Hey Guys. I Just wanted you to know that I for the most part remade this chapter. I felt it truly sucked. I hope you like the improved version. The rest of the chapters will be fixed ASAP! J

Chapter 1

My father disappeared. As in one day he was there and the next, he and all his things, were gone. It had been five days before it actually processed that I was alone. If I wasn't the only one left in my family, it would have not been such a load on my heart. I hurt a lot. I couldn't really comprehend it exactly. It just was too much. I blindly walked around my home for a few hours on the fifth day, my mind reeling and coming up with a plan.

In a numb state, I went to the attic and found some of James's old clothes. After my older brother died, father didn't throw away one item that used to be his. So, as a benefit to me, he had some clothes that fit me. Loosely, but that would be just fine.

I did my best to remember how mother taught me to French braid my hair so it looks short and barely has any tail, but my hair had gotten too long for that. No matter how tightly I made the braid, the tail still swept well past the length of my shoulders. Not good enough. Stomping down the stairs in the most unladylike fashion, I scrambled to find a pair of scissors. The pair was old and slightly rusted but it would do. I sawed and hacked and watched in the mirror as the bundles of my golden brown hair fell to the tiled bathroom floor. A few tears fell as I saw a little pile form. After that, I braided it again and it fit under a hat perfectly.

After that, I searched the house. There had got to be some money lying around somewhere. I poked through drawers, closets, everything. In father's forgotten trouser pockets I found a few coins, a wallet wedged between the two cushions of a chair, in coat pockets I found a dollar. Father forgets where he puts things easily. This money would most likely get me a decent meal for at least 5 weeks. I also took some of the jewelry in the box I kept under my bed, in case there ever was a time when I needed to sell anything. I put a few pictures in my journal and also take my little locked box filled with sentimental items. It wasn't too heavy.

I bundled everything in one of father's old work bags and pressed down my chest with some cloth we had in the medical cabinet. Then, just as if I belonged, I clomped out of the house, deciding not to look back, just in case my emotions got the better of me and I started to cry. But I didn't. It was 8:00 in the morning and I would make it alone. I could do this.


"Ha. Indeed my friend. No one knows poker then you'se do." My buddy punched my arm and laughed off, drunk. A few of the other boys laughed and dragged him down the street.

As soon as his fading form disappeared behind a corner, I ducked into an alleyway and counted my winnings. Not as much as last week but enough.

"Get your fat hands off of me you creep," a young boy's voice growls.

"Well sorry kiddo, you're in our turf. We do what we want. Where you from kid? Not Manhattan. We would have met already." A disgustingly familiar voice says.

"Morris, Oscar," I say and step out of the alley. They two brothers have the boy's arms. He whimpered and tried to pull away. They squeezed tighter and he cried out. "Get your hands off of him."

"I figure you heard what I said. Bout this bein' our turf? Get your Irish little ass out of here before you get hurt Conlon." Oscar says with a sneer on his lips.

"When you mess with my Newsies, you mess with Brooklyn. I consider New Yorkmy turf so you, you ridiculous idiots, let go of him." I point my slingshot at them and they slowly release. "Now off you go. Don't mess with Brooklyn again." Oscar drags his brother back the way they came.

"Hey kid. You okay?" I ask. He glares at me.

"I'm fine. Well I was until they man handled me." He brushed off his arm and winced. "But I could have handled it Conlon."

"I was just being nice." I defended myself. "You were gonna get hurt worse than you did."

He huffs and crosses his arms- a childish move. "Why would you care?"

Now annoyed, I stop trying to be on my best behavior. "I don't care about you yourself at all. I just wanted to speak up to those two. They have been attacking my boys for weeks."

"Your boys?" He laughes, "What're ya saying. You've had that many kids already? What are you? Like, 10?" I scowl.

"I am Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn newsies. I suggest you watch it around me."

"Well thanks for that anyways. I gots to go find some place to stay tonight." He says and salutes me while walking off.

"Get back here!" I shout. "If you aren't in Brooklyn if they ever come back you're as good as dead."

He looks over his shoulder. "You're saying to come with you?" I nod, annoyed. "Fine. One wrong move Fido and I kick you."

I bring him to the lodging house, staying a few feet away from him.

"Where've you been spot? We'se been lookin everywhere for you's." My second in command's eyes fall on the boy sulking behind me."What've we gots here Spotty? Hm? Another street rat you's picked up off the side walk?" He laughs cruelly and lets us pass. I go to walk down the hallway and I hear Gem's yelp of pain.

"My name is John you bastard." I hear him hiss. I turn but I see nothing but a casual looking him and a glaring Gem grasping his toes.

"Whats wrong wit him?" I ask. John just shrugs.