A/N: I got this idea from my tumblr mommy, bakehuntdrink :D

The Gifting Curse: Chapter 1

"Excuse me?"

Blaine turned, and suddenly the slow-motion kicked in. Normally he wasn't startled by this – it happened every time he met someone new, after all – but he had not expected it happen today. He thought he'd already met everyone at Dalton that he'd have a future with.

You see, Blaine had this power. A gift, a curse, call it what you will, he still had it. Whenever he met somebody that would have a significant impact on his life – a friend, a foe, anybody that effected him in the slightest – time slowed down, and he was hit with flashes of their future together. They were quick, just passing glimpses of their upcoming time shared, but it was enough to tell him what kind of relationship they'd have – good or bad. It made it extremely easy to make friends that way, and know who to avoid.

When he first laid eyes upon this new boy, however, the flashes took his breath away. The two of them singing together in the car, laughing over coffee, holding hands in the hallway, kissing under the mistletoe, getting their first apartment together in New York, visiting his mother's gravestone, standing side-by-side at the alter, screaming at one another from opposite ends of the living room, holding one another in their bed, chasing after a beautiful little girl with Blaine's eyes and this man's hair, crying at her college graduation, standing side-by-side at Blaine's father's funeral with their daughter and her fiancée close-by, sitting together on the porch bench outside their retirement house, a fat cat asleep at their feet and knobbly hands intertwined.

"Hi, I'm new here. Can I ask you a question?"

Time returned to its usual pace, and Blaine blinked, completely dumbstruck.

"I'm Blaine," he finally managed, holding out a hand.

The handsome boy took it. "Kurt."

Hello, Kurt. You're the love of my life.

"Well hello...Kurt." Just letting his name slip off his tongue gave him chills. Not the small, cold chills. The kind that racked your whole body, giving you goosebumps. Thankfully, Kurt didn't seem to notice.

"Hi, um...yeah. What's going on, exactly?"

"huh?-oh, the Warblers!" Blaine said, feeling like a complete idiot with his stuttering. In his defense, he was just coming down from the high of meeting a complete stranger who he was apparently destined to be with forever.

"Oh. Wait, your glee club is... cool here?"

"Oh yeah, we're like rock stars," Blaine replied, enthusiastically. Come on, I know a shortcut." With that, Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and took off towards the common room. To be honest, it really wasn't a short cut, per say. He just wanted to hold Kurt's hand. Which, was very warm, and very soft. The touch alone sent tingles through his body.

It only took a couple short moments until they were standing before the warblers' hall. Looking around, Kurt began to feel nervous. There were uniform clad boys everywhere, and it made his choice of clothing look really pathetic and obvious.

"Oh, gosh. I stick out like a sore thumb!"

"Well, don't forget your jacket next time, new kid." Blaine remarked, even though he knew that Kurt didn't even have a uniform yet, if it was his very first day. "Excuse me." Blaine said as he walked over to the warblers.

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

Yeah, I know it's hard to remember,
The people we used to be...
It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me.

You say it's too late to make it,
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

If "Happy Ever Afters" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of it.
One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

Now I'm at a payphone

As soon as the last note rang out, the hall exploded with cheers. The Warblers' were all grinning, being congratulated with pats on the back and high fives. Kurt had never even thought such a thing to be true. Here he was, going through all the suffering of being outcasted for who he was, and being picked on for being in glee club, while these guys were basking in all their glory.

Blaine walked back over to Kurt, grinning, bringing him out of his thoughts. "So?"

"Wow." Kurt breathlessly replied. He was mesmerized. Blaine voice was amazing. The whole ordeal was outstanding.

"So...you liked it?"


"Is that all you can say?"

"Wo- I mean...sorry." Kurt could feel his face heating up. Damnit, Hummel. Keep your shit together. Blaine chuckled at his adorableness.

"So, are you boarding?" The question caught Kurt by surprise.

"Y-yes. I live in Lima, so driving everyday isn't really an option..."

"Okay. What do you say we head up to Mrs. Everette's office and get your rooming situations figured out?"

Kurt nodded sadly, thinking of how much he was going to miss his McKinley friends. He loved them; they were his family. This whole thing was just gonna be something he'll have to get used to.

Here we go.