For those of you who are wondering why I didn't update for some time I have one answer. College. Enough said.

Chapter Ten

Rin felt himself drifting he was like floating downstream, but he didn't feel the cold liquid embrace. He only felt the wind and smelled sulfur and burned flesh. He tried to move but something was holding him down, an oppressive force that made him unable to do so. Panicking he thrashed around even more but was still unable to move. Finally, he opened his eyes. Lazy reptilian eyes stared back at him. A demon with vaguely humanoid shape was pressed against a wall with white glowing things wrapped around him completely, much like how Dexter tied up his victims on that TV show. Looking further up he saw the same thing, then to the right and left, it was like an endless sea of glowing ropes tying up figures against the wall. A brighter being walked down the wall in-between the hoard of demons glaring at the figure. Impossible to look at it directly Rin could only see that it had wings and was vaguely human. A demon snapped the glowing rope around one arm and reached out to grab the figure as it walked past. Quick as lightning the shining figure slapped the opposing limb away and gripped the demon's forehead in one hand. The demon let out a shriek of agony as light flooded his being ripping apart his essence. When the glowing one retracted his hand the demon was much smaller and the glowing ropes had fixed themselves. The figure then continued to walk down the hallway staring at his prisoners until he stopped in front of Rin. Frowning he touched Rin's head with one hand saying, "I hope it was worth the cost for what you've shown your son Lucifer, I wonder if he'll survive this?" As agonizing pain flooded into Rin he felt his mind swept away again into the stream his mind sweeping somewhere else. Finally drifting to a halt he stood on a cold stone floor surrounded by twisting smoke. A blue flame hovered in the air in front of him, "Ah my son, I apologize for the necessity of showing you that, but it was necessary. Most of our people are imprisoned, we are constantly being hunted we need your help."

Rin stared at the flame then started guffawing with such gusto that the flame flared to a painful level of brilliance. "Me? Help you? Hahaha! You agreed to help me there was never any agreement that went both ways father, you offered help and I took it." The pain that Rin then experienced was to put it simply, great. He'd been in plenty of fights before against humans and few against demons but this pain could not be compared to those.

The rage that was swirling through the air made it difficult to breathe. Coughing Rin watched at the blue flames twisted in on themselves until Satan appeared. Wearing the same guise as he did last time. His father Shiro's appearance. Blue fire raging all over his body Satan glared at Rin, grating through his teeth, "Oh you will help your kind son you won't have a choice. This world will reject you. And Gehenna is a lonely place without demons to rule over. Our numbers dwindle as we're captured one by one. I cannot protect them all" Snorting Rin knew deep down that even though he wasn't very smart Satan's words seemed untrue. In all the limited knowledge that he had, he doubted that Satan cared at all for the demons in his realm.

"You don't care about anything but yourself Satan." Rin snarled out. Distantly he wondered why the being of light had said Lucifer. Wasn't that another one of Satan's names?

"That's true.I don't give a damn about the demons. But one cannot rule over nothing. Heaven's armies are capturing our people and containing them that room you were in. Torturing them for all eternity. They don't deserve that." Satan licked his lips with a tongue that was entirely too long. The face of his father Shiro still being the guise his birth father wore.

"I'm not very smart," Rin replied begrudgingly. His face twisting with irritation at admitting it. "I never had the brains that Yukio did. He always understood the numbers and learned things faster." Satan watched him carefully at this his eyes showing nothing. But Rin still spotted the involuntary twitch at the corner of his lips as he fought a smile off. "But I've always understood the nature of people. Their motivation. The way they act around each other even while spouting off manners this and respect that."

"Annoying isn't it?" Satan hissed out. "They are ants beneath your feet and yet they insist you bow down to them."

"Not really," Rin responded, shocking Satan who reeled back in surprise. Rin made a dismissive gesture while his eyes scanned for an exit and his sword. He still had to avenge his dad by killing his father after all. Though thinking about the terminology hurt his head. "It's the nature of those with the power to force others to respect them. Just like a pack of wolves where only one is the alpha. Or like a flock of chickens, everything has a pecking order. You didn't let me finish." Eyes narrowing Satan didn't say anything through the ever-present blue flames surrounding him grew even hotter. Making Rin wince at the heat. "When I first discovered that demons existed what do you think I did dad?" Rin hissed glaring at Satan. "I researched them. What makes a demon a demon? What's the difference between humans and demons? Why am I the way I am?" Looking up at the ceiling Rin continued speaking. partially lost in memories. "I was never like everyone else. Even before my demon blood awoke. Certain things about human behavior never made any sense to me. Why the rules were the way they are."

"The laws of sheep have no sway over you," Satan said soothingly. The flames lowering in intensity. Making Rin sigh with relief. Patting Rin's head giving him a sympathetic smile the ruler of Genneh continued speaking. "You are more than them."

"And that's just it." Rin agreed. "I'm not human. Never was really. But that's not my real point. If demons are real. Then by extension so are angels." Satan's face twisted at that. Into a look so full of rage and evil that Rin flinched reflexively before he steeled his nerves. "And you know what every culture, ever religion says about you dad?" Panting at the pain as once again the blue flames grew in intensity making Rin's flesh start to sizzle, only to heal as fast as it was burning Rin paused. Looking at the ground weakly as he gathered his concentration. Before raising his head looking up at his father with determination. "You are the father of lies. Once an angel you would rather destroy humanity then obey the laws of the heavens. You were once one of the strongest angels in heaven. Only to fall into darkness."

"And now I rule as a god," Satan stated stepping back. "I would be careful with your next words boy."

"Oh, you misunderstand me, father," Rin said panting. "I make no illusion about my scenario. I cannot win in a fight against you as I am now. But nor can you kill me." Grinning he looked at his father. "I'm your only ticket into the human realm. Your only son."

"Is that what you think?" Satan asked him chuckling. Rin on the other narrowed his eyes before they widened in shock. Grabbing Rin's chin with a clawed hand he yanked Rin's face closer to his own. Decreasing the power of his flames so that his son's natural resistance protected him. "That power, that knowledge you wield. Do you think it was me who helped you?" Shoving him back and letting his face go Satan shook his head. "No boy it wasn't me. It was your siblings. Long dead."

"That's a lie." Rin hissed. Panicked at the implications. "I'm your only son who inherited the blue flames."

"Boy, I'm been alive for over three thousand years," Satan replied openly amused. His red eyes glinting, contrasting against the blue flames covering his body. "Do you really think you were anywhere close to my first attempt?" Shaking his head Satan chuckled hunched over before he threw his head back laughing maniacally. Unnerved and horrified Rin recoiled. Stopping suddenly all humor gone from his face Satan stared flatly at Rin. "No boy, I've had dozens on children with the blue flames. The only thing special about you is that you're still alive." Tilting his head he added after a moment. "And that you were raised with your powers sealed as a baby."

"What are you saying?" Rin whispered. Horrified at what he had just learned. For it only raised more questions. "Who killed your other children. Who helped me?"

"The spirits of your siblings of course. Even dead my blood in them is not so weak that they're completely gone." Satan answered amused at Rin's fear. Running a hand through his hair Satan looked at Rin with a strategic look. Considering just how much information he wanted to share with him. "My previous children crave vengeance. And they can only act through one with my blood and my power. Only you."

"Revenge against who?" Rin whispered.

"Why exorcists of course," Satan answered easily. "The moment any child of mine, no matter how young or how innocent they kill them. These humans that you so love are eviler than I, my son." Offering a hand to Rin once again adopting the guise of a loving father Satan gave him a smile. Though it was riddled with false sincerity. Having been far too long since Satan had done anything but give orders. Needing to actually have a discussion to convince someone was something he hadn't done in decades. "The exorcists are aware of your existence now. Once they find out you possess my power they will kill you. Come home and I'll teach you. Show you how to command those weaker than you. To compel their obedience."

Chuckling feeling something shift Rin looked back up at him again. Grinning broadly at he relegalized that he was waking up. "You know the only problem with that dad?" Kind smile retracting from his face Satan as Rin contuined Satan's face slowly became filled with rage. "You would never teach me how to kill you. And one day I'm going to do just that."

It wasn't very long until Rin was dragged before the Vatican. His fight with the earth king had set fire to the forest and still burned, the blue flames wouldn't go out with normal water. When the "voice" left him he had collapsed into a coma-like state for several hours. He was kept heavily sedated until the trial, where he was chained. Feet to the ground and his hands shackled together to the floor. His clothes were tattered and torn, yet not a single speck of blood or mud was on them. The blue flames burnt them away. Chained to the floor in the middle of the room, Rin looked around as his metabolism started to burn off the sedation. Soon the trial would decide his fate, death or life. Mephisto was also there having just finished his proposal of the son of Satan being a force for the Vatican and awaited their decision. Now he stood to the side staring at Rin with an unknown fervor in his eyes and he watched Rin regain his bearings. Three judges sat in front of Rin a good fifteen feet away and all around him were armed guards with guns pointed at him. Demon blood or not he reacted as a human in that instant recoiling from the sight of guns pointed at his chest. The chains rattled as the edges dug into his flesh painfully. Hissing he stopped struggling and looked around for more detail. On the ground was carved a rather intricate pentagram with each point resting on a circle that stretched over the entire thing. Strange symbols were painted on the outer edges of each point inscribing some spell. Unable to move and hungry, tired and groggy from his experience over the past few hours all he could do was glare at his captors. Biting his tongue to prevent him from screaming in pain. A sword having been stabbed into his leg to awaken him. Looking around Rin realized he was in some sort of trial. One that had obviously been going on for the past several minutes while he was unconscious.

"He's manifested the blue flame?" asked one of the elders. Angel the Paladin answered the question stepping forward into the limelight. "He not only manifested it but used it. The abomination used it to terrify the students of the school and set fire to a good portion of the forest. Had Mephisto not interfered I would have done what any ally of humanity would have done and killed it. As it was it took three hours for the fire to be put out under my orders. A task that should never have been necessary if this abomination had not been made known earlier." The zealous exorcist gripped his sword tighter and eyed Rin's neck as if decided how much force he would need to cut through it.

"That may be the case esteemed Grigori but what was Rin doing when he set fire to the forest? He was fighting to protect the next generation of exorcists. The Earth King Amaimon had attacked my students." Mephisto said cutting Angel's attention away from Rin and unto him. The flamboyantly dressed man was uncharacteristically serious. No large gestures or jovial tone in his voice. It was dead serious with his eyebrows drawn together.

Snorting Angel interrupted stating, "A task that would not have been necessary if the demon spawn hadn't attracted him."

"That cannot be proven, besides we're discussing Rin's actions, not Amaimons. The real question you should be asking is were the teachers able to prevent the King of Earth from harming the students. The answer to that is no. Under their protection on student had his arm broken and another had internal injuries and is in the hospital. Another one named Bon the heir to Myoo Dharani would have died if it wasn't for Rin's intervention. So, no the teachers were not able to protect the students. Rin however was." Mephisto continued hammering his point home. "He singlehandedly drove away the Earth King and he hasn't even had his powers for a year yet. Imagine what he could do for the Vatican if he was trained!"
"That doesn't negate the fact that he is already showing the tendencies of his kind. He shows a distrust of his fellow students and disregard for their safety he only saved them because it was against the wishes of someone else. He doesn't obey orders." Angel hotly replied. "He should die". With that, he once again drew his blade and prepared to end the son of Satan.

The glare that Rin sent him only made him tighten his grip even more as he prepared to swing his blade. Suddenly Rin felt a shift that only lasted a second, it was a vague sensation but during that time period, he felt demonic energy. Glancing around he easily saw what had changed. Mephisto stood between him and Angel who had been moved back a few feet. It was like Mephisto had teleported. "Before you make a decision for the Grigori Angel I think there are still two people who we need to hear from. Of course the Grigori and the one who's on trial. It would be a discourtesy to execute him without at least hearing from him." With that insult thrown in Angel's face, he didn't bother to wait for his reaction but instead spun around and patted Rin on the head before asking. "Now is there anything that the Grigori would like to ask Rin or shall I?" The silence was deafening as they processed what he said. Rin on the other hand thoughtfully shifted back seeing as how Mephisto was fighting for him.

"Why not? Let us hear him. Boy, why did you fight the Earth King?" One of the Grigori asked. The voice behind the veil sounded old but commanding, someone who was used to being obeyed. Glancing at him Rin cocked his head to the side considering the question. If what Satan had told him, then he was in incredible danger right now. What could he say that make them want to keep him alive? While also being close enough to the truth that they believed him?

"Because he threatened my home," Rin stated simply. Instantly everyone reacted from a disbelieving scoff from Angel to a twisted smile of approval from Mephisto everyone reacted within a moment. "My home was destroyed by Satan I only recently made a new one." Rin shifted forward his eyes shining with an unnatural glint. "I won't give it up so easily."

"What is your opinion of your classmates?" Once again the Grigori posed a question to the shackled son of Satan. Everyone expected him to consider the question before answering but to their shock he merely raised his eyebrows as if the answer was obvious.

"Would you like their name with my thoughts about them?" When they nodded Rin continued saying, "Shima useless pervert, Bon inexperienced leader with skill in memorization. Shieme natural doctor, no confidence, Kon tactician and a coward, not suitable for the front lines. Puppet boy annoyingly unknown, Izumo…" Pausing too truly considering the question Rin realized he didn't really know how he actually felt about her aside from one thing. "…interesting. She has as much potential as Bon if you can get past her bitchy attitude." After a moment's pause, Rin pulled to his feet ignoring the manacles biting into his ankles as he fought against their hold.

"I'm the son of Satan," Rin stated more for himself than for them. It was something he didn't like. But something he had to acknowledge. He couldn't ignore his heritage and yet keep drawing upon the blue flames. If he was going to use that power. He needed to use it all. "I will have a target on my back for my entire life. People will want to use me as a weapon or kill me." Acknowledging that he didn't know enough to convince them with words and flowery speeches bluntness was Rin's best bet. "So what's your judgment oh esteemed leaders of the Vatican? I am a blade. Either I am a blade wielded by no one. Being hated on all sides or I am your weapon. Wield me or break me." Smiling he stared at the three judges as the rest of the exorcists tightened their grip on their guns.