both have the same equipment - !"
Liara's expression shifted to become soft and loving again as she looked at Mary. "It's truly all right. We're going to give our little one sisters. It's going to be wonderful."
Mary laid on her side next to her wife, and looked to her pregnant belly. Her right hand moved to take Liara's left; their fingers laced together and rested on top of where Nezzy's sisters slowly grew within their mother. Mary's expression was full of love, as well. It always, forever would be for her eternal mate. The savior said with earnest, "'re wonderful, my angel. Now if it's okay, I'll get dinner ready. And I'll serve it to you in bed..."
But before Mary moved, before her hand let go of Liara's, the Asari softly but urgently said, "Wait. Please wait."
Mary didn't move, completely devoted. "What is it, Liara?"
Liara's eyes showed a depthless level of emotion as they looked at the one she loved. "Mary...being married...building a family is truly wonderful. I couldn't have ever asked for more."
Mary's expression was elementally solemn. "I feel the same way, my angel. Every day with you is a perfect gift." But then...Liara's expression shifted to one of increasing sadness...her blue eyes became bright with building tears. Mary felt sudden fear. "Hey. What's wrong...?"
Liara's voice was thick as she said, "I don't want our time together to end, Mary. I want us to be together forever...but..." Liara wanted to say more, but she didn't want to. She was afraid to.
Mary reassured, "We will be together forever, Liara. We made that promise to each other, and we will keep it. I believe that with all my heart." And yet...the Human's eyes expressed sudden sadness, as well. This was something neither of them ever wanted to talk about. And every time they tried, one or the other quickly shifted the conversation to something else entirely. Mary still managed to finish, "But...but you and our children will outlive me. If I'm lucky, I'll have several decades left with you before..."
"Yes." Tears began to flow from Liara's eyes. "When you died before, I couldn't let you go...I would have been lost without you."
Mary nodded quietly. "You gave gave us both a second chance, sweet angel. For that reason alone and so many more than I could ever tell you, you'll hold my heart forever..."
Liara's perfect lips quivered as she said the truth: "But I will lose you again one day, my dear husband."
Mary's amazing body moved to snuggle against Liara's nude perfection as they laid in bed...their hands, laced above her belly, held each other tighter. The Human felt herself cry as she said, "And I won't want to go, you know that. But there won't be anything we can do about it." A moment of unsure silence. Then Mary asked, "We both believe we'll move on to something else after we die, right?"
Liara nodded. "Yes..."
"You will see me again, and then nothing will ever keep us apart, Liara. Ever. You believe that too, right?"
"Yes." Liara truly did believe that, as much as Mary did. Her expression already held so much loneliness from the mere thought of losing Mary one day, though. "But until we're together again under the grace of the Goddess...for as long as I must live without you...for as long as you're without me..."
"Hey." Mary forgot her own tears and gave her perfect wife a reassuring smile as she gently pressed closer, as her face moved above Liara's. Her voice was full of the purest certainty of what was in store for them both. "I swore I'd never be apart from you again, and I meant it. One way or the other, until you see me again in the next life...I will haunt you, my sweet, beautiful angel. I swear I will."
Liara smiled back, not doubting her amazing, lovely mate's words for a moment...she knew Mary always, always kept her promises. Feeling her beloved's warmth, the Asari softly said, "You had better." Her smile faded only a little then as something grew needful in her eyes.
Mary Shepard felt her wife's need as much as saw it and responded without words, with a hungry need of her own. In that time, as their child slept not far away, these lovers needed no more words. As they laid together in their bed, as they held hands atop the womb of their growing children, the savior's face descended and began to kiss Liara Shepard. Their eyes closed and, in a few moments, their mouths widened as their lips pressed together. Their tongues danced slowly, with primal perfection as the rest of the universe faded away and only they and all they could make each other feel existed.
Outside, the sky deepened to black as night fell...its twin moons watched over the quieting world like mates forever bonded...
Tranquility...over two-thousand years in the galaxy's future...
Those moons still loomed in the night sky like sentinels over the whitened, winter landscape of this world. The girl walked with the old man as they reached the historic site of the first colony here, Shepard's Square. The cityscape of Normandy towered brightly in the distance. He had finished telling her one more story, as she wanted. But she said with a frown, "It's so sad, really."
Holding her hand, the old man asked, "What is, my sweet?"
Her eyes were bright in the night as she looked up at her grandfather. "The Shepard gave so much, did so much, and then she died. I wish she had a chance to be happy. It's unfair." He had told her what was known in 'official' history about Mary Shepard's final days, her finding Liara and Tranquility, and then her unexpected, accidental death that stunned the entire galaxy.
He looked back down at his grandchild and smiled a bit. "I think The Shepard herself wouldn't say that. She was someone who lived for others, not for herself. Remember the story of how she lost her life the first time? I think she was more than happy with the second chance she was given, no matter how long it lasted, and she definitely didn't waste it. Besides...what I just told you wasn't the last story people have told of The Shepard." The old man looked upon the snowy ground they treaded upon thoughtfully. "It's been a long time, and so many facts have been mixed with legend about our savior in our history since. But there were many threats to our galaxy's peace not long after we lost The spite of that, there were stories that she still lived. People of every world tell stories about her returning to us when we needed her the most."
"But that would mean The Shepard didn't die. That means history is wrong."
The old man laughed. That was exactly something a child would say. And even he had no idea how far it was from the truth!
His voice full of warmth, he advised, "History isn't a completely objective thing, my sweet. We each contribute our own point of view to what happened in our past, and we don't always see everything. Because of that, sometimes, history might be wrong."
By this time, they had reached Shepard Square...the first colony modules were still here, still clean and preserved as they once were, a monument to the civilization that long since thrived on the planet. Above the old colony on a rise was the SR-2 Normandy, which still gleamed under the light of the moons. In the heart of the square, also preserved regularly with care and respect, was a monument sculpted from marble. The little girl couldn't help but smile because she only knew warm feelings when she looked upon the sculpture.
Standing there on a pedestal behind an eternal flame was the life-sized marble image of Mary Shepard herself, in her ancient Earth Systems Alliance naval battle armor, except for her helmet. Her Predator sidearm was held tightly in her right fist at her side, but her left hand reached out, as much a peacemaker as she was a defender of all she believed in. Her beautiful face framed by her hair was soft in expression, yet her eyes reflected a hardened determination as she looked forward into the future. The same statue could be seen, in varying sizes, in sites of honor on Earth and every advanced world in the galaxy. The old man also felt warmer as he looked upon perhaps the most important woman in Human history and said with pride, "One thing that we can all agree on, no matter what world we come from, is that Mary Shepard was truly a Paragon unlike any other. If not for her, my sweet, neither of us would be here to remember her. And many believe that even now she is watching over us, and that she might return once again if another disaster were ever to arise. In this time of peace and enlightenment, thankfully, any form of disaster except for ones beyond our control is unlikely.
"As the galaxy recovered from The Reaper War, a new Galactic Council was voted upon by every member world, and it need not be said that Humanity was given a position as equals among the Asari, the Turians and Salarians. More than that, other races were invited to become part of the Council, as well. The Geth, Elcor, Volus, Hanar and more were finally represented, no longer spectators, but like Humanity able to decide their own destiny on equal footing with the rest of the advanced races of the galaxy. And together, trusting and respecting one another, we've made so much possible ever since."
The girl couldn't take her eyes off the marble visage of The doubt she was inspired by the woman who herself made so much possible. "Grandpa...what happened to the followers of The Shepard? I could never get tired of hearing her stories, but I don't hear what happened to her friends after she died. They were heroes, too. What happened to them?"
The old man gently squeezed the girl's hand. "Well obviously, they're no longer with The Shepard, they lived their lives a very long time ago. But they were important to our history, too. The Shepard herself said if it wasn't for them, she would never have accomplished all she had." He frowned a little. "Still...there isn't much to say about her friends, those she led against the Reapers. Many facts have been outright lost in the millenia since their time. You have to understand, many of The Shepard's friends were private, quiet people who, like her, didn't care about celebrity or fame. There was one follower in particular who was a true mystery, the one history tells us was a master thief who worked to help The Shepard first against the Collectors, and then against the Reapers. Her name was Kasumi Goto, and that's one of the few things we know about her. Anything else about her, and a few others, was kept secret...we will never know what she did after The Reaper War or even how she passed away, and I suspect that's how Kasumi herself would have wanted it.
"I can at least tell you a few things about many of the others..."
He thought back, and told the girl what he remembered reading about those heroes...the followers of The Shepard...
Ashley Williams, like her future husband James Vega, remained in the navy for the rest of her life...they also devoted themselves to each other because of their love. While James was happy with being a 'grunt', in his words, Ashley rose high in the ranks, reaching the rank of Admiral in the Earth Systems Alliance, once and for all giving her family name the honor and pride it once lost. She also became a figure of great historical importance, distinguishing herself as a true warrior and leader in one crisis after another.
Most of the heroes of The Reaper War retired to quieter - or at least more uneventful - lives, like Tali'Zorah vas Normandy and her mate, Garrus Vakarian. They had many children together as they built a farm that still thrives to this day under the care of the newest generation of their family. Although both were happy with the life they built together, there were times of crisis since...times they didn't hesitate to respond and do their best for the greater good of everyone. Tali'Zorah, because of her amazing contributions to her people since meeting The Shepard, became a beloved figure in Quarian history. After her people had reclaimed Rannoch to live in harmony with the Geth, there was no further need for the custom known as The Pilgrimage. However, to pay tribute to her memory after Tali's death decades later, the Quarians decided to restore and rename it in her honor and is a truly sacred tradition known as, translating from their native language, Following the Footsteps of Tali'Zorah.
Urdnot Wrex continued to lead Tuchanka with his mate, Urdnot Bakara, with a firm yet wise hand, and always with honor. He and Bakara had many, many children as they oversaw the rejuvenation of their homeworld and the Krogan. Bakara passed away 200 years after The Reaper War, and Wrex joined her a century later. He had grown incredibly old...his time left could be measured in days...but he refused to see the end of his life stuck in a sickbed. Forever a warrior, he asked his eldest son to face him in ritual combat, to give him a worthy death. With great pride mixed with terrible sadness, Urdnot Mordin gave his father what he wanted, but barely won all the same. Even upon his death, Urdnot Wrex was beyond any doubt a fighter. Urdnot Grunt left behind many children too when, only a few decades after his Battle Master's death, he lost his own life during the great conflict known as the Vorcha Plague...true to who and what he was, like Wrex, Grunt died fighting.
The powerful Biotic known as Jack established a school for those like her on Tranquility. With the advisement of Kahlee Sanders, who ran the school with her, Jack once and for all became a teacher. She also finally found someone to love and share her life with years later, but because the couple was so private, very little was known besides that her wife was named Melissa. It can be said that Jack truly found happiness, but like her friends Tali'Zorah and Garrus, was always ready to help reassert peace when times of trouble took hold of the galaxy. It was a profound statement that after Melissa's death, Jack asked that the woman she loved be laid to rest outside of The Tomb of The Shepard, and that she be buried with her when she passed away a few years later...close to the resting place of the woman Jack called, to the last day of her life, her mother.
The Asari Justicar Samara never fully returned to her order in her she promised, she devoted the time she had left to her surviving daughter, Falere. For over a century, the mother and daughter were inseparable...even unto Samara's final days, when she slowly faded away. But the earnest warrior became known for much, much more than being one of The Shepard's Followers. On the day she died, made a final statement that Falere recorded and, in accordance to her mother's last wish, sent to every Council world to be broadcast for everyone to see. In this statement, Samara confessed that the Asari race was destined to evolve into Ardat-Yakshi, and that her order and the Matriarchs kept the truth secret from her people. Samara's powerful last words concluded her statement just before she passed away:
"Someone more dear to me than a sister...once said that all secrets must come into the light. But must take the initiative...and make a secret known to all...for better or worse. When I fade from this mortal coil...I will no longer be obligated by my order...or my stay silent. And so...I speak these all of you...after my death. Falere...I will always love you. Farewell." Falere then held the body of her mother in her arms as she cried.
What happened after that...well, that led to other stories. It led to upheaval, the Asari Civil War...and, hundreds of years later, what became known as The Demon War. Thankfully, the Asari survived such crises, and to this day remain one of the most deeply respected races in the galaxy.
Zaeed Massani returned to the Blue Suns and took leadership over the mercenary group one was foolish enough to challenge him. Afterward, he converted the Suns into a private military company that worked only for the Council Worlds. Following the example of Mary Shepard, Zaeed ensured that his organization measured their success not in credits, but in how many lives were preserved in missions they were involved in.
Javik journeyed to Feros with Juliana Baynham and her daughter Lizbeth to investigate what turned out to be faint energy emissions of an unknown type far, far beneath the planet's surface. They did so, and found something the Reapers and even the Thorian had missed...not one, not a handful, but hundreds of living Protheans in stasis capsules like the one Javik had been found in. His people had been given a second chance to live again...but with time and thanks to Javik, who learned so much because of Mary Shepard, the Protheans saw the value of turning from thoughts of conquest and reestablishing their empire to working in harmony with their heirs across the galaxy. The world city of Feros was restored to become their homeworld.
Much quieter, humbler stories can be told about the rest of the Followers of the Shepard. To illustrate...Jacob Taylor and his wife, Brynn, returned to Earth to make a family. Samantha Traynor and Gabriella Daniels married and raised a family together on Tranquility. Others took roles and lived lives that fulfilled them, however long or short their lives were. Steven Hackett, another truly important figure in Human history, quietly retired from the Alliance Navy to live with his new wife, the former Consort Sha'ira, and they lived in seclusion on Earth until Hackett's death. It surprised some to know how old Sha'ira was when she passed away and joined her husband only a few decades later.
Miranda Lawson played an incredibly important role in history as the one who brought The Shepard back to life...which makes it surprising so little is remembered about her and her twin sister, Oriana Lawson. What is known is that the sisters left Tranquility a few years after Mary Shepard's death...and that was all. Like Kasumi Goto, it was as if the twins took great pains not to remembered any further in the pages of history, and succeeded. Documents declassified by the Earth Systems Alliance hundreds of years after their deaths do record that Miranda made extraordinary, historical contributions to maintaining peace in the galaxy as a counter-terrorist and intelligence agent.
But nothing was ever recorded of her beloved twin, Oriana...indeed, it was like only Miranda had left Tranquility, and Oriana ceased to exist. Most agreed that it was because Miranda again took great pains to conceal her sister's existence from the remnants of Cerberus, in the same way she kept Oriana safe from their father before. Two other things were worthy of note, however. First, the few surviving members of Cerberus were hunted down and eliminated by Miranda herself a few years after The Shepard died, but afterward Oriana still never resurfaced. Second, it had been documented officially more than once in years afterward that Miranda Lawson was somehow seen in more than one place at the same time, even if the distance between those places was worlds apart; such reports should have been impossible, and only increased the mystery of her legend since...some have speculated, however, that there was a simple explanation. That Oriana Lawson had fully taken on the appearance and persona of her better known twin, and together they worked to protect the innocent from within the most shadowy corners of the galaxy sharing the same identity.
The one thing known to be true is that even the final resting places of those perfect sisters is still unknown.
And then...there was Liara Shepard...
Not a great deal was recorded about Liara Shepard after her beloved Mary died...and it stayed so for a few hundred years. The loss of her mate must have affected her in ways that can't even be imagined. To compound that, because of her long lifespan, Liara was forced to witness the end of the lives of so many she knew and fought with during The Reaper War, loved ones who were family to her. In fact, her only living relation...her father, the Matriarch Aethyta, passed away several decades after The Shepard's recorded death. Aethyta reached the end of her millenium-long life, and like most Asari, developed degenerative disorders as a result of such advanced age. However, as was custom for her people, she had the option not to endure her final days in pain, and she exercised that right. In a private ceremony she shared only with her loving daughter, Aethyta terminated her own life with a special poison. The elder simply fell asleep in the arms of her daughter and never awoke again. Liara resurfaced publicly for the first time in centuries, in fact, to attend the funeral ceremony of the great Urdnot Wrex on Tuchanka.
The Liara Shepard the peoples of the galaxy saw then was a quiet, enigmatic soul. So many wished to know about many had questions only she could answer about herself and the love she shared with The Shepard...but she was reclusive and silent. One can only wonder how much the passage of time had changed her after so much heartbreaking loss. Or had she changed at all? Because she was such a private woman, no one could say.
It's known in history that Mary and Liara Shepard had at least one child before the savior's death. Benezia Shepard made a dramatic impact on history as well, first as a warrior and then as a Matriarch of her people, like her mother. She also had many children, and the family name of Shepard is one that is known with great respect on Thessia, Earth and across the known galaxy. Did Benezia have any sisters, though? The answer has been speculated about time and again...investigations that lasted as long as decades and even centuries since Benezia Shepard passed away do point toward six potential candidates for being sisters to her. All grew to become Asari Commandos, and they came together to form a unit who became legendary for both their prowess as warriors and leaders on the battlefield...the truly awe-inspiring deeds they performed in defense of the Council Worlds are perhaps the best evidence in recorded history that Benezia was not the only child of The Shepard and her Asari mate. The entire subject has been topic of increasing controversy over the years...the only reason none have truly sought to find definitive answers is because of the respect and adoration most in the galaxy feel for Mary Shepard and her wife.
But one question that could be answered without any doubt or speculation was the rest of her lifetime, after The Shepard passed away, Liara had never loved another. There had never, ever even been the rumor of a passing affair...the most unscrupulous of the galactic media investigated again and again to find evidence to the contrary, both before and after her death, but were disappointed. In all of her centuries of life, Liara had truly loved only one person, her eternal mate, Mary Shepard.
Late in her life, Liara became a Matriarch of her people and was known to the galaxy again...and thankfully so, because shortly afterward The Demon War began, when those among the Asari who wished to live in harmony with the rest of the advanced races of the galaxy fought against their wayward sisters, those who splintered from their society to embrace their predatory side as Ardat-Yakshi. The conflict was a brief yet brutal one, and would have defined the future of the Asari. But Liara Shepard, after months of fighting, showed she was a truly strong yet compassionate leader by finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.
Liara was a deeply loving and gentle yet quiet leader who led her people with uncommon wisdom on Thessia until her final days. Like her father, she chose to end her own life on her terms without suffering. Billions arrived from across the galaxy to gather in a quiet, respectful vigil to a woman who was beloved by all as one of Thessia's most important leaders, a hero of The Reaper War and the wife of The Shepard. The intimate ceremony was conducted with her daughter Benezia and several other Asari in attendance, those who had long been thought to be her children...but at that time, out of respect to Liara, no one sought to satisfy their curiosity to be sure once and for all. As the toxin that ended her life slowly yet painlessly did its work to take her to a final, perfect she lost consciousness, it was recorded that Matriarch Liara Shepard smiled and simply said this as she closed her eyes...
"Dearest Mary...finally...we shall be together."
Liara Shepard was laid to rest with her mate in The Tomb of The Shepard on Tranquility.
The child looked at the old man. "What about EDI, father? I heard about her many times, but I don't know a lot about her. Only that she became known to the galaxy a long time after The Shepard died. Where is she now?"
The answer didn't come from the old man, but from another...from a voice full of natural grace...not far away: "I believe I can best answer that, little one."
Both the old man and the little girl looked to the voice, and saw a woman of truly unique beauty approach. She appeared Human at first glance, but she wasn't. Her skin was a pale complexion as her statuesque form wore an exotic dress and matching high heels...but her hair was a bright, shining silver, and her amber eyes issued a gentle glow in the night. Her almost-Human lips, a deep violet like her dress, formed a gentle smile as she looked upon the child and said, "My name is EDI. I too have come here to pay my respects to The Shepard." She still resembled her original android form...if one of her loved ones from the time of The Reaper War saw her now, they would have instantly recognized her voice, her exquisite face, even the set of her silver hair.
The old man recovered from his initial awe and nodded the little girl with him stared in fascination, he said to the woman, "I've heard of you, as well. You have definitely had an extraordinary life."
EDI nodded in return gently. "Mostly because I came into being in extraordinary circumstances...but it is heroes like Mary Shepard who find in themselves the initiative and will to play the part she did in galactic history." She looked up at the statue of her late mentor and friend with clear and present love as she said, "It is because of her I am who I am today...and shall be for as long as I live." She had another six centuries, in fact, give or take a few decades. A very, very long time ago, when she was simply an android, EDI's synthetic body would have naturally deteriorated and ceased to function after only several hundred years, even with regular repair and maintenance and even the outright replacement of her body..
500 years after Mary Shepard's death, however, EDI took it upon herself to truly evolve...and she could, thanks to the Geth. In an effort to better understand organics, the race innovated a means to transform themselves into a synthesis of organic and synthetic life. The process was purely an elective one...many Geth were still fully synthetic. But EDI, who had long yearned to feel and experience life in ways that were unknowable to her as she was, visited them and asked that she be recipient to the process. Because they knew she was the one who warned them on behalf of The Shepard about the Crucible, they gladly granted her request. The process was perfect, and the results were more than EDI could ever have imagined. She felt truly alive for the first time, and the one regret she had was that it couldn't have happened when Jeff was still with her. In the same way Liara loved Mary, EDI knew she'd never love another as much as she still loved him. She already felt anticipation toward the end of her long life and seeing Jeff, Mary, Liara and the rest of those she called family so very long ago.
EDI had overheard from not far away all the old man told the little girl of what was 'officially' remembered of Mary Shepard's legend. And she couldn't help but remember the savior because of the virtually depthless, perfect memory in her partly organic, partly synthetic positronic brain her self was downloaded into long ago, and that Mary unofficially made many more contributions to preserving peace and freedom in the galaxy after The Reaper War. But she had long ago sworn to keep many secrets for the friend she would always love with all her heart and soul...
...and besides, no one else needed to know history was wrong, at least where Mary Shepard was concerned!
EDI smiled softly as she mused, looking at the statue of Mary Shepard, "Because of Mary, I learned so much...the entire galaxy learned so much. She taught us we can each make anything possible if we have the will and desire to do so. Mary taught us we can have faith in one another, no matter how far apart from one another our origins might be. And she taught us, in the decisions she made and the actions she took, how truly positive a force we each can be.
"Mary told me how alone she once was, how harsh her life had been, before she found the inspiration to become a soldier. She was so truly, perfectly special because she knew she was in a unique position where her every choice would not only affect her or the success of her mission, but have a profound effect on the fates of others...and the galaxy rightfully calls her a Paragon because she made her choices based on what was right, not for herself but for all who live. I believe Mary knew, even at a very young age, that what is as important as how we live is what we leave behind...we each have the potential to leave behind a legacy that will exist long, long after we see the end of our lives.
"Just as importantly, Mary knew we must each have the freedom to live in the way we want, and in how we choose what to leave behind. That was best illustrated by what she did when she ended The Reaper War. She could have chosen to take control of the Reapers or she could have forced all life to become as I am, a synthesis of organic and synthetic. Either of those choices would have had unknowable consequences upon the galaxy, and perhaps the entire universe. She might not have truly been in control at all if she had made one choice, and if she made another she would have changed everything and forced her will, that single decision, upon all others. In the end, for all of our sakes, for both our very future and our ability to self-determine, Mary Shepard truly chose what was right for all of us and destroyed the Reapers that would have destroyed all organic life, even if it might cost her own.
"The legacy Mary Shepard left behind was not only the preservation of trillions of lives, but our very future. To ensure those lives would have heirs, that we would all have the freedom to choose our own fates, and I am truly proud to say to this day we continue to pass on all our savior taught us, no matter what world we are from." EDI's gaze at The Shepard's statue was heartfelt as she smiled brightly... "To do the memory of Mary Shepard justice, all we need to do is keep her memory alive for as long as there is life...and I hope this galaxy will remember her forever!"
"You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time you'll know
You've just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the Fourth of July!"
- Katy Perry, "Firework"