Bwaaa, not my best... The next chapter should be better...

I do not own Teen Titans or Batman.

Jason pulled himself out of the net yet again.

"Okay, how the hell do you grab that damn swing?"

The boy was flushed in embarrassment and annoyance. His teeth were clenched and his cape was starting to fall off his shoulders.

Dick, however, was by this point barely able to even watch Jason practice. The blood had rushed from his face many tries before, and it had not yet returned.

"It just... comes naturally. Maybe you should take a break-"

"But I have to get this-"

"Robin and... Robin." Dick froze when he heard his ex-mentor's voice call out. Jason, however, just straightened his cape and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, boss?"

"There have been sightings of the Joker at the city zoo. Are the Titans prepared enough to fight him?" He turned towards Dick as he asked the question, making the teen stop to think. One part of him wanted to say that the clown was far too dangerous; another part was reminding him they had dealt with, quite literally, the end of the world.

"Yeah, they should be."

"We should head out, then."

Dick rushed out of the exercise room to where his team waited.

"Come on, team!" As they headed towards the garage, he saw Bruce and Jason run back to the roof to get into the Batjet.

… He kind of missed the Batjet. Everything always looked so nice from above...

As the Titans started piling into the T-Car, Beast Boy suddenly spoke up.

"Whoa, wait a second. Are we really going to go fight... the Joker?"

Robin ignored the slight tinge of fear that just the name triggered.

"Yes, and I want you all to be careful. He is extremely dangerous-"

"Robin?" Starfire interrupted, a worried tone in her voice.

"... Yeah, Star?"

"While the Man of Bats explained that this clown is dangerous, he did not explain just why you seem so scared of him. Why is that? I understand that he looked frightful, but you usually are not bothered by such things..."

Why he was so scared of the Joker? Well, he wished that wicked grin didn't fill him with cold terror... However, nothing the psychotic had ever done had mitigated the fear... Only caused it to grow...

"... The Joker has some weird obsession with Batman. I was the kid who hung out with the Bat. Obviously, that made... a target for him... Constantly..."

He quickly looked away, trying to ward away memories of past experiences with the Joker...

The young boy pulled into himself, clutching his knees tightly, as the kicks just kept coming.

"Why don't you sing, little birdy?"

The clown bent down, lifting Robin's head off the cold concrete by his blood-soaked raven hair.

"Isn't your Uncle Joker more fun than ol' Harv was?"

When there was no answer, he pushed the child's face back into the rough ground.

Starfire's eyes widened.

"He... He hurt you?"

He couldn't stop the laughter from forcing itself from his diaphragm.

"That's how you laugh it up, birdy!"

"... Yeah. He's... he's hurt me before."

The Joker stuck his tongue out in concentration as he held Robin's hand tightly, smiling morbidly at the pained screams from the boy, his knife carving on the soft skin and into the tender flesh of the back of the hand.

"You'll have a reminder of your dear Uncle J wherever you go, Bird Boy! Won't that be nice?"

"... How much?"

Robin rubbed the back of his gloved right hand awkwardly.

"... Enough that I take him seriously. And you all should too."

Each Titan nodded seriously.

Soon, they arrived at the zoo, and they jumped out of the car, seeing the Batjet landing nearby.

"Robin," Batman called out as soon as he exited the plane, Jason trailing behind him. "May I have a word with you?"

The other teen heroes waited nearby as Robin stalked over to Bruce's side, a light scowl present.

"What?" he snapped.

"You probably have realized that the Joker is here for you..."

"Of course."

"Well... You should just be careful. You know how dangerous he can be..."

"Why, Batsy, I'm flattered you think you highly of me!"

The original Dynamic Duo both looked surprised for just a second, but in seconds batarangs and a bo staff were pulled out and readied. Turning towards where the voice came from, they saw the Joker hanging upside down from the entrance sign to the zoo.

"You're here with your new birdy to visit your old one, I see! How adorable, a Bat-family reunion! Have the boys had much time together yet? They should get used to it, since their nearly brothers now!"

When no one responded to him, the Joker pouted childishly.

"Well, Batsy, I came here to see the first Boy Blunder, and you can't stop me! Though I'm perfectly fine with two Bat Brats to play with!"

Jason narrowed his masked eyes, his batarangs clenched in his hands stiffly.

"I'd like to see you try, clown!"

Joker seemed shocked at the response, then laughed.

"Oh, he's a fiery one! This will be even more fun than I thought! Harley!"

With his call, the jest cartwheeled out of the nearby bushes, before moving into a flip directly next to the Titans.

"Take care of those other kiddies for me, okay sweetums?"

"Right away, Puddin'!" she yelled in response, before pulling out a large hammer from seemingly nowhere and proceeding to attack the unwitting Titans with the weapon.

The Joker jumped from his spot at the sign, laughing as he descended.

"Come and get me, Bat and Birds!"

With that, he dashed into the zoo, still cackling, with all three Gothamites at his tail.

"Wowee! It seems little ol' me just can't escape!" The Joker giggled out in the pursuit. "Guess I'll just have to find a better hiding place!"

With that, he quickly turned into small animals building, Batman and the Robins still behind him.

"Hey, kiddies, look at the cute animals!" When there was, yet again, no response, the grin faded a little. "Huh, tough crowd. You're all being sooooo boring! Maybe seeing the animals of the night will cheer you up!"

Turning into that very area, Batman found himself behind the younger heroes. While this did not bother him at first, cold fear hit him when he realized the area was in complete darkness.

This fear solidified more when he suddenly heard two thumps.

"Robins?" he called out hesitantly. No answer.

Now pulling out a light, he shined it around the area. While some animals in their containments shied away, nothing else was there.

Now running back into the sunlight of the main zoo, he saw Harley jumping into a purple car, the clown driving, with two clearly unconscious Robins in the backseat. The Titans were all in various states of injury, some even knocked out.

Put simply, this was not good at all.