I had this idea out of nowhere, so I hope you like it!

No I don't own fruits basket but I do own my original character.

"If you don't want to be late, you three better leave soon." Tohru told them, standing in the doorway of the house. "And I want you three to be careful alright? And say hello to everyone for me too."

"Thank you, Tohru." Shigure said with a warm smile. "And you be careful too. There are a lot of sick-o's out there. You never know who could be lurking outside."

Tohru smiled, slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, Shigure. Ou-chan will protect me and so will Hana-chan. They aren't leaving till Monday."

"Alright," Shigure smiled.

"Take care of yourself, Miss Honda-san." Yuki told her.

"Yeah, we don't want to see you get hurt," Kyo agreed.

Tohru nodded. "Don't you worry," She promised. "I'll be fine. You three have fun at the banquet, okay?"

All three boys nodded and started walking away while Tohru grinned and waved goodbye. "Be safe," She called to them, with every hope that they would.

. . .

"So," Arisa Outani asked, leaning back on the chair while Tohru prepared the New Year's cake sin the kitchen. "What are your new year's resolutions, Tohru?"

"Oh, well I haven't really given a lot of thought to them, actually," Tohru admitted, appearing in the doorway with the cakes in her hand. She placed a few in front of her friend who was sitting up straight and placed a few where her friend Hana would be sitting in a few moments. "How about you?"

"Well," Arisa wondered out loud, looking up at the celling thoughtfully while her blonde hair fell over her eye. "Maybe be a little nicer, I guess. I mean I could go easier on orange top sometimes, but it's just so fun to mess with him, you know?"

Tohru smiled. "I think that's a great resolution, Uo-chan."

"I'm going to submit as form to the school to travel abroad." Hana said, appearing out of nowhere and floating back down to where she once sat. "The school is offering a program where I can go to collages around the world. I'd love to compare their electric signals to the ones here. Maybe I'll find someone with similar electric signals to the Sohmas." She smiled down at the cake sin front of her. "But, I don't think I will."

"Yeah," The blonde girl agreed. "They're one of a kind all right."

Tohru smiled. At first she kind of felt bad about keeping the Sohma family secret from her friends, but she had to protect the Sohma's. They trusted her and she would not betray that trust no matter what. They were her family too now, after all.

"Tohru?" Outani called, waving her hand in front of her friends face.

"Oh," Tohru blinked. "Sorry, Outani, I wasn't paying attention."

Uo-san smiled. "It's okay; I was just saying how I bet Kyoko would probably be telling us that we'd better get our act together."

"That's right," Tohru smiled. "We're graduating this year."

Hana nodded in silent agreement. "I wonder what Kyoko would have done if she'd been here when we graduated."

"She'd probably throw a big party and surprise us," Arisa replied. "We'd walk in and there she'd be with her big smile on her face and say how proud she was of us," Taking a bite out of her cake

Tohru nodded. She could see her mother doing that. Building up so much suspense until finally there'd just be a big party just for them, because Tohru had worked so hard, because they all had.

"Hey, what was that?" Arisa asked, lifting her head.

"What?" Tohru asked.

"That sound. It was like something rustling but it was really loud, like it was close." Arisa stood up slowly and cocked her head slightly. "Like, someone was out there."

"Should we go see?" Tohru asked hesitantly.

Arisa shrugged. "I'll go check it out, you two stay here, alright?"

Both girls nodded as their friend exited the front door. Tohru shut her eyes on focused her hearing, straining to hear any slightest rustle or crack, ready to do something at the sound of danger.

"Hey guys," Uo called. "Check this out."

Hana and Tohru stood, following the way their friend had gone and out into the night. Tit had gotten dark quick, and with the darkness came a cold that made Tohru's breath came out in white wisps that she could see.

"She's this way," Hana murmured, holding onto Tohru's hand as they walked towards the back of the house and closer to the woods. They saw Uo-san standing close to the wall gazing up slightly. Like something was near the roof.

"What is it?" Tohru whispered.

Arisa didn't turn to Tohru when she explained and thankfully the wind didn't steal her words. "I went out here and I saw something rush past me and then a shadow on the roof. Whatever it was it was fast,"

"Is there any way to access the roof room inside, Tohru?" Hana asked, softly from Tohru's side.

Hour nodded. "Yes, up the stairs and there's a doorway that will lead you to some more stairs and then you can go up like that."

"Alright," Arisa nodded. "Tohru, you stay inside while we go check it out okay? I know we don't want you to get hurt and no offense, I don't think you'd have the heart to fight whatever it is if it attacked you."

Tohru nodded obediently and walked inside while her friends followed then started up the stairs, she heard as their thumps went from loud and close to soft and faint and when they had she walked over to the doorway and opened it slightly, waiting for something, anything to happen. Then, she heard something slide and a black figure fell from the roof a few feet away from here. Before she could even move it was moving towards the house and quick, and then Tohru was following it.

Arisa was right, it was fast, but it sometimes nearly tripped and slide as Tohru followed it. It was also small, maybe it was an animal. As Tohru followed, she realized she was getting close to the house and suddenly, it made a sharp turn to the right and darted into some bushes. She could see light peering from one of the windows inside, maybe from when Hana and Uo turned on the light to find the stairs and then Tohru was on pushing her way through the brush. Once she had, she was staring at a girl.

She was small, with delicate thing legs and arms, and her body was pulled together. Her arms wrapped around her body and her knees digging into the dirt. Her wild dark red hair fell down her back and nearly to her waist in neat straight strands. Some of it fell over her eyes at time, like she needed to get her bangs cut but it was too beautiful to do so. And her eyes were so different that it was hard to believe they were real. They were a deep blue color, like sapphires and they were pinned onto Tohru with a petrified expression.

And she was utterly naked.

"Tohru, where are you?" Arisa called, and there was more rustling and the girl's mouth clamped down, biting her lip. Arisa appeared behind her and Hana next to her, and all the three girls stared down at the girl crouching a few feet away from them.

For a long time no one said a word and then finally, Arisa took a deep breath and sighed. "Well, this year's starting off interesting."

Chapter 1 is over. So, how'd I do? I screwed up my last fruits basket fiction but I feel like this one is cool. Review please?