
A plane glided down smoothly from the sky, touching down effortlessly onto the tarmac. It had just made the long journey from a small country in Europe with almost no stops in between. The passengers were all hungry, tired, and bored out of their minds. Many were asleep.

But one was none of these things. And that person had blood-red hair and bright red eyes that didn't quite look like contacts. He wore a black shirt and jeans and a red scarf around his neck although it was far from winter.

Looking out of the window, he murmured in thoughtful monotone, "At least Tokyo hasn't changed much."

At that moment a female voice said over the intercom, "Thank you for choosing to ride with us. Please sit tight until the proper light comes on before retrieving any luggage."

The strange traveler took a deep breath, pulled himself up, and then walked out onto the sunlit tarmac...

A plane descended into Tokyo National Airport, gliding down smoothly from the sky.