"Que demonios, Khaji Da?" moaned Jaime. He was irritated and annoyed but the pleasure dripped from his voice and couldn't be hidden, even if he tried. Nothing could hide from the AI. And that's how he got into this whole mess.

You want me to continue. I will proceed. Affirmative?

"Si, sisisisisi...si..." he closed his eyes tight and arched up to his own touch, "keep..going."


Jaime bit his lip as his own hand, covered in his black and blue armor, vibrated gently against his cock, moving up and down at a quick rate. It was hotter than anything he had ever done with his bare hand before he had connected to the scarab, and he was almost ready to cum.

"Ahhgnn.." he let out an almost strangled groan and he was glad his sister was asleep, but was afraid she might wake up after hearing all of the racket he was causing just next to her bedroom. "Khaji..Da..." he noticeably lowered his voice and decided that if he were to be letting this out, he'd have to be quiet about it.

The silent vow didn't last, because his left hand was pushing two fingers up his ass and "Dios lo maldiga!", he was gonna shoot any second now. He tried to move his hands away from himself but he didn't have a choice. The armor was forcing him to do this, whether he liked it or not. And all he could do was cry, "Harder! More!" over and over and he was almost positive that poor Milagro was up and wondering what was going on.

Lower your voice. This is an order.

"I...can't..." he panted out loud, arching up even higher off his bed. His climax was almost there, it was so reachable, he could feel it all building to a single point and his balls were tightening and-

"Jaime?" There was a knock at his door.

"Mierda!...Stop, stop!...Un momento, Milagro!"

What you are saying is contradicting with your body. Alpha priority: you must achieve release. Override. Continuing without permission.

Jaime grit his teeth and murmured curses over and over under his breath, knowing that the rest of the night was just plain screwed. He closed his eyes and hissed behind his teeth, feeling the absolute and utter high of masturbation just momentarily before cumming all over his armored hand. The armor suddenly disappeared.

Left laying there, panting, Jaime took a moment to breathe then repeated, "Un momento!", and reached over to his dresser, grabbing some tissues and wiping himself. He pulled up his boxers and pulled the covers over him. "Come in!"

Yeah. That was pretty much the most suckiest ending to the best masturbation he's ever had.

"What was all that noise?"

"Nada, nada...I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No, I've been awake all this time..." she replied hesitantly. Jaime went a little pale and didn't really know what to say.

Order was previously given to lower your voice. You objected.

Jaime bit his lip. This was just his luck.