
Rain drizzled the in leaf-bare forest. Snow that was already laid on the ground became mushy and wet under paw. Dried fallen leaves were sodden and scattered across frost-bitten vegetation. They crisscrossed the roots of hibernating trees. A gray and white figure clumsily padded through the soaked forest floors. Her paw pads sprayed up a watery mist, which clung quickly to her swollen belly fur. She was desperately searching for something or someone.

Her eyes were round and showed pain. Her mouth parted and let out a billowy puff of breath. She shivered; it was really cold that moon. Her gray and white thick pelt was plastered with streaks of water; making her look scrawny. Dark gray clouds covered the skies above. Water from the clouds continued to pour onto the now drenched forest.

In the far distance a dog barked. The she-cat pricked her ears while also flicking water from them. Her gaze was unsure as to where to go now. Her paws felt like they were made of stone. Her tail drooped from exhaustion. Her muscles ached from walking so long to get there. Now she wished she never came.

"Cloudfur, is that you?" A faint mew sounded from behind her.

Hope rose like a fluttering bird, free in the skies. Her frail body twisted awkwardly to see a gray figure stand between two boulders that slowly crumbled, forming a sloping path.

"Oh thank StarClan, you found me," she breathed.

He trotted down the Crest of the Raven. The tom's sleek fur rolled off rain drops as they touched his oily pelt. His pale blue eyes darkened as he took shelter under a shady willow tree with Cloudfur. Its branches drooped over head. This protected them from any further rainy and chilly weather. Cloudfur sat a couple of tail lengths away from the gray colored tom-cat. His eyes looked questioning at the distance between them, but he did not take a paw forward. He understood her personal space.

He spoke first. "Have you decided to stay with me or not yet?" His mew came in a light whisper.

She stared down at her paws, not making eye contact.

"I'm sorry Fang, but I could never leave my Clan at such a hard time now. I'm expecting your kits and you know that. SkyClan needs warriors now more than ever it they are to survive." She meowed, Her blue gaze never looking up to meet his.

He sighed, realizing he was holding his breath. His long gray tail coiled around his huge paws. "I knew this would happen." His eyes narrowed to slits. "You care more of your Clan than me, you always have."

Cloudfur shook her damp head. "That's not true. I have always loved you but it became too much and I have to think the safety of my kits and myself."

"Lies," he snarled. She flinched at his harsh tone.

"Ever since the day I saved you, you became different each passing sunrise. Always trying to have an excuse not to see me and when you did it was because you had nothing to do or told me you were having my kits."

Cloudfur gritted her teeth. "Fang, I never meant for this to happen."

"Neither did I," he snapped.

She deserved every bit of his raging anger. She treated him like dirt and when she didn't it was discussing him what plans he had with their future kits. She never wanted any. She just pretended she did so he would get off her back. She couldn't take it any more.

"Fang," she croaked. "If there's anything I can do to make up to what I've done to you..?"

An evil glint flashed in his blue eyes. He padded forward. His paws scuffling trough a patch of frosted debris. His tail swished the air. His broad shoulders had shown strong muscles that rippled through his lean and sleek smoky gray pelt.

"Actually there is one thing I would like to do." He hissed softly in her pricked ear. She gulped down bile that was held in her throat from the nerve-racking tension. Cloudfur waited for his response. She quivered from the leaf-bare winds and his menacing stare.

"A curse shall fall upon your coming kits but one will take the fall for many." Fang turned away leaving a trembling and bewildered Cloudfur. She watched as he disappeared from view. He climbed up the crumbling raven and past the rise. She padded hoplessly home. Her paw pads bled and dried red liquid stained her under paw. Her belly convulsed with cramping spasms and her body muscles tightened from over usage.

Broken echo's lies produce the grim off spring of evil…

Cloudfur's ear went straight up. She strained to hear that whispering voice again but it was gone like the blowing wind. Maybe it was Fang trying to scare her off, maybe it was the restless wind swishing through the tree tops, or maybe it was an unknown call from the shadows that lay beneath places unseen?

Flame: This is the first Book I'm doing. It doesn't have a name yet but I have a good plot to this. So stay tuned for more. Chapter one is coming soon.


Cloudfur- SkyClan queen, long furred gray and white she-cat with blue eyes. She is expecting the loner Fang's kits. The only other available queen, except for Silverleaf.

Fang- He lives outside of SkyClan. He lives on his own and is a loner. He is a smoky gray tom with broad shoulders, tough muscles and dull blue eyes. His whiskers are wrinkled and his fur is a bit matted. He has a few battled scars on his muzzle.


-May flames light your path-