Pancakes for everyone who left a review. This chapter will be a short one, because I'm really busy these days.

"So they think you're the one who's responsible for his death and they beat you up?"

"Exactly" Ludwig doesn't tell him they also forced him into oral sex.

"Awh, don't worry ok? You'll be fine in a few weeks"

Ludwig's smile is slowly fading, he looks about to cry.

"Are you in pain?" The Italian asks worriedly.

"Yes.. but it's just that I'm going to lose my job, I won't be able to work for a month and because I'm still on my trial period they will fire me. I know I deserved this but..."

He inhales deeply through his nose before going on.

"I want a normal life ; no more fighting, no more hate, but it's too late for that and it's my own fault. I can't get a proper job, nobody wants to be in a relationship with a guy like me, I can't even go to a swimming pool because people will be offended by my appearance and they will react badly to it." He's trying to hold back his tears and lowers his head. "I can't even get my leg treated"

"I would really like to help you, but I don't know how. I'll go with you to the hospital tomorrow, they will help you no matter who you are. Why don't you just step out of the gang?"

"That's not an option, they will come after me. "

"We'll think about something, don't worry about it now" Feliciano's hand wanders to his soft blonde hair.

Ludwig yawns. "I'm very tired, I should go home"

"Why don't you just stay here for the night? You can't walk properly"

"Ok, thank you that's very sweet. I'll sleep on the couch, there's just one bed"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, you're injured!"

"You're right, blood stains are difficult to remove. I would better sleep on the ground then"

He's trying to get up. "No I didn't mean it like that, we'll just share my bed .. nothing wrong with that right? We're just sort of.. friends"

"Eh yes.. nothing wrong with that" They're both staring at the ground, a blush spreading on their faces.

"I'll go change into my pajamas" The Italian starts taking his clothes off in front of Ludwig.

"Well this is ehm.. a little awkward"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll close my eyes" Ludwig closes his eyes.

Feliciano hurries putting his pajamas on and crawls onto the bed. "I'm done"

"Good" The blonde opens his eyes again, smiling sweetly.

Feliciano's already falling in love with him, he tries to ignore these feelings but it's not working.

"You're shivering, are you cold?" The Italian asks him.

"Not really, I'm just a little nervous after what happened"

"I understand"

"Goodnight Feliciano"

"Goodnight, Ludwig"

A few minutes later Feliciano falls asleep, Ludwig's still awake and fails to hold back his tears any longer.

He cries himself to sleep, feeling dirty.


"Ludwig?" Someone gripping his hair "Ludwig?" Someone's shaking him by the shoulders. Who's trying to hurt him in his vulnerable position?

He quickly grabs that person's arm and throws him to the other side of the room , then opens his eyes. His 'attacker' was extremely light weighted and was probably carrying some plates explaining the rinkling sound.

"Feliciano, my god I'm so sorry!"

It was just poor Feliciano trying to wake him up and bring him some breakfast and he slammed him into the wall. The floor is covered in bread, milk and cheese and he must have really hurt him.

"Ludwig? I.. ouch"

"I'm so sorry Feliciano, I thought you were someone else! Let me help you"

Without thinking about it, Ludwig steps out of bed, trying not to bend his left leg too much and hurries to the poor Italian.

"Noo you should stay in bed!"

"I'm ok. I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I didn't do it on purpose please believe me"

"I know that, you thought I was someone else trying to hurt you. I'm fine I'll just have to get you some more bread, milk and cheese I guess" They both smile.

"I'll clean this up, it's my fault after all"

"No-no I don't want you to do that! You're injured, just stay in bed"

"I can do it, why don't you just stay in bed for a little longer? You really helped me a lot yesterday, now I want to do some things in return. Like a real gentleman" He winks.

Feliciano's blushing like a schoolgirl and he can't hide it from the handsome, smiling blonde. He brings a garbage bag from the kitchen and hands it to Ludwig, then hops back onto the bed and watches as Ludwig starts collecting the broken shards and food while in a sitting position, which looks quite seductive.

They are both startled by Ludwig's ringtone.

"It's Peter.. I have to answer it"

Feliciano nods and climbs out of bed, pretending he's not listening.

"Hello? No I'm not at home.. I spend the night at a friend's place."

Feliciano wishes he could hear what Peter's saying.

"Just a friend from work.. One of those Latino bastards attacked me last night, my friendĀ“s taking me to the hospital today... Wait,, I'm sorry for not telling you about him ok, don't worry about it... No I don't need you to take me to the hospital.. Oh ok, I'll see you around twelve o'clock at the mall. Bye" The Italian watches as Ludwig angrily throws his phone onto the bed.

"What's wrong?"

" He insisted on taking me to the hospital, I would rather go with you but he doesn't want me to hang out with other people. I'm really sorry"

"That's ok, it's about your health not about who's going with you."

"No it's not."

Feliciano looks up, surprised.

"I want to go with you" He says childishly before leaning in and kissing the slender Italian.

Feliciano's so surprised about his actions that he pushes him away.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that"

"No.. I mean eh-eh Ludwig it's just that"

"I know, you're in love with Umberto.. it was very rude to just kiss you like that. I should go"

He tries to get up from the floor and succeeds.

The Italian doesn't know what to say but feels really sorry for the blonde.

He didn't want to reject him, not at all but it would have been wrong to answer his kiss.

"Ludwig, I don't want you to leave. I- I really like you, I'm just scared"

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