The Pregnancy Chronicles

Disclaimer: No, no and more no. I own nothing except maybe minor characters. That is all.

November 2004

Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA

Even though Ginny Potter had only been in the United States for a week, she found she was enjoying the country immensely. Massachusetts was a beautiful—albeit cold—state with an extremely distinctive accent. Ginny had always been under the impression that Americans all had the same nasally accent and she was quick to figure out that she had been sorely mistaken.

Ginny had always been fascinated with differing accents and this so-called 'Bostonian' accent was no different. Words ending in 'er' were dropped to include an 'a' instead. Any 'o' was replaced with 'aw.' 'R's were added to words for no reason at all. She had tried to imitate it, much to the delight of her teammates, but she could not successfully master the accent without sounding utterly ridiculous. "You sound awful," laughed Georgia Delaney, one of Ginny's fellow Chasers. "You need to get out more and interact with people to make it sound more legitimate."

And today that was exactly what Ginny was doing.

After a week of relentless practices and an exhausting match against the Fitchburg Finches, Gwenog Jones had allowed her team a free day to relax before they returned to England. Even though Ginny loved Quidditch she had been looking forward to this relaxing day, as she wanted to travel to both the Muggle and Wizarding Boston and buy some souvenirs for her family.

Family, Ginny thought to herself as she dressed for the day. I wonder what I should get them. I should get Dad something from Muggle Boston. He would like that. Hermione would like a book and maybe Ron would like something Quidditch related. So would Teddy. And what should I get Harry?

Her musings were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. "Hey Gin? Are you ready?"

"Just about," Ginny remarked as she sat down on the hotel bed and shoved her feet into a pair of boots. "Come in, I'm sure you've nearly wet yourself in anticipation."

There was a burst of laughter before the door opened on its own and in stepped Elizabeth Gold, the Harpies Keeper.

"Nice hair Ginners," Elizabeth laughed before she playfully mussed up Ginny's hair.

Ginny stuck her tongue out at Elizabeth and blew her a raspberry.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "That's real mature Ginners. How old are you again? 5 or 23?"

"Physically I'm 23," Ginny said as she finished putting on her boots. "But sometimes, I'm mentally a 5 year old."

"No kidding," Elizabeth said as she sat behind Ginny so she could braid her hair. "No, no, I'm doing your hair today. Last time you tried to fix your hair it ended up looking like shit." Elizabeth ran her fingers through the long, unruly red tresses before expertly starting to braid.

Ginny rolled her eyes but didn't argue. She was hopeless when it came to taming her hair and she usually just threw it up into a ponytail.

"I'm knackered," Elizabeth yawned as she added more hair into the braid. "My whole body aches too. I hope we never play this bloody team again. I thought Puddlemere played dirty but these damn Finches were relentless."

Ginny couldn't help but agree. Normally, the Harpies didn't play American teams unless they made it through to the World Cup but the Harpies captain, Gwenog Jones, and the Finches captain had a "friendly" rivalry that allowed the two teams to play each other.

The Harpies had assumed that they would have an easy win over the Finches and the women had wondered why on earth Gwenog was making them practice so hard. It was only until the match started did the team realize why Gwenog had been relentless. The Finches were good—crazy good. Not only that but they played dirty too. However, the grueling practices had paid off and the Harpies had only lost by a narrow margin. It wasn't until later that the team discovered that the Finches were the best Quidditch team in the United States League, having clinched the US League Cup seven times. Moreover, most of the players from the American National Quidditch Team were former Finches too.

"I'll be glad to go home," Elizabeth continued as she searched for an elastic to secure Ginny's braid. "I miss Tom and I miss my own bed too. These hotel beds just aren't cutting it for me."

Ginny touched her braid to make sure everything was in order before standing up and applying a quick coat of mascara to her eyelashes. She generally wasn't a fan of make up and generally wore as little as possible. "Are you ready to go?" Elizabeth asked impatiently, bouncing on the bed. "C'mon Potter, we don't have all day."

"Alright, alright, I'm ready. Don't get your knickers in a twist."


Five hours later, Ginny found herself having a marvelous time with Elizabeth. Wizarding Boston had been fantastic and now they were heading towards Muggle Boston. She had purchased a few souvenirs—mostly for the Quidditch obsessed Ron and Teddy and hoped to find more in Muggle Boston.

Elizabeth had already purchased her souvenirs as her family was a lot smaller than Ginny's. She had found a mug at a local store that screamed expletives whenever the glass became half empty. It had amused both women and Elizabeth bought it on the spot, saying that her husband would appreciate it.

"I have half a mind to use this cup at the restaurant we go to for dinner," Elizabeth said. "Can you imagine the look on the faces of the Muggles when they hear a cup curse at them?"

"I'm sure we would be kicked out of the restaurant," Ginny giggled as they shouldered their way through the heavy crowds of the North End.

"It would be worth it," Elizabeth declared as they passed by some Italian restaurants and bakeries. "I have half a mind to stop into one of these bakeries and just buy up the entire store. You think if I gave a bunch of those tiramisus to Gwenog she'd forgive us for mucking up the match? I'm not exactly thrilled with the prospect of running laps at practice."

Ginny winced and shook her head. Even though their captain had a soft spot for sweets, nothing would deter her from punishing her team.


The familiar sensation of someone yanking Ginny from behind the sensation reminded the redhead that she was soon to be returning home by a Portkey. She personally couldn't stand Portkeys. They always made her feel dizzy and nauseous, even though she had used them numerous times throughout her life. It didn't help that she still couldn't get the hang of landing on her two feet whenever she used a Portkey.

Ginny's feet slammed into the earth and the sudden return to solid ground caused her to lose her balance, pitching backwards. Thankfully, Elizabeth who knew all about Ginny's aversion to Portkeys saved her.

"Gotcha," the brunette laughed into Ginny's ear as she righted her.

"Thanks Liz," Ginny said gratefully as she dusted herself off. Taking her minimized luggage out of her pocket she returned it to its proper size, said goodbye to her teammates and Apparated home.

The familiar smell of cinnamon comforted Ginny as she Apparated into her living room with a loud crack. She inhaled deeply and sighed happily. There really was no place like home.

Glancing at the clock, Ginny noticed that she only had an hour until Harry came home and she wanted to surprise him. With what though? Did she want to cook him dinner? Ginny quickly nixed that thought with a derisive snort. She was a decent cook (much better than Hermione at least) but no one could ever compare to the culinary expertise of Molly Weasley.

Hmmm, Ginny thought to herself as she Banished her luggage upstairs to her bedroom. Maybe we can go out to eat. Or get take away. Oh, what is the name of that Muggle pizza place that Hermione took me to a month ago? Damn.

Cursing her inability to remember important things like pizza joints, Ginny made her way upstairs to unpack because she knew that if she didn't do it now she never would end up doing it.

The hour passed by quickly as Ginny sorted clothes and put her toiletries away and just as she finished stowing her bag away she heard a familiar 'crack'.


Her heart in her throat, Ginny stealthily made her way down the stairs and watched as her husband took his shoes off near the closet and shrugged his robes off. She had missed him more than anything and even after two years of marriage she still got butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw or thought about him.

Clearing her throat, Ginny got off the steps and said loudly, "hi Harry."

Her husband whirled around; obviously unaware that someone else was in his house. His eyes fell on Ginny and he breathed her name before the redhead found herself in his arms, her face buried into his shoulder.

"I missed you," she said softly as her hands clutched the material of his shirt. "Next time I go to America, you're coming with me."

Harry chuckled and Ginny pulled away just enough so that she could gaze at his face. Or, more like gaze up at his face. Harry was quite tall and unfortunately, Ginny had inherited her mother's height.

Cupping his cheek, Ginny stared into his bright green eyes and suddenly; she felt a different hunger emerging. All ideas of take away were banished from her mind as she untucked Harry's shirt. Why would she want food when she had her husband right in front of her?

Almost as if he could read her mind, Harry swept Ginny up into his arms and pressed a searing kiss to her lips. "I really did miss you," he murmured.

Ginny nodded, not really caring to talk right now. There were other more important things to be done, like taking his shirt off.

Her impatience must have been clear to Harry because not even a few moments later he was kissing her and pushing her towards the bedroom. Ginny smiled to herself as Harry kicked the bedroom door shut.

Oh yeah, she definitely missed him.


I'm baaaaaack.

Yes, I'm quite aware it has been three years since I last posted anything, I know. I'm a bad person but life gets in the way and I got bored of writing and yeah. But the positive part is, this is going to be a multi-chapter story and I have most of it outlined so hooray!

Also, if the ending of this chapter seems weird and awkward to you, sorry! I'm not exactly comfortable or familiar writing people trying to get it on so this is the best you'll get.

I will try my damndest to update as soon as possible. But of course, reviews make me want to update faster (hint hint).