Pipit never took it off. He wore his wedding ring every day. It was a very simple white gold band, which hand just the smallest pattern engraved around it, just a little design to make it more than boring. He loved his ring.
Honestly he loved Karane's ring too. When she wore it he was proud, because it was a symbol that she was his. But his own ring was something special. It was a symbol that he was hers. He wore it during training, he wore it during his shifts, and he wore it during his spare time.
He took it off to sleep, however.
Then, in the middle of the summer, when his wife was dark with that honey colored tan she always took up in the sunny seasons, he was laying on the bed with a grumble. The red head had a cool, damp cloth and was dabbing at his skin with it. "You should know better by now." She whispered. "You always burn."
He rolled his eyes and looked himself over. He was like a lobster. Pink everywhere.
"You should take off your ring before your fingers hurt too badly." She offered advice. He nodded, but then raised his eyebrow.
"I'm not wearing my ring." He had taken it off already, set it aside. He lifted his hand curiously, and saw that where his ring was the skin was perfectly pale and white—while all the skin around it was bright flaming pink.
His curiosity forced him to reach for her left hand, where he saw a light tan line in place of her ring as well.
"Heh," He smiled to himself. Even when they were sitting together, naked, they were still wearing their 'rings'.