A/N: Call of duty belongs to activision

Hey guys so this fanfic is actually the first one I ever wrote, before "When this is all over".

I hope you enjoy it. If you do I would appreciate any reviews, thanks =)

Corporal Jake Dunn got off the plane and looked around his surroundings. His pale blue eyes hadn't seen his home town of Thomasville, Alabama for years. Around him the familiar sights of country fields came into his view. The fields where he use to play as a kid, the very same fields where he had his first kiss. The times had changed, but his town looked how it had when he left for the army 4 years ago. Jake had wished this wasn't the reason for his homecoming.

"Corporal Dunn?" a voice behind him asked.

"Huh?" Dunn asked as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Sir, are you okay?" the solider in front of him asked carefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Dunn sighed "It's just been a long time since I've been home..." He took a deep breathe in and gripped the dog tags in hands.

The solider nodded in understanding, and proceeded to get back in formation. Dunn descended down the stairs and was saluted as he passed each soldier. He wished he wasn't here, that all of this was a nightmare and that he would wake up any minute. As he approached the black Lincoln car, it bought him back to reality and showed him how real it really was. He slowly climbed into the car that awaited him.

As Dunn climbed in he saluted his superior, Major Patrick Johnson. Major Patrick Johnson was from the base near their hometown. He was a man who had served in the military for 40 years. It never got easier, seeing a young man like Corporal Dunn getting ready to tell the soldiers family that their son wasn't coming back.

"At ease solider" Said Major Johnson "I know this is your first time informing a family."

"Yes Sir" said Dunn as he looked down

"So as you know you will first speak to them, then I will come out to talk about the arrangements." Major Johnson said as he looked at the paper work in front of him.

"Yes Sir." Dunn looked out the window as they passed Main St and into the heart of Thomasville, Alabama.

Major Johnson nodded and decided to leave the young man in his own thoughts.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence as the car went past the memories of Dunn's life growing up here. Dunn mentally prepared himself for what was coming.

"Hell, how does one prepare for this kind of thing" Dunn thought.

It had been exactly four years since he had been back home. He hadn't even comeback when had leave from tour. He had taken more tours in Afghanistan so he wouldn't have to come back. Though there were still people he loved in this town, he wasn't looking forward to meeting his father. His and his father's relationship was a complicated one. His mother had passed away when he was 6, and his father wasn't the same since then. After her death he had stayed in the army and barely ever saw Jake. Dunn went to live with the Allen's for a few days, until his Aunt had moved into town to take care of him. Aunt Diana had taken care of him as his father was never home. Once he had left for the Army, his Aunt had gotten married to her long-time boyfriend and moved to Texas. Jake was happy for her, she had given up a part of her life to raise him and she desereved to be happy. The only people he kept in contact during these years were Aunt Diana and the Allen's.

He heard a cough and lifted his head up. He hadn't realised that the car had stopped for 10 minutes now, until the Major had pointed it out.

"Sir, I'm sorry." Dunn said" I didn't realise we stopped."

"It's okay solider, I understand you just needed a little bit more time."

"Thank you sir." Dunn said as he saluted him.

Major Johnson just nodded, as the driver opened the door for Dunn. Dunn climbed out of the car and thanked the driver. Major Johnson soon fallowed after him.

Dunn looked at the house in front of him and sighed. The house was exactly how he remembered it. The stone path leading to the white painted porch of the Gray/blue siding of the house, a traditional country house that was kept up like it was brand new. Even though it was 50 year old house, it had looked exactly how it had when he first saw it 17 years ago.

Dunn slowly walked up the path and onto the porch. He slowly approached the big white door, both hands trembling brought up his hand to knock on the door. He tried to work up the nerves to knock on the door as he felt his heart beat out of his chest. He took a big breathe in and went for it.

"Here we go" Dunn sighed.

The door creaked opened and there stood a 50 year old woman, with a red checkered apron. She looked shocked to see him there; this was the last place she expected him to be.

"Jake, honey what are you doing here?" the woman asked, she looked down to see a pair of dog tags in his hands; she started to tremble, "Honey, please don't tell me..." she choked out, as tears fell down her face

Dunn took his eyes off the ground and looked into her eyes while gripping Joey's dog tag's in his hands harder. Here he was about to turn this woman's world upside down. His pale blue eyes could no longer hold back the tears that had threatened to fall earlier. Looking into the women's eyes he spoke with a shaky voice.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Allen" Dunn said as tears ran down his face, "Its Joey, he's gone Mrs. Allen , he's gone!" he chocked out as he grabbed the woman who was like mother to him into a hug.