
By popular belief Boomer, the youngest of the ruffs, is the dumbest student in Pokey Oaks High which is a solid fact…but by not-so popular belief Boomer, the dumbest ruff, is the most determined out of the three boys.

At exactly 7:15 in the morning, a certain puff always floats her way towards her locker, in which its locker number is 01429864874 well not that he memorized it… well, maybe he did, but that's not the point!

At that exact time, Boomer always rushes his way towards that said locker with a hand wrapped present on his hands. When he successfully gets there he's finally ready to initiate his first move in this life-risking mission, a mission that is called Operation Asking Bubbles Out.

Yes life risking indeed.

Nervous as usual, he blurts out his feelings while stutters in the process. And when his done he hands her the gift.

But as usual, his efforts always comes to waste as Bubbles slowly but surely rejects him while making sure not to break his poor fragile heart. So just like every morning Operation Asking Bubbles Out fails.

But Boomer the hopeless romantic that he is, is determined to win Bubbles' heart no matter what.

Brick Jojo always had a thing for blondes, majority of his girlfriends are blondes. There was Brat Plutonium, Rainbow Brite and even Mandy, but the relationships never lasted long. Goes to show that our red-eyed crusader can never be tamed by any dame.

So he didn't surprise anyone when he accidentally blurted out that he liked Bubbles. Well of course any idiot could tell that his pink-eyed counterpart was highly jealous of her blonde sister, after all the main reason why he admitted his attraction was right after she confessed about her feelings for him.

So you could imagine Bubbles discomfort at that exact moment but just like every other boy that confessed their feelings to the high school sweetheart, he was Rejected. Yep, rejected with the capital R.

Everyone in school is baffled by the girl's dateless status. An American stereotypical definition of beauty and to top it off, she's the town's super heroine. So how come she doesn't have a boyfriend?

Is she a closet lesbian? Or an asexual maybe?

Well actually both are extremely wrong! Well okay maybe she's a little bi-curious but she's no lesbian nor is she asexual because unknown to everyone in town, she does have a boyfriend.

So who is this hunk who managed to capture the sugarcoated Puff's heart?

Well it's no other than the rebellious Butch Jojo of course!

The two of them never really did imagine to ever thinking of dating each other, but that's just how the universe works. It mashes up two unlikely personalities and create something extraordinary!

No one would believe the main reason why the green-eyed bad boy grew an interest towards this innocent Puff. Turns out our angelic heroine has a naughty side! After all, a one-dimensional partner is never interesting.

Butch and Bubbles have managed to keep their relationship away from the public for a good two years! And so far nobody seems to have noticed.

Amazing how underneath that sugarcoated crust our little blue puff hides her secrets dearly.

Yes! Butchubbles my OTP in PPG I really miss this show! Oh God, I'm actually in nostalgic mode right now since I'm going to be sent off to college.