I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe that I was going to be an intern at the Walt Disney Insane Asylum. As I drove towards my destination for my first day on the job, all the possibilities of what awaited for me kept running through my head. The joys of picking apart the minds of the criminally insane kept making me feel more and more excited.

After quite some time I finally arrived. I was greeted by a large metal gate and a large, dark building which looked more like an evil castle. Suddenly I started thinking all these negative thoughts. Maybe this job won't be as much fun as I thought. What if someone here tries to kill me? But it was too late. I had a job to do and no matter what I didn't plan on leaving until the end of summer.

I took a deep breath right before I opened the front door. I was expecting some grand foyer considering the outer façade, but instead I walked into a small room with nothing but a couple doors and a desk. Behind it was a woman who looked about ten years older than me typing away at a computer.

"Excuse me," I said approaching her. She stopped typing and looked up. "I have an appointment with Mr. Mouse at ten."

The woman turned back to her computer and started typing again. "Taylor Russell?" I nodded. She smiled and stood up. "Follow me please." I did as she said and followed her through one of the doors. We walked down a hallway with a bunch of doors until we finally reached one that said "Mickey Mouse" on the window. "Mr. Mouse?" she asked as she knocked on the door. "Your new intern is here."

"Send her in," came a squeaky voice from the other side. I opened the door and made my way inside while the secretary left. Sitting behind a desk was none other than the great Mickey Mouse. "Please, come in." I closed the door behind me and sat down in front of the desk. "It's so nice to finally meet you Ms. Russell," he said leaning forward to shake my hand

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Mouse."

"Please, call me Mickey. I bet you're excited to start working here aren't you?"

"I am, although I am a little scared to be honest."

"Don't you worry, we do everything we possibly can to guarantee the safety of our employees. These walls have been magic-proofed, so even those who could cause harm are as weak and defenseless as the rest of us."

"But what I don't understand is that didn't most of your patients die?"

"Yes, but with the magic of Disney we've brought them back to life so we could lock them up and study them. Which is why you're here. You're studying to be a mental psychologist, right?" I nodded. "Well then this is the perfect job for you. Come with me, I'll show you to your room." I followed him and he led me to another room that consisted of a couch, a chair, and a desk with a computer. "This is where you'll psychoanalyze the patients."

"Perfect. So do I start today or tomorrow?"

"How about this afternoon? This way it'll give you a chance to settle in before going to work."

"Sounds good."

"I'll bring you your first patient after your lunch break."

"Okay, and who's my first patient?"

"Queen Grimhilde."

"Alright then."

"Terrific! I'll send her in later this afternoon." And with that he closed the door while I was alone in my room. I sat down at the desk, preparing myself for my first patient by looking up her file on the computer. "Oh boy," I said to myself as I read, "this is going to be fun."

Author's Note: Okay, I hope you guys like this so far because guess what? You guys are going to help me write it! Have you ever wanted to ask any of the Disney Villains any questions about anything? Well now's your chance! I need questions to ask the villains, so without your help I won't be able to continue the story. Also if you have any theories as to why any of the villains are the way they are or do what they do, those are also accepted. As previously mentioned our first villain is the Evil Queen from Snow White. I can't wait to see what questions you guys come up with. :D