The Protector Of The Champion

AN: my new story I hope you like it. I deleted the story because I noticed some missing words, I fixed them well what I could see, anything else I am sorry, the rest of story looks fine to me.

Chapter One

Jareth walked into his throne room his hair was a mess, his clothes looked messy as if they were thrown on in a hurry. He stood in the doorway and frowned at his chair.

A woman with blonde hair pulled up in high pony tail, was lounging in his chair, one leg thrown over the arm, and she was bouncing a crystal ball from one hand to the other. She was wearing a purple dress with ruffles on the bottom, it was hiked up her boots went up to her knees while part of her thigh was bare to eyes. She wore a bored expression on her face, she had dark red lipstick on almost looked like blood on her lips.

"Tiana" he said in an annoyed tone walking towards her

"Jareth" she repeated in the same tone not looking at him.

He sighed impatiently when she didn't move "why did you summon me, I was busy"

Tiana stopped bouncing the crystal ball and looked into it "yes with your whores, two of them to be exact"

"How dare you spy on me" Jareth said raising his voice a bit

Tiana continued bouncing the crystal ball in the air "it is so boring here, and I am not the one that summoned you" she sighed in a tired tone and stood up facing him the crystal ball then disappeared

Jareth gave her a wicked look "who summoned me" he growled

Tiana smiled with a small giggle with it "mother did she is waiting for you in your study"

"And you had to tag along" he said agitated

"I didn't have to I want to, just to annoy you big brother" Tiana said with a playful smile

Jareth snorted angrily and disappeared, Tiana smiled and sat back down playing with the crystal ball.

Jareth appeared in his study, he saw his mother looking around, he cleared his throat, and she turned around smiling happily at him.

"My son, I am so happy to see you" she greeted him holding her arms out to him

He walked up to her and hugged her, she hugged back, after a moment they released each other.

Jareth walked away from his mother his back turned away from her "what did you want mother, I was busy"

She smiled sadly at him "yes I know wild parties and tons of women, I was hoping when you fell in love with Sarah, your lifestyle would change"

Jareth whipped around to face her "I don't want to talk about Sarah, she defeated me and rejected me, I want nothing to do with her" he growled through his teeth and turned back away from her

His mother frowned at him; she walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder gently "do you know what today is?"

Jareth turned and looked at her confused and then thought about "it's Thursday"

She gave him a worried look "no son, think harder"

Jareth took a moment to think about it some more, he then put his hand to his head and winced in pain "mother can you please just tell me, I feel the effects of my hang over kicking in"

She took pity on him and told him "alright son I'll tell you, it's Sarah's twenty-first birthday"

Jareth stares dumbly at her "and that concerns me how?"

His mother sighed getting upset "when Sarah defeated you and left here at fifteen" she watched his reaction she saw him shut his eyes possibly from the pain of the memory or holding back tears or both, she continued.

"I put a protection spell on her, but it only lasts until her twenty-first birthday"

Her son looked at her puzzled "and you want me to what, put another one on her?"

"No son, you have to bring her here and protect her before Harker finds her" she tells him

Jareth pouted angrily at her

"Now Jareth, don't give me that look" she scolded him

Jareth gave in "fine mother I will protect her, but I won't like it"

She smiled knowingly at him, and then she disappeared.

Jareth started to pace the study furiously, and then he let out a loud scream and disappeared.

He appeared back at his throne room, he saw his sister still sitting in his chair.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be" he snarled at her

Tiana stood up laughing at him "what's a matter brother, get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"

Jareth just glared at her.

Tiana smiles at him "or maybe it's this" she says as she threw a crystal ball to Jareth, he caught it and looked in it, he saw Sarah, he looked away from it. Then he heard a scream. He looked over at Tiana who had a scared facial expression and shrugged her shoulders, he looked into the ball and saw Sarah in danger, and he quickly turned into an owl and flew away to the aboveground.


Sarah was a party leaning against the table with food on it looking bored, her friend Trina walked up to her and handed her a beer, Sarah took it and just held it in her hand as she started peeling the label from the bottle.

Trina looked at her friend sadly "come on Sarah be happy, we are graduating tomorrow"

Sarah looked at Trina "today is my birthday, I didn't want to come here, I wanted to go home where my family is waiting for me"

"Come on Sarah have some fun, this is our last college party, before we go into adulthood and get a job" she whined at Sarah

Sarah looked around "Trina I don't know have these people"

Trina's face brighten up "that is why we mingle, to meet new people"

Sarah took a sip of her beer and made a disgusted face, then looked at Trina "why do you always bring me a beer, when you know I don't like it?"

"We look cool if we have alcohol in our hands" she told Sarah

"Oh" Sarah said dimly and put the beer on the table behind her

Trina looked around the room and giggled, Sarah looked at her confused, Trina turned to look at Sarah "hottie at ten oh clock, checking you out"

Sarah looked right at him, he had dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and wearing a letterman jacket, he smiled a seductive smile at her and winked. Sarah shrugged her shoulders "he's okay"

Trina looked at her friend in outrage "what do you mean he's okay, what are you blind?"

Sarah was started to get angry "why don't you ask him out then"

Trina looked at Sarah frustrated "you know you can't wait your whole life for Garret or whatever his name is to come and rescues you, this isn't a fairytale Sarah, so grow up"

Sarah opened her mouth in shock "his name is Jareth, and I am not waiting for him" her voice shook

"Fine whatever" Trina said meanly and walked away towards that guy

Sarah gasped angrily "fine" she whispered back and left

Sarah got outside and leaned against the building, she went into her purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, she took one out and put it in her mouth, put the pack back and reached for her lighter and lit it, then put the lighter back in her purse, she made sure her purse was securely on her shoulder and started smoking.

She heard a noise in a tree above her, she looked up she didn't see anything, she continued to smoke, then she noticed a huge bird fly down on the ground in front of her, she looked down watching it, she sighed in relief when she released it wasn't a owl but a hawk.

Sarah noticed black smoke start to surround the bird; she dropped her cigarette in fear and moved her arms up to cover her face, when the smoke cleared, she brought her arms down slowly. She saw a man with jet black hair slicked back into a pony tail, he was dressed all in black he had a scar on his face that went from his eyebrow over his eye and covered half his cheek, and it looked like someone cut him, since the scar was deep. He black cape was blowing in the wind; he gave her a cruel smile.

"Sarah Williams?" he asked in a deep husky voice

"Y…yes" she stuttered

The guy reached behind him and pulled out a dagger, Sarah's eyes grew wide with fear; she wanted to scream but couldn't find her voice, so her mouth just hung open. He put the dagger to her throat, she moaned afraid.

"You will come with me" he ordered

She found her voice and spoke "if Jareth sent you, tell him I refused to go with you"

He looked at her surprised and raises an eyebrow "Jareth didn't send me my dear"

Sarah then backed against the wall, trying to slip past him if she could, he saw her looking for a way out, he put both hands palm down on the wall next to her head and got his body close to her, she looked at saw the dagger still in his left hand against the wall, she turned back to look at him.

"You know Jareth?" he asked his hot breath on her face

"Don't you?" she asked

"Very well" he told her smiling wickedly at her

She gulped "he didn't send you?"

"No my dear" he said firmly

Sarah tried to go around him sideways , he grabbed her roughly she screamed, he held her in his arms so that her back was pressed against his chest and he put the dagger to her throat, at this time no one noticed a barn owl coming towards them with his talons out and screeching loudly. The owl pushed the man away, he lost his balance, Sarah fell hitting her head on the pavement, the owl landed on the ground in front of her and changed into Jareth, Sarah sat up rubbing her head, she hit it pretty hard, she put her hand to the side of her head and rubbed it, then pulled it away, blood appeared on her fingers, she started to feel lite headed and dizzy. Jareth grabbed the man and pushed him roughly against the wall.

"You will leave her alone Harker" he commanded

Harker smiled cruelly at Jareth "your highness long time no see"

"Yes it has been a long time" he smiled wickedly at him "the last time I saw you I believe was our last duel and I cut your face, such a pity it left a nasty scar"

Harker snarled at Jareth, he grabbed his dagger ready to stab Jareth with it. Jareth pulled it out of his hand and stabbed Harker in the side with it, not deep enough to cause damage just enough to hurt. Harker took it out and screamed then turned into a Hawk flying away crying out in pain.

Jareth bent down next to Sarah, she looked up at him and kept blinking her eyes, getting them to focus, she saw Jareth looking at her in concern "Jareth" she whispered

He nodded his head at her, she fell on the ground and passed out, and he picked her up in his arms carrying her bridal style and disappeared.